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Security: NotYuSheng/Multimodal-Large-Language-Model


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Version Supported

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report a security vulnerability in the Localized Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) integrated with Streamlit and Ollama, please follow these steps:

  1. Submit a Report:
  • Send an email to with details about the vulnerability. Include as much information as possible, such as the version of the software affected, steps to reproduce the issue, and any other relevant details.
  1. Response Time:
  • Upon receiving your report, we will acknowledge receipt within 48 hours. We will provide an initial response with an update on the status of your report and any additional information needed within 7 days.
  1. Disclosure Process:
  • We will review the report to determine the validity and severity of the vulnerability. If the vulnerability is confirmed, we will work to address it as quickly as possible and provide a patch or mitigation steps. The timeline for resolving the issue will depend on its complexity and impact.
  1. Public Disclosure:
  • Once a fix or mitigation is available, we will notify the public about the vulnerability and the steps taken to address it. This will be done through our official communication channels, such as our website or a security advisory.
  1. Acknowledgment:

We appreciate contributions from the community in helping us improve the security of our project. We will acknowledge contributors in our release notes or security advisories as appropriate. Thank you for helping us maintain the security of our project.

There aren’t any published security advisories