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racing to Mars
racing to Mars

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狼行千里吃肉, 狗行千里吃屎。干啥啥不行, 吃啥啥不剩。说的就是你这种人 ! 怎么 ? 不服 ? 那你干成过啥事情, 说来听听 ! 说嘛,我TM真的很想听听你有哪些光辉事迹 ! 洗耳恭听 !

有的人活得像太阳一样, 光芒万丈 ; 有的人却活得像阴沟里的老鼠

对 ! "阴沟里的老鼠" ! 我说的就是你 !

We must first become champions in physical fitness, then we will become pioneers in scientific research.

Great! It seems it is possible to be an Olympic champion and an outstanding scientist at the same time.




The greatest role of those pioneers is to be regarded as a goal and surpassed by others. Otherwise, how could humankind achieve such great achievements today?

都是两个肩膀扛一个脑袋,谁怕谁啊? 我TM还就不信了 ! 我TM又不是长着个猪脑子 ! 又没缺胳膊少腿

啊,对 ! 骨头要断了 ! 要累死了 ! 我TM还就不信了 ! 不知道干什么发出猪叫声 !

救命啊 ! 你手指划破皮啦 ! 你TM要死啦 ! 你TM赶快进ICU啊 !

Dwayne Johnson

In the "first round" of studying world-renowned textbooks or courses:

Before reading the solution to any problem in the book, I like to challenge myself to solve it myself first. It’s such an exciting experience! It feels like a conversation, a competition, and a race with the textbook authors and the pioneers of this field. Only after grappling with the same problems they once faced can you truly appreciate how brilliant they are!

As the saying goes: Only by fighting with the opponent can you understand how powerful the opponent is. Only by fighting with the masters can you make rapid progress.

每遇到难题, 就像卡卡罗特遇到新的强敌一样, 激动得热血沸腾

Whenever I face a tough problem, it feels like Goku encountering a powerful new opponent—thrilling and adrenaline-pumping !

Enough talk ! Let's fight !

Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach, 8th edition, page 69: We give only a high-level, intuitive discussion of queuing delay here; the more curious reader may want to browse through some of the books (or even eventually write a PhD thesis on the subject!)

This is the very essence of education !

Whenever a problem gets a little bit complicated, math comes into play. If you don't use math much, then the problem is probably not complicated enough. But if you can solve the original problem using simpler math, then you have made a great innovation.

Take as many notes as possible in the textbook. These can be all kinds of notes, some of which may simply express your emotions—like anger, frustration or exhilaration.

To conquer the universe, what do you need to learn ?

It is our manifest destiny to conquer the universe

because humanity has been gazing at the sky for millions of years

Manifest Destiny




The Creator wants to keep humanity trapped on Earth. Well, let's show Him who's the boss.

It is our unshirkable responsibility to lead all humankind to the sea of ​​stars and interstellar civilization.

Become the first human to land on Mars

2024: We refuse to leave the honor of 'Occupy Mars' to the next generation !


Great and arduous undertakings always make people excited !

有的人活得像太阳一样, 光芒万丈 ; 有的人却活得像阴沟里的老鼠

你想成为怎样的人 ? 你自己选 !

Those who gather firewood for others should not be left to freeze to death in the snow.

Go Army ! Sink Navy !

Go Navy ! Beat Army !

Every scientist is a warrior.

Every warrior is a scientist.

A scientist who does not want to be an Olympic champion is not a qualified scientist

You are unbelievably weak. It's like your body has no strength, no endurance—just frail and fragile.I’ve never seen someone so physically weak. It’s like every little thing exhausts you. Your body just can’t keep up with anything.It’s almost like your body is constantly on the verge of collapse, weak and powerless.You have no stamina, no power.

With such a weak body, what can you do ?

Your body just can’t keep up with anything !

路上遇到一头老虎, 队长大喊:"兄弟们,加餐啦 !"





It is hard to imagine that "perseverance" and "superb talent" can come from a weak body.

A strong body is the solid foundation of everything

We must first become champions in physical fitness, then we will become pioneers in scientific research.

Dwayne Johnson

How to run faster: When you see a person ahead of you, you speed up and sprint past him with all your strength. Then you see another person ahead of you, you speed up and sprint past him with all your strength again. Keep running like this. You are allowed to slow down as long as you have sprint past someone.

The joy of competition or a race lies in the thrill of the challenge and the satisfaction of giving your best effort.

In the excitement of competition, whether it's a race or any other sport, there's a unique joy in striving to outdo your competitors. No matter how fast the person in front of you runs, give it your all to overtake them. It doesn't matter if you only surpass them by a meter in the race, or if they quickly regain the lead; the exhilaration comes from knowing that, even for a moment, you pushed yourself to surpass them. These fleeting victories embody the spirit of competition. Embrace these moments of triumph, as they are the true essence of the race and the joy of competing.

(deadline: 2024/9/30)Run 10km in 45min, do 50 pull-ups in a row, do 50 parallel bar dips in a row, do 200 push-ups in a row, do 200 dumbbell curls in a row. If the above requirements are not met, your salary for September will be deducted, and all the deducted salary will be given as a bonus to those who meet the requirements.

goals: 2024/9/10: 10km(49min), 40 pull-ups in a row, 35 parallel-bar dips in a row, 100 push-ups in a row, 300 sit-ups in a row, 100 dumbbell curls in a row

newest records: 10km(57min), 41 pull-ups, 30 parallel-bar dips

2024/9/4: 10km(57min), 21 pull-ups, 15 parallel-bar dips, 35 push-ups

2024/9/5: 31 pull-ups, 30 parallel-bar dips

2024/9/6: 10km(57min, stay hungry), 36 pull-ups, 20 parallel-bar dips

2024/9/7: 10km(1h 2min, stay hungry), 41 pull-ups, 20 parallel-bar dips, 50 push-ups, 40 dumbbell curls

2024/9/8: 11km(1h 13min, The mooncake I ate last night upset my stomach), 31 pull-ups, 23 parallel-bar dips

2024/9/9: 10km(1h 4min), 36 pull-ups, 23 parallel-bar dips

Do some quick pull-ups, rest, then do some quick pull-ups again, then rest... No! That's not what you should do! You should hang on the bar as long as possible and do as many pull-ups as possible. You have no stamina !!!!! That's the problem !!!

Don't make the same mistake twice.

If you want to increase your pull-ups and parallel bar dips, the key is to hang for as long as possible. Stamina is the key.

2024/9/7: Congratulations ! Finally, I succeeded in completing 41 consecutive pull-ups, officially reaching the "40 pull-ups" milestone. But it takes me at least 5 years to reach this milestone ! (Five years ago, I already was able to do 33 consecutive pull-ups !) That's absurd ! What have you been doing in the past five years ??????

All your negative emotions come from your weak body

A strong mind comes from a strong body


When you sprint as hard as you can, you can't even catch up with a puppy

What’s the point of always being a follower ?

Become a pioneer

Stay hungry

The desire for knowledge is as intense as a drowning man's desire for air

The desire for victory is as intense as a drowning man's desire for air

If you don't understand sth, that's okay. What you need to do is to read a lot of material(I mean a few hundred pages) and complete all the exercises on your own. But remember to start with material that fits your ability level. Yes, that's how we get things done. Very simple ! So easy !

1, 2, 3, 4

5, 6, 7, 8

9, 10, 11, 12

2024 goal: complete 20 courses in 2024

2024-9 goal: Complete 5 courses in September 2024

Completed Courses:

1. (2024/7)(for high school students)

"You’re just a first-year primary school student. How dare you not be brave enough to strive for greatness in the future?!"

How sad it is that many Chinese parents push their children to achieve greatness rather than pushing themselves to do the same. They often say, "My life is ruined! I just want my child to succeed and have a better life."

Instead of forcing my child to fulfill my dreams, I will achieve them myself. No one in this world, now or in the future, is obligated to turn "my" dreams into reality except me.

No one is born a loser. No one is born a winner.


举火燎天何煌煌: 众人虽均是意气慷慨的豪杰,但想到此后血战四野,不知谁存谁亡,大事纵成,今日蝴蝶谷大会中的群豪只怕活不到一半,不免俱有惜别之意。是时蝴蝶谷前圣火高烧,也不知是谁忽然朗声唱了起来:“焚我残躯,熊熊圣火。生亦何欢,死亦何苦”众人齐声相和:“焚我残躯,熊熊圣火,生亦何欢,死亦何苦,为善除恶,唯光明故。喜乐悲愁,皆归尘土。怜我世人,忧患实多!怜我世人,忧患实多!”那“怜我世人,忧患实多!怜我世人,忧患实多!”的歌声,飘扬在蝴蝶谷中。群豪白衣如雪,一个个走到张无忌面前,躬身行礼,昂首而出,再不回顾。张无忌想起如许大好男儿,此后一二十年之中,行将鲜血洒遍中原大地,忍不住热泪盈眶。



"王八蛋,你打我徒孙试试 ! 你要是敢打我徒孙一掌,我便打这老家伙一百掌 !"










枭桀: 强悍桀骜。 凡盗贼之起,必有枭桀而难制者

1863年6月27日,石达开与部将曾仕和、黄再忠、韦普成着天国衣冠,在成都公堂受审,举止沉着,陈词慷慨,“寓坚强于和婉之中” “枭桀坚强之气,溢于颜面,词色不亢不卑,不作摇尾乞怜之语”,令主审官崇实理屈词穷,无言以对,而后从容就义,临刑之际,神色怡然,身受凌迟酷刑,至死默然无声,观者无不动容,叹为“奇男子”。











人外有人 山外有山


有得有失 有欠有还


挺起胸膛 咬紧牙关








It is our manifest destiny to conquer the universe

because humanity has been gazing at the sky for millions of years

Manifest Destiny



The Creator wants to keep humanity trapped on Earth. Well, let's show Him who's the boss.

It is our unshirkable responsibility to lead all humankind to the sea of ​​stars and interstellar civilization.

first Starships to Mars

a cost-per-ton-to-Mars problem

Become the first human to land on Mars

Occupy Mars 2025

Build the first city on Mars 2027

Create a Second Earth 2030

Conquer the Universe 2040

Conquer the Universe 2040

To conquer the universe by 2040, you must first absorb and master the pinnacle achievements of human civilization. To do that, you need to thoroughly study and understand all world-renowned textbooks and courses, develop a body of unparalleled strength, like that of Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong

SpaceX has achieved great success because it stands on the shoulders of many great pioneers who had absorbed and mastered the pinnacle achievements of human civilization. Without those great pioneers, Elon Musk could have done nothing !

From "soaring into the sky" to "landing humans on the moon", what incredible feats those pioneers of that era achieved! It’s absurd that we are still striving to replicate their accomplishments. We are going to Mars and beyond—not because it is easy, but because it is difficult. This is the achievement that must belong to our generation.

We refuse to leave the honor of 'Occupy Mars' to the next generation !

Whatever you want to do or learn, start doing it today, start doing it now ! Give it 3 days, then you will know whether you like it, whether it matches your ability level, and whether you want to continue. The most pathetic situation: For years, you have been wanting to learn sth, but you have taken no actions !

When you want to learn sth, spend 3 days trying different textbooks and courses to find the one that fits your ability level. It is worth it

Every day: you are required to spend 40 minutes learning sth new which may come from all kinds of disciplines, from all kinds of fields. Nowadays the achievements of human civilization are huge. You have so much to learn to stimulate your brain and expand your horizon.

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles

As long as you keep learning new things, you will always be young

Depth and breadth of knowledge

Learning Standards:

Phase 1: Choose any theorem or exercise from the textbook and be able to prove or solve it entirely on your own.

Phase 2: "What I cannot create, I do not understand." Rewrite the entire textbook from memory, without referring to the original text.

Study, Sport, Sleep, Society

The fastest path to success: world-renowned textbooks and courses + large amount of exercises.

It is exciting when you succeed solving the exercises on your own !

The large amount of exercises is of paramount importance !

If you don't want to do the exercises on your own, then don't study the textbook !

Don't study from a textbook alone. Combine your textbook with your college course, as the course has many supplementary resources to help you learn. Lots of fun stuff !

Some courses: No designated textbook; each lecture has an extensive bibliography for reading. Lots of fun stuff !

Even a genius needs a large amount of exercises to deepen his/her understanding. What about you?

The author of "This is ChatGPT" is Stephen Wolfram, a famous computer scientist, mathematician and theoretical physicist. He published "Subatomic Particle Physics" at the age of 13, published a high-energy physics paper at the age of 15, and received a doctorate from the California Institute of Technology at the age of 20. He is a true genius. His greatest contribution should be said to be the creation of the world-renowned software system: Mathematica.

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