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Repository files navigation

Git Diff Component

a React/Vue component to show the git diff/file diff result, just like Github code review page.


Demo ---- git-diff / file-diff


git mode


file mode

GitHub compare

GitHub compare


Package Version
@git-diff-view/core npm (scoped)
@git-diff-view/file npm (scoped)
@git-diff-view/react npm (scoped)
@git-diff-view/vue npm (scoped)

syntax highlighter

Package Version
@git-diff-view/lowlight build in npm (scoped)
@git-diff-view/shiki npm (scoped)

Screen Shot

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


  • Show the git diff result
  • Support Split View and Unified View
  • Support Warp / UnWarp the code line
  • Support light / dark theme by default
  • Support Syntax Highlight with full syntax context (base on hast AST)
  • Support Extend Data to show in the Diff View
  • Support Widget to show in the Diff View
  • Support Web Worker / Node Server to improve performance
  • Support React and Vue component
  • Support compare by @git-diff-view/core(git diff) or @git-diff-view/file(file content)
  • Support Diff Match Patch to improve line diff
  • Support Virtual Scroll to improve performance


# In React Project
pnpm add @git-diff-view/react

# In Vue Project
pnpm add @git-diff-view/vue

Use in React

There are two ways to use this component:

1. Use the DiffView component directly.

import { DiffView, DiffModeEnum } from "@git-diff-view/react";
import "@git-diff-view/react/styles/diff-view.css";

  // use data
    oldFile?: { fileName?: string | null; fileLang?: string | null; content?: string | null };
    newFile?: { fileName?: string | null; fileLang?: string | null; content?: string | null };
    hunks: string[];
  extendData={{oldFile: {10: {data: 'foo'}}, newFile: {20: {data: 'bar'}}}}
  renderExtendLine={({ data }) => ReactNode}
  diffViewMode={DiffModeEnum.Split | DiffModeEnum.Unified}
  onAddWidgetClick={({ side, lineNumber }) => void}
  renderWidgetLine={({ onClose, side, lineNumber }) => ReactNode}

2. Use the DiffView component with @git-diff-view/core or @git-diff-view/file

// with @git-diff-view/file
import { DiffFile, generateDiffFile } from "@git-diff-view/file";
const file = generateDiffFile(
  data?.oldFile?.fileName || "",
  data?.oldFile?.content || "",
  data?.newFile?.fileName || "",
  data?.newFile?.content || "",
  data?.oldFile?.fileLang || "",
  data?.newFile?.fileLang || ""

// with @git-diff-view/core
import { DiffFile } from "@git-diff-view/core";
const file = new DiffFile(
  data?.oldFile?.fileName || "",
  data?.oldFile?.content || "",
  data?.newFile?.fileName || "",
  data?.newFile?.content || "",
  data?.hunks || [],
  data?.oldFile?.fileLang || "",
  data?.newFile?.fileLang || ""

// use current data to render
<DiffView diffFile={file} {...props} />;
// or use the bundle data to render, eg: postMessage/httpRequest
const bundle = file.getBundle();
const diffFile = DiffFile.createInstance(data || {}, bundle);
<DiffView diffFile={diffFile} {...props} />;


Props Description
data The diff data need to show, type: { oldFile: {fileName?: string, content?: string}, newFile: {fileName?: string, content?: string}, hunks: string[] }, you can only pass hunks data, and the component will generate the oldFile and newFile data automatically
diffFile the target data to render
renderWidgetLine return a valid react element to show the widget, this element will render when you click the addWidget button in the diff view
renderExtendLine return a valid react element to show the extend data
extendData a list to store the extend data to show in the Diff View, type: {oldFile: {lineNumber: {data: any}}, newFile: {lineNumber: {data: any}}}
diffViewFontSize the fontSize for the DiffView component, type: number
diffViewHighlight enable syntax highlight, type: boolean
diffViewMode the mode for the DiffView component, type: DiffModeEnum.Split or DiffModeEnum.Unified
diffViewWrap enable code line auto wrap, type: boolean
diffViewAddWidget enable addWidget button, type: boolean
onAddWidgetClick when the addWidget button clicked, type: `({ side: "old"

Use in Vue

Same with the React, see detail


# clone this project

# pnpm install

# pnpm run build:packages

# pnpm run dev:react / pnpm run dev:vue