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Add documentation section about renewing expired keys #26

NicoHood opened this issue Jan 30, 2021 · 5 comments

Add documentation section about renewing expired keys #26

NicoHood opened this issue Jan 30, 2021 · 5 comments


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It would also be nice, if GPGit could warn, if a key expires within the next 3 Month.

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NicoHood commented Jul 9, 2021

Fixed documentation: fa3c051

Still working on some code that checks expiration

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NicoHood commented Jul 9, 2021

@wolph Do you know if there is an easy way to use gdate as default?

This is how we do it with getopt, I am wondering if
a) my code is correct for gdate
b) it can be simplified, similar to the getopt version

# BSD getopt works completely different from gnu-getopt,
# so check if have an alternative getopt install.
if [[ -x /usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin/getopt ]]; then
    export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin/:${PATH}"

# Use gnu date on mac
if command -v gdate &> /dev/null; then
    alias date="gdate"

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wolph commented Jul 10, 2021

The code for gdate appears to be correct, that would work on my system at least.

With regards to a simpler solution, I believe there is one but it might depend on how you have gdate installed. In my case I have the coreutils package installed through brew which provides a directory with symlinks to the g-versions.

In that case, this would work:

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

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And the binary is /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin/gdate then?

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wolph commented Jul 11, 2021

No, it's date and it's symliked to gdate. Let me clarify :)

# ls -l /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin | awk '{printf "%s -> %s\n", $9, $11}'
[ -> ../../bin/g[
b2sum -> ../../bin/gb2sum
base32 -> ../../bin/gbase32
base64 -> ../../bin/gbase64
basename -> ../../bin/gbasename
basenc -> ../../bin/gbasenc
cat -> ../../bin/gcat
chcon -> ../../bin/gchcon
chgrp -> ../../bin/gchgrp
chmod -> ../../bin/gchmod
chown -> ../../bin/gchown
chroot -> ../../bin/gchroot
cksum -> ../../bin/gcksum
comm -> ../../bin/gcomm
cp -> ../../bin/gcp
csplit -> ../../bin/gcsplit
cut -> ../../bin/gcut
date -> ../../bin/gdate
dd -> ../../bin/gdd
df -> ../../bin/gdf
dir -> ../../bin/gdir
dircolors -> ../../bin/gdircolors
dirname -> ../../bin/gdirname
du -> ../../bin/gdu
echo -> ../../bin/gecho
env -> ../../bin/genv
expand -> ../../bin/gexpand
expr -> ../../bin/gexpr
factor -> ../../bin/gfactor
false -> ../../bin/gfalse
fmt -> ../../bin/gfmt
fold -> ../../bin/gfold
groups -> ../../bin/ggroups
head -> ../../bin/ghead
hostid -> ../../bin/ghostid
id -> ../../bin/gid
install -> ../../bin/ginstall
join -> ../../bin/gjoin
kill -> ../../bin/gkill
link -> ../../bin/glink
ln -> ../../bin/gln
logname -> ../../bin/glogname
ls -> ../../bin/gls
md5sum -> ../../bin/gmd5sum
mkdir -> ../../bin/gmkdir
mkfifo -> ../../bin/gmkfifo
mknod -> ../../bin/gmknod
mktemp -> ../../bin/gmktemp
mv -> ../../bin/gmv
nice -> ../../bin/gnice
nl -> ../../bin/gnl
nohup -> ../../bin/gnohup
nproc -> ../../bin/gnproc
numfmt -> ../../bin/gnumfmt
od -> ../../bin/god
paste -> ../../bin/gpaste
pathchk -> ../../bin/gpathchk
pinky -> ../../bin/gpinky
pr -> ../../bin/gpr
printenv -> ../../bin/gprintenv
printf -> ../../bin/gprintf
ptx -> ../../bin/gptx
pwd -> ../../bin/gpwd
readlink -> ../../bin/greadlink
realpath -> ../../bin/grealpath
rm -> ../../bin/grm
rmdir -> ../../bin/grmdir
runcon -> ../../bin/gruncon
seq -> ../../bin/gseq
sha1sum -> ../../bin/gsha1sum
sha224sum -> ../../bin/gsha224sum
sha256sum -> ../../bin/gsha256sum
sha384sum -> ../../bin/gsha384sum
sha512sum -> ../../bin/gsha512sum
shred -> ../../bin/gshred
shuf -> ../../bin/gshuf
sleep -> ../../bin/gsleep
sort -> ../../bin/gsort
split -> ../../bin/gsplit
stat -> ../../bin/gstat
stdbuf -> ../../bin/gstdbuf
stty -> ../../bin/gstty
sum -> ../../bin/gsum
sync -> ../../bin/gsync
tac -> ../../bin/gtac
tail -> ../../bin/gtail
tee -> ../../bin/gtee
test -> ../../bin/gtest
timeout -> ../../bin/gtimeout
touch -> ../../bin/gtouch
tr -> ../../bin/gtr
true -> ../../bin/gtrue
truncate -> ../../bin/gtruncate
tsort -> ../../bin/gtsort
tty -> ../../bin/gtty
uname -> ../../bin/guname
unexpand -> ../../bin/gunexpand
uniq -> ../../bin/guniq
unlink -> ../../bin/gunlink
uptime -> ../../bin/guptime
users -> ../../bin/gusers
vdir -> ../../bin/gvdir
wc -> ../../bin/gwc
who -> ../../bin/gwho
whoami -> ../../bin/gwhoami
yes -> ../../bin/gyes
# ls /usr/local/opt/coreutils/bin
 b2sum     gbase64     gchmod    gcsplit   gdircolors   gexpr     ghead      glink      gmkfifo   gnohup     gpinky      greadlink   gsha1sum     gshuf     gstty   gtest       gtsort      guptime   gyes     ptx         sha384sum   timeout
 base32    gbasename   gchown    gcut      gdirname     gfactor   ghostid    gln        gmknod    gnproc     gpr         grealpath   gsha224sum   gsleep    gsum    gtimeout    gtty        gusers    hostid   realpath    sha512sum   truncate
 chcon     gbasenc     gchroot   gdate     gdu          gfalse    gid        glogname   gmktemp   gnumfmt    gprintenv   grm         gsha256sum   gsort     gsync   gtouch      guname      gvdir     md5sum   runcon      shred
'g['       gcat        gcksum    gdd       gecho        gfmt      ginstall   gls        gmv       god        gprintf     grmdir      gsha384sum   gsplit    gtac    gtr         gunexpand   gwc       nproc    sha1sum     shuf
 gb2sum    gchcon      gcomm     gdf       genv         gfold     gjoin      gmd5sum    gnice     gpaste     gptx        gruncon     gsha512sum   gstat     gtail   gtrue       guniq       gwho      numfmt   sha224sum   stdbuf
 gbase32   gchgrp      gcp       gdir      gexpand      ggroups   gkill      gmkdir     gnl       gpathchk   gpwd        gseq        gshred       gstdbuf   gtee    gtruncate   gunlink     gwhoami   pinky    sha256sum   tac
# ls /bin
'['   bash   cat   chmod   cp   csh   dash   date   dd   df   echo   ed   expr   hostname   kill   ksh   launchctl   link   ln   ls   mkdir   mv   pax   ps   pwd   rm   rmdir   sh   sleep   stty   sync   tcsh   test   unlink   wait4path   zsh
# ls /sbin
apfs_hfs_convert  dmesg          fibreconfig  fsck_cs     fsck_msdos  fstyp_hfs    fstyp_udf  kextload    md5    mount_9p    mount_apfs    mount_devfs  mount_ftp    mount_nfs    mount_tmpfs   mpioutil     newfs_hfs    nfsd     pfctl  quotacheck  rtsol
apfs_unlockfv     dynamic_pager  fsck         fsck_exfat  fsck_udf    fstyp_msdos  halt       kextunload  mknod  mount_acfs  mount_cd9660  mount_exfat  mount_hfs    mount_ntfs   mount_udf     newfs_apfs   newfs_msdos  nfsiod   ping   reboot      shutdown
disklabel         emond          fsck_apfs    fsck_hfs    fstyp       fstyp_ntfs   ifconfig   launchd     mount  mount_afp   mount_cddafs  mount_fdesc  mount_msdos  mount_smbfs  mount_webdav  newfs_exfat  newfs_udf    nologin  ping6  route       umount
# ls /usr/bin
2to3-                     bzegrep            db_codegen        fixproc              infocmp            lastcomm          mdutil                       pcap-config      psed              shlock               texi2dvi                            wait
2to3-2.7                  bzfgrep            db_deadlock       flex                 infokey            lastwords         memory_pressure              pcsctest         psm               showmount            texi2pdf                            wall
AssetCacheLocatorUtil     bzgrep             db_dump           flex++               infotocap          latency           mesg                         perl             pstopdf           sigdist.d            texindex                            wc
AssetCacheManagerUtil     bzip2              db_hotbackup      fmt                  install            layerutil         mg                           perl5.18         pstruct           sips                 textutil                            wdutil
AssetCacheTetheratorUtil  bzip2recover       db_load           fold                 install-info       ld                mib2c                        perl5.30         ptar              size                 tfmtodit                            what
BuildStrings              bzless             db_printlog       fontrestore          install_name_tool  ldapadd           mib2c-update                 perlbug          ptar5.18          slogin               tftp                                whatis
CpMac                     bzmore             db_recover        footprint            instmodsh          ldapcompare       mig                          perlbug5.18      ptar5.30          smbutil              thermal                             whereis
DeRez                     c++                db_stat           format-sql           instmodsh5.18      ldapdelete        mkbom                        perlbug5.30      ptardiff             tic                                 which
GetFileInfo               c++filt            db_upgrade        format-sql5.18       instmodsh5.30      ldapexop          mkdep                        perldoc          ptardiff5.18          tidy                                who
IOAccelMemory             c2ph               db_verify         from                 instruments        ldapmodify        mkfifo                       perldoc5.18      ptardiff5.30      snfsdefrag           tidy_changelog                      whoami
IOMFB_FDR_Loader          c89                dbicadmin         fs_usage             iofile.d           ldapmodrdn        mklocale                     perldoc5.30      ptargrep          snmp-bridge-mib      tidy_changelog5.30                  whois
MergePef                  c99                dbicadmin5.18     funzip               iofileb.d          ldappasswd        mktemp                       perlivp          ptargrep5.18      snmpbulkget          tiff2icns                           wish
MvMac                     caffeinate         dbicadmin5.30     fuser                iopattern          ldapsearch        mmroff                       perlivp5.18      ptargrep5.30      snmpbulkwalk         tiffutil                            wish8.5
ResMerger                 cal                dbilogstrip       fwkdp                iopending          ldapurl           mnthome                      perlivp5.30      pwhich            snmpconf             time                                write
Rez                       calendar           dbilogstrip5.18   fwkpfv               iosnoop            ldapwhoami        moo-outdated                 perlthanks       pwhich5.18        snmpdelta            timer_analyser.d                    wsgen
RezDet                    cancel             dbilogstrip5.30   g++                  iotop              leaks             moo-outdated5.18             perlthanks5.18   pwpolicy          snmpdf               timerfires                          wsimport
RezWack                   cap_mkdb           dbiprof           gatherheaderdoc      ip2cc              leave             moose-outdated               perlthanks5.30   pydoc             snmpget              timesyncanalyse                     xar
SafeEjectGPU              captoinfo          dbiprof5.18       gcc                  ip2cc5.18          less              moose-outdated5.18           pfbtops          pydoc2.7          snmpgetnext          tkcon                               xargs
SetFile                   cc                 dbiprof5.30       gcore                ip2cc5.30          lessecho          moose-outdated5.30           pgrep            python            snmpinform           tkmib                               xattr
SplitForks                cd                 dbiproxy          gcov                 ipcount            lex               more                         phar             python-config     snmpnetstat          tkpp                                xattr-2.7
UnRezWack                 certtool           dbiproxy5.18      gdiffmk              ipcount5.18        libnetcfg         mp2bug                       phar.phar        python2           snmpset              tkpp5.30                            xcode-select
a2p                       checknr            dbiproxy5.30      gem                  ipcount5.30        libnetcfg5.18     msgs                         php              python2.7         snmpstatus           tmdiagnose                          xcodebuild
aa                        chflags            dc                gen_bridge_metadata  ipcrm              libnetcfg5.30     nano                         php-config       python2.7-config  snmptable            tmutil                              xcrun
actool                    chfn            gencat               ipcs               libtool           native2ascii                 phpize           python3           snmptest             tnameserv                           xcscontrol
addftinfo                 chgrp       genstrings           ippeveprinter      lipo              nbdst                        pic              pythonw           snmptranslate        toe                                 xcsdiagnose
afclip                    chpass      getconf              ippfind            lkbib             nc                           pico             pythonw2.7        snmptrap             top                                 xed
afconvert                 chsh               defaults          getopt               ipptool            lldb              ncal                         piconv           qlmanage          snmpusm              tops                      
afhash                    cksum              delv              getopts              iprofiler          llvm-g++          ncctl                        piconv5.18       quota             snmpvacm             topsyscall                
afida                     clang              demandoc          git                  iptab              llvm-gcc          ncdestroy                    piconv5.30       rails             snmpwalk             topsysproc                
afinfo                    clang++            desdp             git-receive-pack     iptab5.18          loads.d           ncinit                       pidpersec.d      rake              sntp                 touch                               xip
afktool                   clear              diagnose-fu       git-shell            iptab5.30          locale            nclist                       pip3             ranlib            soelim               tput                                xjc
afmtodit                  cmp                diff              git-upload-archive   irb                localedef         ncurses5.4-config            pkgbuild         rdoc              sort                 tr                                  xml2-config
afplay                    cmpdylib           diff3             git-upload-pack      jar                locate            neqn                         pkill            read              sourcekit-lsp        trace                               xml2man
afscexpand                codesign           diffstat          gm4                  jarsigner          lockstat          net-server                   pl               readlink          spfd                 traptoemail                         xmlcatalog
agentxtrap                codesign_allocate  dig               gnumake              java               log               net-server5.18               pl2pm            rebase            spfd5.18             treereg                             xmllint
agvtool                   col                dirname           gperf                javac              logger            net-server5.30               pl2pm5.18        redo_prebinding   spfd5.30             treereg5.18                         xpath
alias                     colcrt             dispqlen.d        grep                 javadoc            login             net-snmp-cert                pl2pm5.30        refer             spfquery             treereg5.30                         xpath5.18
app-sso                   colldef            ditto             grn                  javah              logname           net-snmp-config              plockstat        renice            spfquery5.18         trimforce                           xpath5.30
applesingle               colrm              dmc               grodvi               javap              look              net-snmp-create-v3-user      pluginkit        reset             spfquery5.30         troff                               xslt-config
appletviewer              column             dns-sd            groff                javapackager       lookbib           nettop                       plutil           resolveLinks      splain               true                                xsltproc
apply                     comm               drutil            groffer              javaws             lorder            newaliases                   pmset            rev               splain5.18           trustcachectl                       xsubpp
apropos                   command            dscacheutil       grog                 jcmd               lp                newgrp                       pod2html         ri                splain5.30           tset                                xsubpp5.18
apt                       compress           dscl              grolbp               jconsole           lpoptions         newproc.d                    pod2html5.18     rmic              split                tsort                               xsubpp5.30
ar                        compression_tool   dserr             grolj4               jcontrol           lpq               nfsstat                      pod2html5.30     rmid              sqlite3              tty                                 xxd
arch                      config_data        dsexport          grops                jdb                lpr               nice                         pod2latex        rmiregistry       ssh                  type                                yaa
as                        config_data5.30    dsimport          grotty               jdeps              lprm              nl                           pod2man          rpcgen            ssh-add              ul                                  yacc
asa                       corelist           dsmemberutil      groups               jhat               lpstat            nm                           pod2man5.18      rs                ssh-agent            ulimit                              yamlpp-events
assetutil                 corelist5.18       dsymutil          gunzip               jhsdb              lsappinfo         nmedit                       pod2man5.30      rsync             ssh-copy-id          umask                               yamlpp-events5.30
at                        corelist5.30       dtruss            gzcat                jimage             lsbom             nohup                        pod2readme       ruby              ssh-keygen           unalias                             yamlpp-highlight
atos                      cpan               du                gzexe                jinfo              lskq              notifyutil                   pod2readme5.18   rview             ssh-keyscan          uname                               yamlpp-highlight5.30
atq                       cpan2dist          dwarfdump         gzip                 jjs                lsm               nroff                        pod2readme5.30   rvim              stapler              uncompress                          yamlpp-load
atrm                      cpan5.18           easy_install      h2ph                 jlink              lsmp              nscurl                       pod2text         rwbypid.d         stat                 unexpand                            yamlpp-load-dump
atsutil                   cpan5.30           easy_install-2.7  h2ph5.18             jmap               lsvfs             nslookup                     pod2text5.18     rwbytype.d        stringdups           unifdef                             yamlpp-load-dump5.30
automator                 cpanp              egrep             h2ph5.30             jmc                lwp-download      nsupdate                     pod2text5.30     rwsnoop           strings              unifdefall                          yamlpp-load5.30
auval                     cpanp-run-perl     enc2xs            h2xs                 jobs               lwp-download5.18  objdump                      pod2usage        s2p               strip                uniq                                yamlpp-parse-emit
auvaltool                 cpio               enc2xs5.18        h2xs5.18             join               lwp-download5.30  ocspcheck                    pod2usage5.18    safaridriver              units                               yamlpp-parse-emit5.30
avbdiagnose               cpp                enc2xs5.30        h2xs5.30             jot                lwp-dump          od                           pod2usage5.30    sample            unpack200                           yapp
avbutil                   cpu_profiler.d     encguess          hash                 jpackage           lwp-dump5.18      odutil                       podchecker       sampleproc        su                   unvis                               yapp5.30
avconvert                 cpuctl             encode_keychange  hdid                 jps                lwp-dump5.30      open                         podchecker5.18   sandbox-exec      sudo                 unzip                               yes
avmediainfo               cpuwalk.d          env               hdiutil              jrunscript         lwp-mirror        opendiff                     podchecker5.30   say               sum                  unzipsfx                            zcat
avmetareadwrite           crc32              eqn               hdxml2manxml         jsadebugd          lwp-mirror5.18    opensnoop                    podselect        sc_usage          sw_vers              update_dyld_shared_cache            zcmp
awk                       crc325.18          erb               head                 jshell             lwp-mirror5.30    openssl                      podselect5.18       swcutil              update_dyld_shared_cache_root_mode  zdiff
banner                    crc325.30          errinfo           headerdoc2html       json_pp            lwp-request       orbd                         podselect5.30   swift                update_mcdp29xx                     zegrep
base64                    creatbyproc.d      ex                heap                 json_pp5.18        lwp-request5.18   osacompile                   policytool   swiftc               uptime                              zfgrep
basename                  crlrefresh         execsnoop         hexdump              json_pp5.30        lwp-request5.30   osadecompile                 post-grohtml     schemagen         symbols              usbcfwflasher                       zforce
bashbug                   crontab            expand            hidutil              json_xs            m4                osalang              scp               symbolscache         users                               zgrep
batch                     csdiagnose         expect            hiutil               json_xs5.30        macbinary         osascript                    powermetrics     screen            syscallbypid.d       uttype                              zip
bc                        csgather           extcheck          host                 jstack             macerror          otool                        pp               script            syscallbyproc.d      uucp                                zipcloak
bg                        csplit             eyapp             hostinfo             jstat              macerror5.18      pack200                      pp5.30           sdef              syscallbysysc.d      uudecode                            zipdetails
biff                      csreq              eyapp5.18         hotspot.d            jstatd             macerror5.30      package-stash-conflicts      ppdc             sdiff             sysdiagnose          uuencode                            zipdetails5.18
binhex                    csrutil            eyapp5.30         hpftodit             jvisualvm          machine           package-stash-conflicts5.18  ppdhtml          sdp               syslog               uuidgen                             zipdetails5.30                 ctags              false             hpmdiagnose          kcc                mail              package-stash-conflicts5.30  ppdi             sdx               systemextensionsctl  uulog                               zipgrep             ctf_insert         fc                htmltree             kdestroy           mailq             pagesize                     ppdmerge         security          tab2space            uuname                              zipinfo             cu                 fddist            htmltree5.18         kextutil           mailx             pagestuff                    ppdpo            sed               tabs                 uupick                              zipnote
bioutil                   cups-config        fdesetup          htmltree5.30         keytool            make                           pr               seeksize.d        tail                 uustat                              zipsplit
bison                     cupstestppd        fg                ibtool               kgetcred           makeinfo                   pre-grohtml      segedit           tailspin             uuto                                zless
bitesize.d                curl               fgrep             iconutil             kill.d             malloc_history    parl                         priclass.d       seq               talk                 uux                                 zmore
bputil                    curl-config        file              iconv                killall            man               parl5.30                     pridist.d        serialver         tar                  vi                                  znew
brctl                     cut                filebyproc.d      ictool               kinit              mandoc            parldyn                      printenv         servertool        taskinfo             view                                zprint
bsdtar                    cvaffinity         fileproviderctl   id                   klist              mandoc_soelim     parldyn5.30                  printf           setregion         tbl                  vim
bspatch                   cvcp               filtercalltree    idle                 kmutil             manpath           passwd                       procsystime      setuids.d         tbtdiagnose          vimdiff
bundle                    cvmkdir            find              idle2.7              kpasswd            mcxquery          paste                        productbuild     sfltool           tccutil              vimtutor
bundler                   cvmkfile           find2perl         idlj                 krb5-config        mcxrefresh        patch                        productsign      sftp              tclsh                vis
bunzip2                   dappprof           findrule          imptrace             kswitch            mddiagnose        pathchk                      profiles         shar              tclsh8.5             vm_stat
bzcat                     dapptrace          findrule5.18      indent               ktrace             mdfind            pathopens.d                  prove            shasum            tee                  vmmap
bzcmp                     db_archive         findrule5.30      indxbib              lam                mdimport          pbcopy                       prove5.18        shasum5.18        test-yaml            vtool
bzdiff                    db_checkpoint      finger            info                 last               mdls              pbpaste                      prove5.30        shasum5.30        test-yaml5.30        w
# ls /usr/sbin
BootCacheControl       aslmanager       chown          cvdbset       dnctl              graphicssession  iostat           logresolve           networksetup  postdrop   racoon                 scutil      slappasswd      sysadminctl         universalaccessd  xartutil
DevToolsSecurity       asr              chroot         cvfsck        dot_clean          gssd             ipconfig         lpadmin              newsyslog     postfix    rarpd                  securityd   slapschema      sysctl              unsetpassword     xsanctl
DirectoryService       audit            ckksctl        cvfsdb        dsconfigad         hdik             kadmin           lpc                  nfs4mapid     postkick   repairHomePermissions  sendmail    slaptest        syslogd             usernoted         xscertadmin
KernelEventAgent       auditd           coreaudiod     cvfsid        dsconfigldap       htcacheclean     kadmin.local     lpinfo               nlcontrol     postlock   repquota               serverinfo  smbd            system_profiler     uuchk             zdump
PasswordService        auditreduce      createhomedir  cvgather      dseditgroup        htdbm            kcditto          lpmove               notifyd       postlog    rotatelogs             setkey      smbdiagnose     systemkeychain      uucico            zic
WirelessRadioManagerd  authserver       cron           cvlabel       dsenableroot       htdigest         kdcsetup         lsof                 nvram         postmap    rpc.lockd              setquota    sndiskmove      systemsetup         uuconv
ab                     automount        cupsaccept     cvmkfs        dtrace             htpasswd         kextcache        mDNSResponder        ocspd         postmulti  rpc.statd              sharing     snmpd           systemsoundserverd  uusched
ac                     avbdeviced       cupsctl        cvupdatefs    edquota            httpd            kextfind         mDNSResponderHelper  otctl         postqueue  rpcbind                skywalkctl  snmptrapd       systemstats         uuxqt
accton                 bless            cupsd          cvversions    envvars            httpd-wrapper    kextlibs         mkextunpack          pdisk         postsuper  rpcinfo                slapacl     snquota         taskpolicy          vifs
amt                    bluetoothaudiod  cupsdisable    dbmmanage     envvars-std        httxt2dbm        kextstat         mkfile               periodic      pppd       rtadvd                 slapadd     softwareupdate  tcpdump             vipw
apachectl              bluetoothd       cupsenable     ddns-confgen  fcgistarter        iRATBW.mlmodelc  klist_cdhashes   mkpassdb             php-fpm       praudit    rtsold                 slapauth    spctl           tpctl               visudo
applecamerad           bnepd            cupsfilter     dev_mkdb      fdisk              installer        krbservicesetup  mtree                pkgutil       purge      sa                     slapcat     spindump        traceroute          vpnd
appleh13camerad        cfprefsd         cupsreject     disktool      filecoordinationd  ioalloccount     ktutil           ndp                  postalias     pwd_mkdb   sc_auth                slapconfig  spray           traceroute6         vsdbutil
appsleepd              chat             cvadmin        diskutil      firmwarepasswd     ioclasscount     languagesetup    netbiosd             postcat       quotaoff   screencapture          slapdn      sshd            tsig-keygen         weakpass_edit
arp                    checkgid         cvdb           distnoted     gpt                ioreg            localemanager    netstat              postconf      quotaon    scselect               slapindex   sso_util        uasysdiagnose       wfsctl

Anything in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin should be stock. User installed applications should always end up in /usr/local

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