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Family model, drawio factory/mappers, node processors and documentation generators to demonstrate the concepts of mapping Drawio diagrams to Ecore models and generating documentation from those models


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Family model, drawio factory/mappers, node processors and documentation generators to demonstrate the concepts of mapping Drawio diagrams to Ecore models and generating documentation from those models

TODO: Copy Excel and refactor, initial model


Overview of the model, mention Sirius tutorial. Goal - visual modeling. Roles - Users - diagrammer and mapper, Specifier, Consumer Context - Drawio is available, comparison with Sirius. Delivery - Maven build on push, GitHub pages Two ways of mapping - feature mappers and factories/wires. When to use each and combinations - maximize knowledge passing efficiency, minimize the loss function. Detailed spec of properties, code snippets of feature maps Examples of markdown doc with diagrams etc - copy from Markdown, spec of ${representations/...} code snippets of wire methods demos

Adding a new model class or interface - processors, mix-ins. Removing plug-in dependencies from Eclipse project

Visualizations - Drawio, PlantUML, ECharts (including maps?) - why

Sirius links:

Overview of Drawio

TODO, reference the ecore model, migrage the diagram there and possibly have it here

Overview of Ecore

TODO, reference the ecore model



This property is used to compute base URI for resolving references such as doc-ref and spec-ref. The base URI is resolved relative to the logical parent element up to the document (diagram) URI. For pages with links from model element the logical parent the first linking element. Otherwise, the element's container (eContainer()) is the logical parent.

One way to consistently set base URI's is to check "Placeholders" checkbox and then use %semantic-id%/ value for base URI.


See prototype below.


Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluating to a semantic element. Takes precedence over type. May return null - in this case type would be used to create a semantic element, if specified.

This property can be used, for example, to look-up semantic elements defined elsewhere. Say, a list of family members can be defined in an MS Excel workbook, but family relationships in a diagram.

Another example is "progressive enrichment". For example, high-level architecture is defined in some model and a diagram uses constructors for already defined architecture elements and type for their sub-elements. This approach can be applied multiple times similar to how Docker images are assembled from layers and base images.

In order to implement lookup constructors, override configureConstructorEvaluationContext() in sub-classes of AbstractDrawioFactory or createEvaluationContext() in Drawio resource factories. Set variables from which the constructor expression would obtain semantic elements.


Property value is used as documentation for semantic elements which extend Documented.


Documentation format - markdown (default), text, or html. For doc-ref is derived from the reference extension if not set explicitly.


Property value is used as a URI to load documentation for semantic elements which extend Documented. The URI is resolved relative to the base-uri.


A YAML map defining how features of the semantic element and related semantic elements shall be mapped.

The map keys shall be one of the following:


Mapping specification for the container element in container/contents permutation. Contains one or more of the following sub-keys with each containing a map of feature names to a mapping specification or a list of feature names.

  • self - this element is a container
  • other - the other element is a container
  other: elements
      argument-type: ArchitectureDescriptionElement
      path: 1

In the above example other specifies that this semantic element shall be added to the elements feature of its container regardless of the containment path length. self specifies that immediate children of this element (path: 1) shall be added to this semantic element elements collection if they are instances of ArchitectureDescriptionElement


Mapping specification for the contents element in container/contents permutation. Contains one or more of the following sub-keys with each containing a map of feature names to a mapping specification or a list of feature names.

  • self - this element is contained by the other
  • other - the other element is contained by this element


For connections - mapping specification for the connection end feature to map the connection target semantic element to a feature of the connection semantic element.


A map of feature names to a Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression or a list of expressions evaluating to the feature value or feature element value.

The expression is evaluated in the context of the source diagram element and has access to the following variables:

  • value - semantic element
  • registry - a map of diagram element to semantic elements


For connections - mapping specification for the connection source feature to map the connection semantic element to a feature of the connection source semantic element. If the connection semantic element is null, then the connection source semantic element is used instead.


For connections - mapping specification for the connection target feature to map the connection semantic element to a feature of the connection target semantic element. If the connection semantic element is null, then the connection target semantic element is used instead.


For connections - mapping specification for the connection start feature to map the connection source semantic element to a feature of the connection semantic element.





Feature Mapping Specification

Feature mapping value can be either a string or a map. If it is a string it is treated as a singleton map to true (unconditional mapping).

The below two snippets are equivalent:

  other: elements
    elements: true

The map value supports the following keys:


Specifies type of feature elements to be set/added. String as defined in type.. Only instances of the type will be set/added. If absent, the feature type is used. Argument type can be used to restrict elements to a specific subtype of the feature type.


Comparator is used for "many" features to order elements. A comparator instance is created by createComparator() method which can be overridden in subclasses to provide support for additional comparators.

The following comparators are provided "out of the box":


Compares elements by their angle relative to the node of the semantic element which holds the many reference. In the Living Beings demo "Bird", "Fish", and "Bacteria" are compared by their angle to the "Living Beings" with the angle counted from "12 o'clock" - 90 degrees (default).

Feature mapping with comparators of "Bird", "Fish", and "Bacteria" are defined at the connections from "Living Beings" as:

    comparator: clockwise

To specify the base angle other than 90 degree use the map version of comparator definition where clockwise is the key mapping to a number or string value. The number value is used as the angle value in degrees. The string value is treated as a Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluated in the context of the "parent" node. The expression may evaluate to a number or to a node. In the latter case the result is used to compute the angle between the context node and the result node.

In the Living Beings example "Streptococcus", ..., "Staphyllococcus" are compared relative to the "Bacteria" node with the base angle being the angle between the "Bacteria" node and "Living Beings" node. As such "Streptococcus" is the smallest node and "Staphyllococcus" is the largest. With the default angle of 90 degrees "Lactobacyllus" would be the smallest and "Streptococcus" would be the largest.

Feature mapping with comparators of "Streptococcus", ..., "Staphyllococcus" is defined at connections from "Bacteria" to the respecive genus nodes as:

      clockwise: incoming[0].source

incoming[0] evaluates to the connection from "Living Beings" to "Bacteria" and source evaluates to "Living Beings".


Reverse of clockwise.


Compares nodes by their vertial order first with higher nodes being smaller and then by horizontal order with nodes on the right being smaller. Nodes are considered vertically equal if they vertically overlap.


Compares nodes by their vertial order first with higher nodes being smaller and then by horizontal order with nodes on the left being smaller. Nodes are considered vertically equal if they vertically overlap. This comparator can be used for org. charts.


A Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluated in the context of the feature element with other variable referencing the element to compare with. The exmpression has access to registry variable containing a map of diagram element to semantic elements.


If one element is reacheable from the other by traversing connections, then the reacheable element is larger than the source element. In case of circular references the element with the smaller number of traversals to the other element is considered smaller. If elements are not connected they are compared by the fall-back comparator. This comparator can be used for workflows and PERT charts.

If this comparator's value is a String, then it is uses as a name of the fallback comparator. In the below example children will be smaller than their parents and siblings will be compared using labels.

      argument-type: Person
        flow: label

If the value is a map, then it may have the following keys:

  • condition - A boolean Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluated in the context of a connection being traversed. It may be used to traverse only connections which match the condition. For example, only transitions between activities in a process model.
  • fallback - Fallback comparator.

In the below example...


A Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluated in the context of the feature element. The expression must return a value which would be used for comparison using the natural comparator as explained below.


Uses diagram element label converted to plain text as a sorting key. String. In the Family mapping demo family members are sorted by label using the following feature map definition:

      argument-type: Person
      comparator: label

Uses diagram element label converted to plain text as a sorting key to compare in reverse alphabetical order. String.


Compares nodes by their horizontal order first with nodes on the right being smaller and then by vertial order with higher nodes being smaller. Nodes are considered horizontally equal if they horizontally overlap.


Compares nodes by their horizontal order first with nodes on the right being smaller and then by vertial order with lower nodes being smaller. Nodes are considered horizontally equal if they horizontally overlap.


Uses feature element's compareTo() method for comparable elements. Otherwise compares using hash code. Null are greater than non-nulls.


Uses diagram element property as a sorting key. Singleton map. For example:

property: label

The same as property, but compares in reverse alphabetical order.


Same as flow but with target nodes being smaller than source nodes.


Compares nodes by their horizontal order first with nodes on the left being smaller and then by vertial order with higher nodes being smaller. Nodes are considered horizontally equal if they horizontally overlap.


Compares nodes by their horizontal order first with nodes on the left being smaller and then by vertial order with lower nodes being smaller. Nodes are considered horizontally equal if they horizontally overlap.


Compares nodes by their vertial order first with lower nodes being smaller and then by horizontal order with nodes on the right being smaller. Nodes are considered vertically equal if they vertically overlap.


Compares nodes by their vertial order first with lower nodes being smaller and then by horizontal order with nodes on the left being smaller. Nodes are considered vertically equal if they vertically overlap.


A Spring Expression Language (SpEL) boolean expression evaluated in the context of the candidate diagram element with the following variables:

  • value - semantic element of the candidate diagram element
  • path - containment path
  • registry - a map of diagram element to semantic elements

Either an integer number o or a list of boolean SpEL expressions to match the path. If an integer then it is used to match path length as shown in the example below which matches only immediate children

      path: 1

If a list, then it matches if the list size is equal to the path length and each element evaluates to true in the context of a given path element. Expression have acess to registry variable - a map of diagram element to semantic elements.


If true, no mapping is performed, but the chain mapper is not invoked. It can be used in scenarios with a default (chained) mapper to prevent the default behavior.


A SpEL expression evaluating to a feature value in the context of the diagram element with with the following variables:

  • value - semantic element of the diagram element
  • path - containment path
  • registry - a map of diagram element to semantic elements

Greedy is used with containment feature and specifies what to do if a candidate object is already contained by another object:

  • no-children - grab the object if it is contained by an ansector of this semantic element. This is the default behavior.
  • false - do not grab
  • true - always grab

A number specifying the position of the element in the feature collection.


Type of the feature object to match. String as defined in type. Can be used in other mappings.


Property value is used as a URI to load feature map YAML specification. The URI is resolved relative to the base-uri.


Mapping selector is used to select one or more semantic elements for feature mapping. If it is not provided, then the diagram element's semantic element is used for feature mapping.

Mapping selector shall be a YAML document containing either a single string or a list of strings. The strings are treated as Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluating to a semantic element to use for feature mapping.

Mapping selectors may be used to associate multiple semantic elements with a diagram element for feature mapping purposes.


Property value is used as a URI to load mapping selector YAML. The URI is resolved relative to the base-uri.


true is for true value and any other value or absence of the property is considered false. There should be one page element per page. Having more than one may lead to an unpredictable behavior. For the first top level page the page element becomes a document element. For pages linked from model elements the page element is logically merged with the linking element.

This allows to define a high-level structure on a top level diagram page, link other pages to the diagram elements and refine their definitions.

If the semantic element of a page element extends NamedElement then the page name is used as element name if it is not already set by other means.


Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluating to a diagram element. The semantic element of that diagram element is copied and the copy is used as the semantic element of this diagram element. Also, prototype configuration (properties) is applied to this semantic element. Protypes can be chained.

Example: getDocument().getModelElementById('6ycP1ahp__4fXEwP3E-2-5')

Selectors allow to define common configuration in one element and then reuse it in other elements. For example, a web server prototype may define an icon and then all web server element would inherit that configuration.

Drawio model classes provide convenience methods for finding diagram elements:

  • Document:
    • getModelElementById(String id)
    • getModelElementByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getModelElementsByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getPageById(String id)
    • getPageByName(String name)
  • Page:
    • getModelElementById(String id)
    • getModelElementByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getModelElementsByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getTag(String name)
  • ModelElement:
    • getDocument()
    • getPage()
  • Root, Layer:
    • getModelElementById(String id)
    • getModelElementByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getModelElementsByProperty(String name, String value)

A prototype must have a semantic element defined using constructor, type, selector or ref-id. If you want to inherit just configuration, but not the semantic element, then use config-prototype property instead of prototype.


Some identifier to resolve a semantic element. You would need to override getByRefId() method and define what the reference id means in your case. For example, you may use semantic URI's to lookup elements. Say ssn:123-45-6789 to lookup a person by SSN.

Resource factories treat ref-id's as URI's resolved relative to the diagram resource URI. Resolved URI's are then are passed to ResourceSet.getEObject(URI uri, true).


Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluating to a diagram element. The semantic element of that diagram element is used as the semantic element of this diagram element.

Example: getDocument().getModelElementById('6ycP1ahp__4fXEwP3E-2-5')

Selectors allow to use the same semantic elment on multiple diagrams. Drawio model classes provide convenience methods for finding diagram elements:

  • Document:
    • getModelElementById(String id)
    • getModelElementByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getModelElementsByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getPageById(String id)
    • getPageByName(String name)
  • Page:
    • getModelElementById(String id)
    • getModelElementByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getModelElementsByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getTag(String name)
  • ModelElement:
    • getDocument()
    • getPage()
  • Root, Layer:
    • getModelElementById(String id)
    • getModelElementByProperty(String name, String value)
    • getModelElementsByProperty(String name, String value)


If the semantic element extends StringIdentity, semantic-id property can be used to specify the id attribute. If this property is not provided, then Drawio model element ID is used as a semantic ID.


Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression evaluating to a semantic element.

Semantic selectors are similar to constructors with the following diffences:

  • Semantic selectors are evaluated after constructors
  • A constructor may evaluate to null, but a semantic selector must eventually evaluate to a non-null value
  • A constructor is evaluated once, but a semantic selector maybe evaluated multiple time until it returns a non-null value
  • A semantic selector is only evaluated if there isn't a semantic element already

Semantic selectors can be used to evaluate semantic elements using semantic elements of other elements. For example, a semantic selector of a child node may need a semantic element of its parent to resolve its own semantic element.

Overide configureSemanticSelectorEvaluationContext() to provide variables to the evaluator.


Loads semantic element from the property value YAML using EObjectLoader.


icon: fas fa-user


Loads semantic element from the property value URI using EObjectLoader. The URI is resolved relative to the base-uri.


Page elements from top level pages are mapped to the document semantic element. By default a page without incoming links from other pages is considered to be a top level page. This property allows to override this behavior. true value indicates that the page is a top level page. Any other value is treated as false.


Type of the semantic element. Types are looked up in the factory packages in the following way:

  • If the value contains a hash (# ) then it is treated as a type URI. For example ecore://
  • If the value contains a doc (.) then it is treated as a qualified EClass name with EPackage prefix before the dot. For example family.Man.
  • Otherwise the value is treated as an unqualified EClass name - EPackages are iterated in the order of their registration and the first found EClass with matching name is used to create a semantic element.

Type is used to create a semantic element if there is no constructor or the constructor expression returned null. A combination of constructor and type can be used for mapping in different contexts. For example, when loading a stand-alone model constructor would return null and then type would be used. When the same diagram loaded in the context of a larger model, constructor may return a semantic element looked up in that larger model.


It is possible to maintain multiple mappings at a single element using namespace prefixes. In subclasses of AbstractDrawioFactory override getPropertyNamespace() method. By default this method returns an empty string which is used as a prefix for the configuration properties.

Markdown rendering

Markdown is a filter which renders Markdown to HTML. It optionally styles it by enclosing into a <div class="markdown-body"> recognized by github-markdown-css.

The filter also processes markdown which allows to embed diagrams using fenced code blocks.

Markdown source can be defined in the YAML definition or loaded from an external resource.

[TOC levels=6]

Inline Markdown

Single line

  style: true
    content-text: Hello, *World*!


  style: true
    content-text: |+2
      Hello, ``Universe``!

Markdown loaded from resource

  style: true
    content-resource: features/  

Embedded images

Markdown filter allows to embed PNG and JPEG using fenced blocks.

PNG resource


Resource location is resolved relative to the model resource containing filter definition. If the filter model element has a marker, e.g. it was loaded from YAML, then the resource location is resolved to the location of that YAML file even if the model was saved to, say, XML after that.


JPEG resource



Base 64 encoded png 


Base 64 encoded jpeg

Embedded diagrams

Markdown filter allows to embed PlantUML,, and Mermaid diagrams using fenced blocks. diagrams can be edited in a desktop editor or Online editor.


Resource location is resolved in the same way as for image files as explained above.



PlantUML diagrams can be defined inline or loaded from resources.

Loading from a resource


In the above snippet uml is a dialect supported by PlantUML (see below) and sequence.plantuml is a resource containing a diagram definition without @startuml and @enduml. Resource location is resolved in the same as for image files as explained above.



The following language specifications (dialects) are supported:


Fenced block:

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response


Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Component diagram with links to component pages.

Fenced block:

package Core {
   component Common [[]]

package HTML {
   component HTML as html [[]]
   [html] ..> [Common]


package Core {
   component Common [[]]

package HTML {
   component HTML as html [[]]
   [html] ..> [Common]

Fenced block:

  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^


  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Fenced block:

[Prototype design] lasts 15 days and links to [[]]
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days
-- All example --
[Task 1 (1 day)] lasts 1 day
[T2 (5 days)] lasts 5 days
[T3 (1 week)] lasts 1 week
[T4 (1 week and 4 days)] lasts 1 week and 4 days
[T5 (2 weeks)] lasts 2 weeks


[Prototype design] lasts 15 days and links to [[]]
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days
-- All example --
[Task 1 (1 day)] lasts 1 day
[T2 (5 days)] lasts 5 days
[T3 (1 week)] lasts 1 week
[T4 (1 week and 4 days)] lasts 1 week and 4 days
[T5 (2 weeks)] lasts 2 weeks
Mind Map

Fenced block:

* Debian
** [[ Ubuntu]]
*** Linux Mint
*** Kubuntu
*** Lubuntu
*** KDE Neon
** SolydXK
** SteamOS
** Raspbian with a very long name
*** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC
*** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio


* Debian
** [[ Ubuntu]]
*** Linux Mint
*** Kubuntu
*** Lubuntu
*** KDE Neon
** SolydXK
** SteamOS
** Raspbian with a very long name
*** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC
*** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio

WBS elements can have links. This type of diagram can also be used to display organization structure.

* [[ Business Process Modelling WBS]]
** Launch the project
*** Complete Stakeholder Research
*** Initial Implementation Plan
** Design phase
*** Model of AsIs Processes Completed
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed1
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed2
*** Measure AsIs performance metrics
*** Identify Quick Wins
** Complete innovate phase

Fenced block:


* [[ Business Process Modelling WBS]]
** Launch the project
*** Complete Stakeholder Research
*** Initial Implementation Plan
** Design phase
*** Model of AsIs Processes Completed
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed1
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed2
*** Measure AsIs performance metrics
*** Identify Quick Wins
** Complete innovate phase


You can define Mermaid diagrams in mermaid fenced blocks:

flowchart LR
   Alice --> Bob & Chuck --> Deb

results in this diagram:

flowchart LR
   Alice --> Bob & Chuck --> Deb

Loading from a resource

It is also possible to load a diagram definition from a resource resolved relative to the model resource:



  • Table of contents - add [TOC] to the document as explained in the documentation. This extension will create a table of contents from markdown headers.
  • Footnotes
  • Strikethrough: ~~strikethrough~~-> strikethrough
  • Subscript: H~2~O -> H20
  • Superscript: 2^5^ = 32 -> 2^5^ = 32


Parking lot

Model development in Eclipse - remove Plug-in dependencies for compilation

Communication including communicating to self - now and in the future, wearing multiple hats (modalities). The faintest pen...

There is UML, Sirius, Capella, you name it... but people in enterprises still don't model as it was mentioned on on Eclipse conference (Sirius?). So, if the mountain won't come to Muhammad

Decision binding to achieve a goal - who, when Design space, task space, variation points and their progressive binding. A relatively new actor - AI. Is not good at interpreting diagram images, listening to meetings, etc.

Loss function in knowledge sharing - time to capture knowledge, deliver, consume. Expressive power and relevance dimensions. E.g. UML is powerful but not so relevant. Excel might be relevant, but not so powerful. Graph and PUML generated representations - context diagrams


  • Diagrammer - creates diagrams possibly without any formal notation and before a model exists
  • Modeler - creates a model. A model may be created by analyzing pre-existing diagrams
  • Mapper - maps diagrams to models
  • Librarian/Publisher - assembles multiple diagrams/models and other data into a holistic body of knowledge. Versions/releases. Levels/layers.
  • Consumer - uses the body of knowledge to get the job done. Can be an AI consumer. May use AI to consume - Semantic search, RAG, summarization.

Activities/steps and design choices

The same person may play all of the above roles

Multi-mapping with namespaces


Family model, drawio factory/mappers, node processors and documentation generators to demonstrate the concepts of mapping Drawio diagrams to Ecore models and generating documentation from those models








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