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A docker container to simplify the process of creating Nginx configs.


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Nginx Config Manager

This docker container makes it a lot easier to manage Nginx configs.

Instead of creating an entire new file with a lot of boilerplate you can just easily add a new line to the config. Nginx Config Manager will create the Nginx config for you, and automatically requests certificates for it using certbot. It will also create Diffie-Hellman parameters, this could take a while when the container launches for the first time. If you use cloudflare, it can also automatically restore your visitor ip addresses. (See Cloudflare)


This version uses nginx:stable-alpine as a parent container. This allows it to reload nginx by itself. If you would like to have a standalone version see #standalone


The only required change is CERTBOT_EMAIL.

Click Here for a list of Environment Options.

version: "3.3"

        image: netfloex/nginx:v2.4.0
        container_name: nginx
            CERTBOT_EMAIL: EMAIL # Required
            - 80:80
            - 443:443
            #  Optional

            # - ./logs:/var/log/nginx
            # - ./nginx_config_files:/etc/nginx/conf.d
            - ./data:/app/data # Needed when using custom files or cloudflare, this is used as a cache.

            # Required

            - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
            - ./config:/app/config

You can create a config file using json5, js or yaml. The file should be placed in the config folder as config.(yml|yaml|json|jsonc|json5|js)

javascript json yaml

Pick your favorite language to write your config in and create a file like "config/config.yml"

Simple Example:

module.exports = {
	cloudflare: true, // When using Cloudflare
	servers: {
		"": {
			proxy_pass: "http://mysite:3000",
			subdomains: {
				www: "http://mysite:3000" // Converts to

The above example could be shorter:

module.exports = {
	cloudflare: true, // When using Cloudflare
	servers: {
		"": "http://mysite:3000",
		"": "http://mysite:3000"

This example fetches the latest ips from Cloudflare, enables SSL with Certbot, creates DH-Params, and creates two config files:  >  http://mysite:3000  >  http://mysite:3000

A more complete example can be found here.

Good to Know

The entire config is located in one file.

All properties are optional.

The config is validated by zod, so you know when you make mistakes.

If you only need a proxy pass you can shorten it:

Instead of writing:

/* servers: */ {
	"": {
		proxy_pass: "http://base_domain:80"

You can also write:

/* servers: */ {
	"": "http://base_domain:80"

Reloading config

The config can be reloaded by sending a SIGHUP signal to the container. This updates Nginx's configuration files and renews certificates if needed.

When running inside docker:

docker kill --signal=HUP nginx_config_manager

Variable Substitution

You can use environment variables in your config by using %env:VARIABLE%, where VARIABLE is your variable.

Note: currently this is only possible when using JSON
Tip: If your using js, you can also use process.env

# environment variables
// config.json
/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	// Single user
	"auth": {
		"username": "%env:USERNAME%", // "John"
		"password": "%env:PASSWORD%" // "Doe"


Server Options

Global Options


This is a list of options possible inside a (sub)domain or location.

Proxy Pass

Proxies the request to another location.

When the container starts a DNS Lookup is performed to test if the hostname is valid. To disable this see Environment Options

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	proxy_pass: "http://hostname:80";


Custom CSS

This adds a custom CSS file to an application. It should be a url to a CSS file.

This file is downloaded and compressed, its then stored inside /app/custom/css Configurable.

The compressed CSS is then appended to the end of the <head> by using Nginx's sub_filter.

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	custom_css: ""; // The use of an array is possible too

It will add the following directives:

# Don't sent this header to the proxy
proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
sub_filter '</head>' '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/custom_assets/css/**.css"></head>';
sub_filter_once on;



Custom JS

This allows to use a custom JS file. It should be a url to a JS file.

This file is downloaded, its then stored inside /app/custom/js Configurable.

This file is appended to the end of the <body> by using Nginx's sub_filter.

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	custom_js: ""; // The use of an array is possible too

It will add the following directives:

# Don't sent this header to the proxy
proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
sub_filter '</body>' '<script src="/custom_assets/js/**.js"></script></body>';
sub_filter_once on;




Option to enable Websocket support, this adds the following to the config:

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_http_version 1.1;


/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	websocket: true; // Default: false



Allows adding headers to the response.

Expects an object with key values of the headers.

These headers are sent to the client

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	headers: {
		"Content-Type": "text/html",
		"x-powered-by": "overridden"



Adds a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with the supplied value.

Expects an url, or true/* to allow any origin.



This may be useful to show a custom message with a custom status code.

This is equivalent to Nginx's return

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	"return": `404 "Not found"`,
	headers: {
		"Content-Type": "text/html",
		"x-powered-by": "overridden"



For displaying simple HTML. This is equivalent to "return": 200 "Message"``

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	"html": "<h1>Hello World</h1>"



Redirect to another location

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	redirect: "/new_location";



Allows for complex redirects, the redirect only happens if the first argument matches.

This is equivalent to Nginx's rewrite

Note: If possible redirect/return should be used.

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	rewrite: "^/users/(.*)$ /users?id=$1"; // Redirects /users/test to /users?id=test


Static Files

Allows hosting static files, same as root When not using an absolute path it's relative to /app

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	static: "site"; // Resolves to /app/site

Docker Compose

    - ./site:/app/site

Basic Auth

Enables authorization for a page

Expects an object with username and password. Can also be an array for multiple users.

The password is hashed using Apache's apr1 md5 algorithm. A .htpasswd file is created and stored inside $DATA/auth

Tip: If you don't want your password visible inside the config use Variable Substitution

/* Server/Subdomain/Location: */ {
	// Single user
	auth: {
		username: "user",
		password: "pass"

	// Shorthand for using default username (admin by default)
	auth: "password",

	// Multiple Users
	auth: [
			username: "bob",
			password: "hi"
			username: "other",
			password: "user"

If you do not specify the username the default will be used (admin), to change this edit:

/* Config: */ {
	username: "bob"
	servers: {
		"": {
			proxy_pass: "http://example",
			auth: "password" // Username is bob


Location Blocks

/* Server/Subdomain: */ {
	location: {
		"/custom/path": {
			proxy_pass: "http://proxy_pass:80",

			// Any other option...
			custom_css: ""

or simplified:

/* Server/Subdomain: */ {
	location: {
		"/custom/path": "http://proxy_pass:80"


Cloudflare Real IP

Retrieves Cloudflare's ips and creates a Nginx config to trust their CF-Connecting-IP header as a source for a visitors real ip.

By default this data is cached for 7 days. Edit

Currently this only updates when the container starts.

// config.js
module.exports = {
	cloudflare: true,
	servers: {}


Access Log Format

This allows customizing the access log format. For variables see here

// config.js
module.exports = {
	nginx: {
		log: "$time_local $remote_addr"


Environment Options

Don't Check Hosts

For every proxy_pass's hostname a DNS lookup is performed to test if it can be found in upstream.

If the dns lookup fails the container exits with an error: Could not resolve: host. This check is useful because otherwise Nginx will exit later.

To disable this check, set the following variable:

DONT_CHECK_HOSTS="true" # Default: false

Allow unresolved hosts

When nginx encounters a proxy_pass directive it does a DNS lookup. If this fails Nginx will exit / wont start.

To allow starting you can set:

DONT_EXIT_NO_UPSTREAM="true" # Default: false

Don't download custom files

Disables the actual downloading of the files specified using custom_css or custom_js.

Mainly useful for testing in this workflow

DONT_DOWNLOAD_FILES="true" # Default: false

Cloudflare Cache Duration

The Cloudflare Option caches the list of ip addresses. By default for 7 days. To customize this duration set the following variable in milliseconds:

CLOUDFLARE_CACHE_DURATION="2419200000" # Default: 604800000

Diffie-Hellman parameter size

The default size is 2048, which should be secure enough. If you make this value larger it will take longer to create.

Note: if you want to change the size, you should also delete your old dhparam.pem otherwise it won't be recreated.


Disable Certbot

If you have a domain without or with expired certificates this container will request certificates for that domain.

To disable this you can set the following:


Enable config without certificates

A domain without certificates will not be created (because Nginx will throw an error on launch)

If you would like to create configs even when it has missing certificate files:


Certbot Email (Required)

This email is used to request certificates using certbot. Letsencrypt will send you an email when a certificate expires soon. In the future an option will be added to register without email using certbot's --register-unsafely-without-email. More info here


Letsencrypt Staging environment

When using Letsencrypt's production environment to test things out, there is a high chance you will be running against rate limits.

In order to use the staging environment:


ECDSA or RSA certificates

By default the container requests ECDSA certificates, which uses a newer encryption algorithm than RSA certificates.

If you still want RSA certificates:

Note: You might need to wait until your certificates expire in order to replace them automatically.


Watch config file

Watches the config file for changes, and live reloads when it changes.

Currently this can only be used with the standalone image Because the node process wil run forever so nginx won't be started


Log formatting

By default the log is formatted so every message starts at the same width.

If you want to disable the adding of spaces you can disable this by setting:


Disable log elements

If you would like to disable certain elements in the log messages you can:

0.100s [NCM] [INFO] [CONFIG] Config is valid
Time Name Tag


All values are set to there default, the commented value is the path inside the container.

You can update each path by setting the environment variable

# The config folder
CONFIG_PATH="./config" # /app/config

# If you want to point to a specific file instead of a folder

# Nginx folder
NGINX_PATH="./nginx" # /etc/nginx

# Generated configs folder
NGINX_CONFIG_PATH="$NGINX_PATH/conf.d" # /etc/nginx/conf.d

# The cloudflare ip list config path
CLOUDFLARE_CONFIG_PATH="$NGINX_CONFIG_PATH/cloudflare.conf" # /etc/nginx/conf.d/cloudflare.conf

# Letsencrypt directory

# Diffie-Hellman file
DHPARAM_PATH="$LETSENCRYPT_PATH/dhparams/dhparams.pem" # /etc/letsencrypt/dhparams/dhparams.pem

# Data location, cloudflare ip cache, custom files and auth files
DATA_PATH="./data" # /app/data

# Stores custom files: CSS & JS
CUSTOM_FILES_PATH="$DATA_PATH/custom" # /app/data/custom

# Stores auth files, Stores the username:hashed_password
AUTH_PATH="$DATA_PATH/auth" # /app/data/auth

# Stores a cache of the cloudflare ip list.
STORE_PATH="$DATA_PATH/store.json" # /app/data/store.json



You can also run this container without Nginx builtin.

Keep in mind that this also means that NCM won't be able to reload nginx.

So you will have to this manually by running docker exec nginx nginx -s reload each time new configs are created

If you want you let NCM watch your config file for changes see here

In order to do so see this Docker Compose

Old Parent Image

In older versions this container used JonasAlfredsson/docker-nginx-certbot as a parent container. Since version v2.0.0 most of it's features like requesting certificates and generating Diffie-Hellman parameters are now included in this container.