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Monki Projects API



All of Monki Projects' APIs specifications (including this one's) are available in the mp-api-specs repository.

Environment variables

Environment variable

How To Contribute

Run the project

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. (Recommended) Integrate SwiftLint into your Xcode project to get warnings and errors displayed in the issue navigator

    swift package generate-xcodeproj
    open monki-projects-api.xcodeproj

    Follow SwiftLint's instructions to add a new build phase

  3. Setup PostgreSQL (easy way for macOS)

    This is the easiest way for macOS, you can do it differently if you prefer.

    1. Download at and install it.

    2. Open the sidebar (if it's not already open) by clicking on the button in the bottom-left corner.

    3. Create a new server called "Vapor" in the directory ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres/vapor (you can put whatever you want at this step).

    4. Click Initialize

    5. Once your server is running, double-click on the postgres database to open it.

    6. Once in the SQL prompt, run

      CREATE DATABASE vapor_database;
      CREATE USER vapor_username WITH PASSWORD 'vapor_password';
    7. Close the shell (run exit to leave the SQL prompt if needed)

    8. You should see a new database called vapor_database

    The config you should have can be found in configure.swift, but here is a recap:

    Environment variable Value
    DATABASE_USERNAME vapor_username
    DATABASE_PASSWORD vapor_password
    DATABASE_NAME vapor_database

    If you change these settings, you will need to add environment variables to your scheme's Run and Test configurations.

  4. Run the project

    Two possibilities:

    • Open Package.swift
    • Open your monki-projects-api.xcodeproj, go to Product > Scheme and select the Run scheme

    From there, you will be able to run the project.

  5. Stop the app

    In XCode, hit the button in the top-left corner or hit +. to stop the app. If you're running the app in a terminal, hit Ctrl+C.

  6. Stop the PostgreSQL server

    If you used, just open it and click Stop. Otherwise, manually stop it.


Fix port 8080 still open after stopping the app

For some reason, stopping the app causes an error preventing port 8080 to be closed, here is a command that kills it (tested on macOS):

lsof -t -i tcp:8080 | xargs kill