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Sarufi Telegram chatbot blueprint

A blueprint for deploying telegram bots made using Sarufi


  • Create Project directory

    Create a project directory Telegram bot. In this directory we are going to create a virtual environment to hold our package.

    mkdir 'Telegram bot'
    cd 'Telegram bot'
  • Make virtual environment and install requirements

    Using virtual environment is a good practice, so we are going to create one. You can read more on why use virtual environment. We shall install all necessary packages in the environment

    python3 -m venv sarufi
    source sarufi/bin/activate
  • Creating a telegram bot

    To create a chatbot on Telegram, you need to contact the BotFather, which is essentially a bot used to create other bots.

    The command you need is /newbot which leads to several steps. Follow the steps then you will have you bot's token


In this part, we are going to clone the Sarufi Telegram Chatbot deployment Blueprint and install the packages.

  • Clone and install requirements.

    Run the commands below

    git clone
    cd telegram-chatbot-blueprint
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Getting Sarufi credentials.

    To authorize our chabot, we are are going to use authorization keys from sarufi. Log in into your sarufi account. Go to your Profile on account to get Authorization keys(client ID and client secret)

    Sarufi authorazation keys

  • Environment variables

    After installing packages, we need to configure our credentials. In telegram-chatbot-blueprint, create a file(.env) to hold environment variables.

    In .env, we are going to add the following credetials. Using your favourite text editor add the following:-

    SARUFI_BOT_ID= bot id
    TELEGRAM_TOKEN = telegram token
    START_MESSAGE= Hi {name}, Welcome To {bot_name}, How can i help you

    Note: The Start Message will be bot's reponse when a user sends /start command to your bot.

    You can customize the message to your preference. You have the following variable that you can use in your start message to make it more personalized:-

    • {name} - User's name. This is the name the user has on Telegram
    • {bot_name} - Bot's name from Sarufi Dashboard

    Here is example of a start message:-

    Hi {name}, Welcome To {bot_name}, How can i help you?


Its the time you have been waiting for. Lets lauch 🚀 our bot.


Open your telegram app, search for your bot --> Send it a text. You can see a sample bot below

NOTE: All operations are done in activated virtual environment for convience

Running in replit

Clone telegram blueprint and add your secret keys. Navigate to your tools in replit --> secrets --> add your secret keys

Replit tools section

Secret key value
TELEGRAM_TOKEN telegram token
START_MESSAGE Hi {name}, Welcome To {bot_name}, How can i help you

Sample Bot test

Here is a sample bot deployed in Telegram Telegram bot sample video


If you will face any issue, please raise one so as we can fix it as soon as possible


If there is something you would like to contribute, from typos to code to documentation, feel free to do so, JUST FORK IT.


All the credits to

  1. kalebu
  2. Jovine
  3. All other contributors