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A helm chart for deploying Neoload Web on your Kubernetes cluster

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NeoLoad Web

NeoLoad Web allows testing teams to view, analyze and monitor tests wherever they're running from and wherever the teams are. Enabling real-time access to this information improves anomaly detection by allowing performance trending and simplifying root cause analysis.

SaaS version is available here

Key features

  • Share a centralized view of the tests from anywhere in the world in real time
  • Monitor big trends with graphs
  • Get a closer look by diving into the details of a test
  • Test data is hosted in the NeoLoad Web Cloud: tests can be accessed even when the NeoLoad Controller which launched them is not available


This chart deploys NeoLoad Web on your Kubernetes cluster.


NeoLoad is licensed under the following License Agreement. You must agree to this license agreement to download and use the image.


This license does not permit further distribution.

Targeted audience

This chart is meant for experimented Kubernetes/Helm users as a successful installation and exploitation of the application is very environment dependant.



NeoLoad Web will require your cluster to run a minimum of 2 pods, hosting the frontend and the backend separately. Here is a table to let you quickly estimate the resource requirements of your nodes, based on resources.frontend.* and resources.backend.* (see Advanced Configuration).

Deployment Content Requests Limits
Minimal 1 Frontend Pod, 1 Backend Pod 2 CPU, 4Gi RAM 4 CPU, 5Gi RAM
Default 2 Frontend Pods, 2 Backend Pods 4 CPU, 8Gi RAM 8CPU, 10Gi RAM
Advanced X Frontend Pods, Y Backend Pods X*1 + Y*1 CPU, X*1500 + Y*2500 Mi RAM X*2 + Y*2 CPU, X*2 + Y*3 Gi RAM


Ingress controller

You can use your favorite ingress controller for enabling your ingresses to route external traffic to NeoLoad Web.

This chart is tested, maintained and shipped with default values for the nginx ingress controller. Supported ingress controllers are: nginx, OpenShift.

You can find documentation for nginx ingress controller here. You can find documentation for OpenShift ingress controller here.

Basic configuration options are detailled here and you can find advanced configuration options here.


Using another ingress controller may require additional chart tuning from your part.

MongoDB Prerequisites

You can find your external MongoDB prerequisites here.


You CANNOT connect multiple NeoLoad Web instances (whether they are in the same namespace or not) to the same MongoDB instance.


You have a specific values-custom to ease the deployment of NeoLoad Web on OpenShift: values-custom-openshift.yaml.

In this file you will have to modify the security context parameters to match your cluster rights. You can find documentation on security context here.

To enable TLS on your routes you should:

  • Have a valid certificate.
  • Fill your certificate in the values-custom-openshift.yaml file.
  • Or reference the name of the secret that holds that certificat.


  1. Add the Neotys chart repository or update it if you already had it registered
helm repo add neotys
helm repo update
  1. Download and set up your values-custom.yaml file

You can refer to the 'Getting started' section for basic configuration options.

  1. Create a dedicated namespace
kubectl create namespace my-namespace
  1. Install with the following command
helm install my-release neotys/nlweb -n my-namespace -f ./values-custom.yaml

Since Helm 3.2+ you can skip step 3, and add the --create-namespace option to this command


To uninstall the my-release deployment:

$ helm uninstall my-release -n my-namespace


You can use the helm upgrade command when you want to :

  1. Upgrade your NeoLoad Web installation.
  2. Benefit from a newer chart version.
  3. Change some values/environment variables in your deployment.


In that last case, keep in mind that when updating your repositories, you may fetch a new chart/application version that could change your whole deployment. To avoid that, you can add the --version=x.x.x to the helm upgrade command and force your chart version to remain the same as the one deployed.

helm repo update
helm upgrade my-release neotys/nlweb -n my-namespace -f ./values-custom.yaml

Upgrade guides

The following docs can help you when migrating chart version with breaking changes.

Targeted versions Link
1.x.x to 2.x.x Upgrade Guide
2.x.x to 2.3.x Upgrade Guide
2.3.x to 2.4.x Upgrade Guide
2.3.x to 2.4.x Upgrade Guide
4.2.x to 2023.1.x Upgrade Guide

Version compatibility

Due to Helm Charts nature, there are two distinct version numbers to keep track of :

  • NeoLoad Web version
  • The Chart version

You should always upgrade (see the upgrade section) with the new chart version, as we release a new one for every NeoLoad Web release we make. But you also have the possibility to manage independantly NeoLoad Web version by changing the images tags (see image.backend.repository and image.frontend.repository ).

However you should be aware of the following compatibility table to understand which combinations are supported.

_ NeoLoad Web Version < 2.9.X NeoLoad Web Version >= 2.9.X
Chart Version < 2.0.0 OK OK
Chart Version >= 2.0.0 KO OK


This schema describe:

  • Components created inside the kubernetes cluster by this chart
  • How they interact between them
  • How they interact with components outside the cluster:
    • NeoLoad Web UI through a web browser
    • NeoLoad Controller
    • NeoLoad Load Generator
    • Any integration based on NeoLoad Web API
    • MongoDB server

NeoLoad Web deployment schema

High Availability

From versions 2.0.0 of this chart and 2.9.0 of NeoLoad Web, we include a mecanism for High Availability. This means you can easily scale your NeoLoad Web frontend/backend, and the application will be more failure tolerant.

Use replicaCount.frontend and replicaCount.backend values to arrange your Deployment the way you see fit. We set a default of 2 frontend instances and 2 backend instances so you get a resilient NeoLoad Web application out of the box.

This change has a few impacts on your NeoLoad Web deployment.

  • From now on your cluster will need to be able to deploy at least 2 pods (one for frontend and one for backend) instead of 1. Some nodes can restrain the number of simultaneous pods, so you need to make sure it is allowed.
  • Your ingress controller needs to support sticky sessions, meaning that it can ensure a user is always dispatched to the same frontend instance throughout his session. We provide a basic configuration for nginx in our values-custom.yaml file.
  • Some additional cluster roles are required. See cluster-role.yaml.

Check out the upgrade section to learn more about upgrading your chart.


Getting started

Here is a guide for a quick setup of your values-custom.yaml file.

MongoDB configuration

Host and port

The preferred way to configure MongoDB connection information is to replace YOUR_MONGODB_HOST_URL by the full connection string URI. See MongoDB official documentation.
You must also set port to 0.
Username and/or password can be provided in the URI, special characters must be URL-encoded. By doing this, you must set usePassword to false in the below section "Authentication".

        port: 0


For MongoDB requiring SSL connection, the host value must look like: mongodb://


For MongoDB as a cluster of machines (replica set), the host value must look like: mongodb://,,


For MongoDB connection with DNS Seedlist Connection Format, the host value must look like: mongodb+srv://,,


The compatibility with older configurations is kept. The host and port values can be set to your MongoDB server hostname and port according to your setup.


Other custom connection options are supported, see MongoDB connection string options official documentation here.


Depending on your mongoDB setup you must specify if an authentication is required or not. There are two options:

  • Either set user info directly in the URI (see above section "Host and port")
  • Or set usePassword to true and replace the YOUR_MONGODB_USER and YOUR_MONGODB_PASSWORD placeholders accordingly in below example.
### MongoDB user configuration
  usePassword: true
  mongodbUsername: YOUR_MONGODB_USER
  mongodbPassword: YOUR_MONGODB_PASSWORD

NeoLoad Web secret key

The NeoLoad Web secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the passwords that are stored by NeoLoad Web. It must be 8 characters minimum. If not set, NeoLoad Web will not start.

    # The secret key must be at least 8 characters long
    secretKey: MySecretKeyForNeoLoadWeb


Do not modify this key from one deployment to another, otherwise NeoLoad Web will not be able to read previously stored secrets from your database.

NeoLoad Web URLs

NeoLoad Web needs to know the set of hostnames it will be available under. You need to carefully configure them.



You must configure your DNS records. These 3 hostnames must point to the Ingress controller endpoint.


If the nginx ingress controller is bound to the IP, your must define the following DNS records:        60 IN A    60 IN A  60 IN A

Advanced configuration

Here is a list of all parameters supported by this helm chart.

Parameter Description Default
image.backend.repository The backend image repository to pull from neotys/neoload-web-backend
image.backend.pullPolicy The backend image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.backend.tag The backend image tag See appVersion in Chart.yaml
image.frontend.repository The frontend image repository to pull from neotys/neoload-web-frontend
image.frontend.pullPolicy The frontend image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.frontend.tag The frontend image tag See appVersion in Chart.yaml
imagePullSecrets The image pull secrets []
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true The name of the service account to use
podSecurityContext The pod security context { fsGroup: 2000 }
securityContext The security context { runAsUser: 2000 }
domain Domain name used to configure cookies. If your frontend and api URLs are &, then the value of domain must be The hostname for the webapp/front deployment
services.webapp.type The service type for the webapp/front deployment ClusterIP
services.webapp.port The service port for the webapp/front deployment 80
services.webapp.ingress.paths The path mapping for the webapp/front ingress [""] The hostname for the api deployment
services.api.type The service type for the api deployment ClusterIP
services.api.port The service port for the api deployment 80
services.api.ingress.paths The path mapping for the api ingress [""] The hostname for the files deployment
services.files.type The service type for the files deployment ClusterIP
services.files.port The service port for the files deployment 80
services.files.ingress.paths The path mapping for the files ingress [""]
ingress.enabled Enable ingresses true
ingress.class Specifies which ingress controller class should listen to this ingress nginx
ingress.annotations Annotations for configuring the ingress
ingress.tls[0].secretName The name of your TLS secret
ingress.tls[0].secretCertificate The content of your imported certificate {}
ingress.tls[0].secretKey The content of your imported private key
resources.backend.requests.cpu CPU resource request for the backend 1
resources.backend.requests.memory Memory resource request for the backend 2Gi
resources.backend.limits.cpu CPU resource limit for the backend 2
resources.backend.limits.memory Memory resource limit for the backend 3Gi
resources.frontend.requests.cpu CPU resource request for the frontend 1
resources.frontend.requests.memory Memory resource request for the frontend 1500Mi
resources.frontend.limits.cpu CPU resource limit for the frontend 2
resources.frontend.limits.memory Memory resource limit for the frontend 2Gi
neoload.configuration.externalTlsTermination Must be set to true if TLS termination is handled by a component outside of the Helm Chart management. false
neoload.configuration.sendUsageStatistics Can be set to false to avoid usage data collection true MongoDB host
neoload.configuration.backend.mongo.port MongoDB port 27017
neoload.configuration.backend.mongo.poolSize MongoDB pool size 50 Java JVM Max heap size for the backend 2000m
neoload.configuration.backend.misc.files.maxUploadSizeInBytes Max file upload size in bytes 250000000
neoload.configuration.backend.misc.files.maxUploadPerWeek Max file upload count per week 250
neoload.configuration.backend.licensingPlatformToken Token for enabling licensing features (such as VUHs)
neoload.configuration.backend.others Custom backend environment variables. Learn more. Java JVM Max heap size for the frontend 1200m
neoload.configuration.frontend.others Custom frontend environment variables. Learn more.
neoload.configuration.proxy.https Connection string for your https proxy. Learn more.
neoload.configuration.ha.mode Pod discovery mecanism, can be DNS or API API
neoload.labels.backend Add labels to backend resources ex: key: value. {}
neoload.labels.frontend Add labels to frontend resources ex: key: value. {}
neoload.annotations.backend Add annotations to backend resources ex: key: value. {}
neoload.annotations.frontend Add annotations to frontend resources ex: key: value. {}
mongodb.usePassword Set to false if your MongoDB connection doesn't require authentication true
mongodb.mongodbUsername MongoDB Username
mongodb.mongodbPassword MongoDB Password
clusterRbac.enabled Specifies whether a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding should be created true
nodeSelector Node Selector {}
tolerations Pod's tolerations []
replicaCount.frontend Number of frontend pods in your Deployment. Learn more. 2
replicaCount.backend Number of backend pods in your Deployment. Learn more. 2

We suggest you maintain your own values-custom.yaml and update it with your relevant parameters, but you can also specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install my-release \
    --set ingress.tls=[] \

Custom environment variables

neoload.configuration.backend.others and neoload.configuration.frontend.others sections of values-custom.yaml allow to define custom environement variables. These environement variables will be applied either on the backend or the frontend depending on the used property.


The following example will define ENV_VAR_1 and ENV_VAR_2 as environement variables for the backend deployment.

        port: 27017
        ENV_VAR_1: variable1 
        ENV_VAR_2: variable2


You can define an https proxy that will be used by NeoLoad Web when using the following set of features. This set will be extended in future upgrades.

Features taking advantage of proxies in NeoLoad Web 2.11.0

  • Licensing

The proxy can be enabled by setting the following property :



If you want to secure NeoLoad Web through TLS, you should either:

Ingress TLS termination

To enable TLS and access NeoLoad Web via https, the parameters :

  • ingress.enabled must be true
  • ingress.tls must contain at least one item with the tls secret data


Ingresses support multiple TLS mapped to respective hosts and paths. This feature is not supported for NeoLoad Web, i.e. exactly zero or one TLS configuration is expected.

Using an existing TLS secret

Simply refer to your secret in the ingress.tls[0].secretName parameter, and leave both ingress.tls[0].secretCertificate and ingress.tls[0].secretKey empty.

Creating a new TLS secret

Provide a certificate and a private key

Use the following documentation or use your own means to provide both a certificate and a private key.

Add these to your custom values file

Copy the content of the files into the ingress.tls[0].secretCertificate and ingress.tls[0].secretKey parameters.

Specify your new TLS secret name

Set a name for your new TLS secret name into the ingress.tls[0].secretName parameter.

External TLS termination


If you choose to handle TLS on front of the Ingress controller, we recommend, for security reason, to set the value of the property neoload.configuration.externalTlsTermination to true.

It will enable the 'https://' protocol in NeoLoad Web URLs. And it will ensure that NeoLoad Web flags the JSESSIONID cookie as secure.

Usage data

NeoLoad Web collects and sends anonymized usage and navigation data to our servers in order to continuously improve our products.

You can disable this option by setting the neoload.configuration.sendUsageStatistics key to false.

Service data

NeoLoad Web gathers and sends data related to the usage of specific features and services.

Navigation data

NeoLoad Web uses Google Analytics cookies to track navigation data.

Any end user can prevent Google from collecting and processing their data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available here:

For more information about Data privacy management by Google, see the links below: