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Describes how you can define classes that extend other types.


Short description

Describes how you can define classes that extend other types.

Long description

PowerShell classes support inheritance, which allows you to define a child class that reuses (inherits), extends, or modifies the behavior of a parent class. The class whose members are inherited is called the base class. The class that inherits the members of the base class is called the derived class.

PowerShell supports single inheritance only. A class can only inherit from a single class. However, inheritance is transitive, which allows you to define an inheritance hierarchy for a set of types. In other words, type D can inherit from type C, which inherits from type B, which inherits from the base class type A. Because inheritance is transitive, the members of type A are available to type D.

Derived classes don't inherit all members of the base class. The following members aren't inherited:

  • Static constructors, which initialize the static data of a class.
  • Instance constructors, which you call to create a new instance of the class. Each class must define its own constructors.

You can extend a class by creating a new class that derives from an existing class. The derived class inherits the properties and methods of the base class. You can add or override the base class members as required.

Classes can also inherit from interfaces, which define a contract. A class that inherits from an interface must implement that contract. When it does, the class is usable like any other class implementing that interface. If a class inherits from an interface but doesn't implement the interface, PowerShell raises a parsing error for the class.

Some PowerShell operators depend on a class implementing a specific interface. For example, the -eq operator only checks for reference equality unless the class implements the System.IEquatable interface. The -le, -lt, -ge, and -gt operators only work on classes that implement the System.IComparable interface.

A derived class uses the : syntax to extend a base class or implement interfaces. The derived class should always be leftmost in the class declaration.

This example shows the basic PowerShell class inheritance syntax.

Class Derived : Base {...}

This example shows inheritance with an interface declaration coming after the base class.

Class Derived : Base, Interface {...}


Class inheritance uses the following syntaxes:

One line syntax

class <derived-class-name> : <base-class-or-interface-name>[, <interface-name>...] {

For example:

# Base class only
class Derived : Base {...}
# Interface only
class Derived : System.IComparable {...}
# Base class and interface
class Derived : Base, System.IComparable {...}

Multiline syntax

class <derived-class-name> : <base-class-or-interface-name>[,
    <interface-name>...] {

For example:

class Derived : Base,
                System.IConvertible {
    # Derived class definition


Example 1 - Inheriting and overriding from a base class

The following example shows the behavior of inherited properties with and without overriding. Run the code blocks in order after reading their description.

Defining the base class

The first code block defines PublishedWork as a base class. It has two static properties, List and Artists. Next, it defines the static RegisterWork() method to add works to the static List property and the artists to the Artists property, writing a message for each new entry in the lists.

The class defines three instance properties that describe a published work. Finally, it defines the Register() and ToString() instance methods.

class PublishedWork {
    static [PublishedWork[]] $List    = @()
    static [string[]]        $Artists = @()

    static [void] RegisterWork([PublishedWork]$Work) {
        $wName   = $Work.Name
        $wArtist = $Work.Artist
        if ($Work -notin [PublishedWork]::List) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding work '$wName' to works list"
            [PublishedWork]::List += $Work
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Work '$wName' already registered."
        if ($wArtist -notin [PublishedWork]::Artists) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding artist '$wArtist' to artists list"
            [PublishedWork]::Artists += $wArtist
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Artist '$wArtist' already registered."

    static [void] ClearRegistry() {
        Write-Verbose "Clearing PublishedWork registry"
        [PublishedWork]::List    = @()
        [PublishedWork]::Artists = @()

    [string] $Name
    [string] $Artist
    [string] $Category

    [void] Init([string]$WorkType) {
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Category)) {
            $this.Category = "${WorkType}s"

    PublishedWork() {
        $WorkType = $this.GetType().FullName
        Write-Verbose "Defined a published work of type [$WorkType]"

    PublishedWork([string]$Name, [string]$Artist) {
        $WorkType    = $this.GetType().FullName
        $this.Name   = $Name
        $this.Artist = $Artist

        Write-Verbose "Defined '$Name' by $Artist as a published work of type [$WorkType]"

    PublishedWork([string]$Name, [string]$Artist, [string]$Category) {
        $WorkType    = $this.GetType().FullName
        $this.Name   = $Name
        $this.Artist = $Artist

        Write-Verbose "Defined '$Name' by $Artist ($Category) as a published work of type [$WorkType]"

    [void]   Register() { [PublishedWork]::RegisterWork($this) }
    [string] ToString() { return "$($this.Name) by $($this.Artist)" }

Defining a derived class without overrides

The first derived class is Album. It doesn't override any properties or methods. It adds a new instance property, Genres, that doesn't exist on the base class.

class Album : PublishedWork {
    [string[]] $Genres   = @()

The following code block shows the behavior of the derived Album class. First, it sets the $VerbosePreference so that the messages from the class methods emit to the console. It creates three instances of the class, shows them in a table, and then registers them with the inherited static RegisterWork() method. It then calls the same static method on the base class directly.

$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$Albums = @(
        Name   = 'The Dark Side of the Moon'
        Artist = 'Pink Floyd'
        Genres = 'Progressive rock', 'Psychedelic rock'
        Name   = 'The Wall'
        Artist = 'Pink Floyd'
        Genres = 'Progressive rock', 'Art rock'
        Name   = '36 Chambers'
        Artist = 'Wu-Tang Clan'
        Genres = 'Hip hop'

$Albums | Format-Table
$Albums | ForEach-Object { [Album]::RegisterWork($_) }
$Albums | ForEach-Object { [PublishedWork]::RegisterWork($_) }
VERBOSE: Defined a published work of type [Album]
VERBOSE: Defined a published work of type [Album]
VERBOSE: Defined a published work of type [Album]

Genres                               Name                      Artist       Category
------                               ----                      ------       --------
{Progressive rock, Psychedelic rock} The Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd   Albums
{Progressive rock, Art rock}         The Wall                  Pink Floyd   Albums
{Hip hop}                            36 Chambers               Wu-Tang Clan Albums

VERBOSE: Adding work 'The Dark Side of the Moon' to works list
VERBOSE: Adding artist 'Pink Floyd' to artists list
VERBOSE: Adding work 'The Wall' to works list
VERBOSE: Artist 'Pink Floyd' already registered.
VERBOSE: Adding work '36 Chambers' to works list
VERBOSE: Adding artist 'Wu-Tang Clan' to artists list

VERBOSE: Work 'The Dark Side of the Moon' already registered.
VERBOSE: Artist 'Pink Floyd' already registered.
VERBOSE: Work 'The Wall' already registered.
VERBOSE: Artist 'Pink Floyd' already registered.
VERBOSE: Work '36 Chambers' already registered.
VERBOSE: Artist 'Wu-Tang Clan' already registered.

Notice that even though the Album class didn't define a value for Category or any constructors, the property was defined by the default constructor of the base class.

In the verbose messaging, the second call to the RegisterWork() method reports that the works and artists are already registered. Even though the first call to RegisterWork() was for the derived Album class, it used the inherited static method from the base PublishedWork class. That method updated the static List and Artist properties on the base class, which the derived class didn't override.

The next code block clears the registry and calls the Register() instance method on the Album objects.

VERBOSE: Clearing PublishedWork registry

VERBOSE: Adding work 'The Dark Side of the Moon' to works list
VERBOSE: Adding artist 'Pink Floyd' to artists list
VERBOSE: Adding work 'The Wall' to works list
VERBOSE: Artist 'Pink Floyd' already registered.
VERBOSE: Adding work '36 Chambers' to works list
VERBOSE: Adding artist 'Wu-Tang Clan' to artists list

The instance method on the Album objects has the same effect as calling the static method on the derived or base class.

The following code block compares the static properties for the base class and the derived class, showing that they're the same.

    '[PublishedWork]::List'    = [PublishedWork]::List -join ",`n"
    '[Album]::List'            = [Album]::List -join ",`n"
    '[PublishedWork]::Artists' = [PublishedWork]::Artists -join ",`n"
    '[Album]::Artists'         = [Album]::Artists -join ",`n"
    'IsSame::List'             = (
        [PublishedWork]::List.Count -eq [Album]::List.Count -and
        [PublishedWork]::List.ToString() -eq [Album]::List.ToString()
    'IsSame::Artists'          = (
        [PublishedWork]::Artists.Count -eq [Album]::Artists.Count -and
        [PublishedWork]::Artists.ToString() -eq [Album]::Artists.ToString()
} | Format-List
[PublishedWork]::List    : The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd,
                           The Wall by Pink Floyd,
                           36 Chambers by Wu-Tang Clan
[Album]::List            : The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd,
                           The Wall by Pink Floyd,
                           36 Chambers by Wu-Tang Clan
[PublishedWork]::Artists : Pink Floyd,
                           Wu-Tang Clan
[Album]::Artists         : Pink Floyd,
                           Wu-Tang Clan
IsSame::List             : True
IsSame::Artists          : True

Defining a derived class with overrides

The next code block defines the Illustration class inheriting from the base PublishedWork class. The new class extends the base class by defining the Medium instance property with a default value of Unknown.

Unlike the derived Album class, Illustration overrides the following properties and methods:

  • It overrides the static Artists property. The definition is the same, but the Illustration class declares it directly.
  • It overrides the Category instance property, setting the default value to Illustrations.
  • It overrides the ToString() instance method so the string representation of an illustration includes the medium it was created with.

The class also defines the static RegisterIllustration() method to first call the base class RegisterWork() method and then add the artist to the overridden Artists static property on the derived class.

Finally, the class overrides all three constructors:

  1. The default constructor is empty except for a verbose message indicating it created an illustration.
  2. The next constructor takes two string values for the name and artist that created the illustration. Instead of implementing the logic for setting the Name and Artist properties, the constructor calls the appropriate constructor from the base class.
  3. The last constructor takes three string values for the name, artist, and medium of the illustration. Both constructors write a verbose message indicating that they created an illustration.
class Illustration : PublishedWork {
    static [string[]] $Artists = @()

    static [void] RegisterIllustration([Illustration]$Work) {
        $wArtist = $Work.Artist


        if ($wArtist -notin [Illustration]::Artists) {
            Write-Verbose "Adding illustrator '$wArtist' to artists list"
            [Illustration]::Artists += $wArtist
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Illustrator '$wArtist' already registered."

    [string] $Category = 'Illustrations'
    [string] $Medium   = 'Unknown'

    [string] ToString() {
        return "$($this.Name) by $($this.Artist) ($($this.Medium))"

    Illustration() {
        Write-Verbose 'Defined an illustration'

    Illustration([string]$Name, [string]$Artist) : base($Name, $Artist) {
        Write-Verbose "Defined '$Name' by $Artist ($($this.Medium)) as an illustration"

    Illustration([string]$Name, [string]$Artist, [string]$Medium) {
        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.Artist = $Artist
        $this.Medium = $Medium

        Write-Verbose "Defined '$Name' by $Artist ($Medium) as an illustration"

The following code block shows the behavior of the derived Illustration class. It creates three instances of the class, shows them in a table, and then registers them with the inherited static RegisterWork() method. It then calls the same static method on the base class directly. Finally, it writes messages showing the list of registered artists for the base class and the derived class.

$Illustrations = @(
        Name   = 'The Funny Thing'
        Artist = 'Wanda Gág'
        Medium = 'Lithography'
    [Illustration]::new('Millions of Cats', 'Wanda Gág')
      'The Lion and the Mouse',
      'Jerry Pinkney',

$Illustrations | Format-Table
$Illustrations | ForEach-Object { [Illustration]::RegisterIllustration($_) }
$Illustrations | ForEach-Object { [PublishedWork]::RegisterWork($_) }
"Published work artists: $([PublishedWork]::Artists -join ', ')"
"Illustration artists: $([Illustration]::Artists -join ', ')"
VERBOSE: Defined a published work of type [Illustration]
VERBOSE: Defined an illustration
VERBOSE: Defined 'Millions of Cats' by Wanda Gág as a published work of type [Illustration]
VERBOSE: Defined 'Millions of Cats' by Wanda Gág (Unknown) as an illustration
VERBOSE: Defined a published work of type [Illustration]
VERBOSE: Defined 'The Lion and the Mouse' by Jerry Pinkney (Watercolor) as an illustration

Category      Medium      Name                   Artist
--------      ------      ----                   ------
Illustrations Lithography The Funny Thing        Wanda Gág
Illustrations Unknown     Millions of Cats       Wanda Gág
Illustrations Watercolor  The Lion and the Mouse Jerry Pinkney

VERBOSE: Adding work 'The Funny Thing' to works list
VERBOSE: Adding artist 'Wanda Gág' to artists list
VERBOSE: Adding illustrator 'Wanda Gág' to artists list
VERBOSE: Adding work 'Millions of Cats' to works list
VERBOSE: Artist 'Wanda Gág' already registered.
VERBOSE: Illustrator 'Wanda Gág' already registered.
VERBOSE: Adding work 'The Lion and the Mouse' to works list
VERBOSE: Adding artist 'Jerry Pinkney' to artists list
VERBOSE: Adding illustrator 'Jerry Pinkney' to artists list

VERBOSE: Work 'The Funny Thing' already registered.
VERBOSE: Artist 'Wanda Gág' already registered.
VERBOSE: Work 'Millions of Cats' already registered.
VERBOSE: Artist 'Wanda Gág' already registered.
VERBOSE: Work 'The Lion and the Mouse' already registered.
VERBOSE: Artist 'Jerry Pinkney' already registered.

Published work artists: Pink Floyd, Wu-Tang Clan, Wanda Gág, Jerry Pinkney

Illustration artists: Wanda Gág, Jerry Pinkney

The verbose messaging from creating the instances shows that:

  • When creating the first instance, the base class default constructor was called before the derived class default constructor.
  • When creating the second instance, the explicitly inherited constructor was called for the base class before the derived class constructor.
  • When creating the third instance, the base class default constructor was called before the derived class constructor.

The verbose messages from the RegisterWork() method indicate that the works and artists were already registered. This is because the RegisterIllustration() method called the RegisterWork() method internally.

However, when comparing the value of the static Artist property for both the base class and derived class, the values are different. The Artists property for the derived class only includes illustrators, not the album artists. Redefining the Artist property in the derived class prevents the class from returning the static property on the base class.

The final code block calls the ToString() method on the entries of the static List property on the base class.

[PublishedWork]::List | ForEach-Object -Process { $_.ToString() }
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
The Wall by Pink Floyd
36 Chambers by Wu-Tang Clan
The Funny Thing by Wanda Gág (Lithography)
Millions of Cats by Wanda Gág (Unknown)
The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney (Watercolor)

The Album instances only return the name and artist in their string. The Illustration instances also included the medium in parentheses, because that class overrode the ToString() method.

Example 2 - Implementing interfaces

The following example shows how a class can implement one or more interfaces. The example extends the definition of a Temperature class to support more operations and behaviors.

Initial class definition

Before implementing any interfaces, the Temperature class is defined with two properties, Degrees and Scale. It defines constructors and three instance methods for returning the instance as degrees of a particular scale.

The class defines the available scales with the TemperatureScale enumeration.

class Temperature {
    [float]            $Degrees
    [TemperatureScale] $Scale

    Temperature() {}
    Temperature([float] $Degrees)          { $this.Degrees = $Degrees }
    Temperature([TemperatureScale] $Scale) { $this.Scale = $Scale }
    Temperature([float] $Degrees, [TemperatureScale] $Scale) {
        $this.Degrees = $Degrees
        $this.Scale   = $Scale

    [float] ToKelvin() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius    { return $this.Degrees + 273.15 }
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees + 459.67) * 5/9 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToCelsius() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees - 32) * 5/9 }
            Kelvin     { return $this.Degrees - 273.15 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToFahrenheit() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius    { return $this.Degrees * 9/5 + 32 }
            Kelvin     { return $this.Degrees * 9/5 - 459.67 }
        return $this.Degrees

enum TemperatureScale {
    Celsius    = 0
    Fahrenheit = 1
    Kelvin     = 2

However, in this basic implementation, there's a few limitations as shown in the following example output:

$Celsius    = [Temperature]::new()
$Fahrenheit = [Temperature]::new([TemperatureScale]::Fahrenheit)
$Kelvin     = [Temperature]::new(0, 'Kelvin')

$Celsius, $Fahrenheit, $Kelvin

"The temperatures are: $Celsius, $Fahrenheit, $Kelvin"

[Temperature]::new() -eq $Celsius

$Celsius -gt $Kelvin
Degrees      Scale
-------      -----
   0.00    Celsius
   0.00 Fahrenheit
   0.00     Kelvin

The temperatures are: Temperature, Temperature, Temperature


Cannot compare "Temperature" because it is not IComparable.
At line:1 char:1
+ $Celsius -gt $Kelvin
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NotIcomparable

The output shows that instances of Temperature:

  • Don't display correctly as strings.
  • Can't be checked properly for equivalency.
  • Can't be compared.

These three problems can be addressed by implementing interfaces for the class.

Implementing IFormattable

The first interface to implement for the Temperature class is System.IFormattable. This interface enables formatting an instance of the class as different strings. To implement the interface, the class needs to inherit from System.IFormattable and define the ToString() instance method.

The ToString() instance method needs to have the following signature:

[string] ToString(
) {
    # Implementation

The signature that the interface requires is listed in the reference documentation.

For Temperature, the class should support three formats: C to return the instance in Celsius, F to return it in Fahrenheit, and K to return it in Kelvin. For any other format, the method should throw a System.FormatException.

[string] ToString(
) {
    # If format isn't specified, use the defined scale.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Format)) {
        $Format = switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius    { 'C' }
            Fahrenheit { 'F' }
            Kelvin     { 'K' }
    # If format provider isn't specified, use the current culture.
    if ($null -eq $FormatProvider) {
        $FormatProvider = [CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture
    # Format the temperature.
    switch ($Format) {
        'C' {
            return $this.ToCelsius().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°C'
        'F' {
            return $this.ToFahrenheit().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°F'
        'K' {
            return $this.ToKelvin().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°K'
    # If we get here, the format is invalid.
    throw [System.FormatException]::new(
        "Unknown format: '$Format'. Valid Formats are 'C', 'F', and 'K'"

In this implementation, the method defaults to the instance scale for format and the current culture when formatting the numerical degree value itself. It uses the To<Scale>() instance methods to convert the degrees, formats them to two-decimal places, and appends the appropriate degree symbol to the string.

With the required signature implemented, the class can also define overloads to make it easier to return the formatted instance.

[string] ToString([string]$Format) {
    return $this.ToString($Format, $null)

[string] ToString() {
    return $this.ToString($null, $null)

The following code shows the updated definition for Temperature:

class Temperature : System.IFormattable {
    [float]            $Degrees
    [TemperatureScale] $Scale

    Temperature() {}
    Temperature([float] $Degrees)          { $this.Degrees = $Degrees }
    Temperature([TemperatureScale] $Scale) { $this.Scale = $Scale }
    Temperature([float] $Degrees, [TemperatureScale] $Scale) {
        $this.Degrees = $Degrees
        $this.Scale = $Scale

    [float] ToKelvin() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius { return $this.Degrees + 273.15 }
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees + 459.67) * 5 / 9 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToCelsius() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees - 32) * 5 / 9 }
            Kelvin { return $this.Degrees - 273.15 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToFahrenheit() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius { return $this.Degrees * 9 / 5 + 32 }
            Kelvin { return $this.Degrees * 9 / 5 - 459.67 }
        return $this.Degrees

    [string] ToString(
    ) {
        # If format isn't specified, use the defined scale.
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Format)) {
            $Format = switch ($this.Scale) {
                Celsius    { 'C' }
                Fahrenheit { 'F' }
                Kelvin     { 'K' }
        # If format provider isn't specified, use the current culture.
        if ($null -eq $FormatProvider) {
            $FormatProvider = [CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture
        # Format the temperature.
        switch ($Format) {
            'C' {
                return $this.ToCelsius().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°C'
            'F' {
                return $this.ToFahrenheit().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°F'
            'K' {
                return $this.ToKelvin().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°K'
        # If we get here, the format is invalid.
        throw [System.FormatException]::new(
            "Unknown format: '$Format'. Valid Formats are 'C', 'F', and 'K'"

    [string] ToString([string]$Format) {
        return $this.ToString($Format, $null)

    [string] ToString() {
        return $this.ToString($null, $null)

enum TemperatureScale {
    Celsius    = 0
    Fahrenheit = 1
    Kelvin     = 2

The output for the method overloads is shown in the following block.

$Temp = [Temperature]::new()
"The temperature is $Temp"
$Temp.ToString('F', $null)
The temperature is 0.00°C




Implementing IEquatable

Now that the Temperature class can be formatted for readability, users need be able to check whether two instances of the class are equal. To support this test, the class needs to implement the System.IEquatable interface.

To implement the interface, the class needs to inherit from System.IEquatable and define the Equals() instance method. The Equals() method needs to have the following signature:

[bool] Equals([object]$Other) {
    # Implementation

The signature that the interface requires is listed in the reference documentation.

For Temperature, the class should only support comparing two instances of the class. For any other value or type, including $null, it should return $false. When comparing two temperatures, the method should convert both values to Kelvin, since temperatures can be equivalent even with different scales.

[bool] Equals([object]$Other) {
    # If the other object is null, we can't compare it.
    if ($null -eq $Other) {
        return $false

    # If the other object isn't a temperature, we can't compare it.
    $OtherTemperature = $Other -as [Temperature]
    if ($null -eq $OtherTemperature) {
        return $false

    # Compare the temperatures as Kelvin.
    return $this.ToKelvin() -eq $OtherTemperature.ToKelvin()

With the interface method implemented, the updated definition for Temperature is:

class Temperature : System.IFormattable, System.IEquatable[object] {
    [float]            $Degrees
    [TemperatureScale] $Scale

    Temperature() {}
    Temperature([float] $Degrees)          { $this.Degrees = $Degrees }
    Temperature([TemperatureScale] $Scale) { $this.Scale = $Scale }
    Temperature([float] $Degrees, [TemperatureScale] $Scale) {
        $this.Degrees = $Degrees
        $this.Scale = $Scale

    [float] ToKelvin() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius { return $this.Degrees + 273.15 }
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees + 459.67) * 5 / 9 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToCelsius() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees - 32) * 5 / 9 }
            Kelvin { return $this.Degrees - 273.15 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToFahrenheit() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius { return $this.Degrees * 9 / 5 + 32 }
            Kelvin { return $this.Degrees * 9 / 5 - 459.67 }
        return $this.Degrees

    [string] ToString(
    ) {
        # If format isn't specified, use the defined scale.
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Format)) {
            $Format = switch ($this.Scale) {
                Celsius    { 'C' }
                Fahrenheit { 'F' }
                Kelvin     { 'K' }
        # If format provider isn't specified, use the current culture.
        if ($null -eq $FormatProvider) {
            $FormatProvider = [CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture
        # Format the temperature.
        switch ($Format) {
            'C' {
                return $this.ToCelsius().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°C'
            'F' {
                return $this.ToFahrenheit().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°F'
            'K' {
                return $this.ToKelvin().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°K'
        # If we get here, the format is invalid.
        throw [System.FormatException]::new(
            "Unknown format: '$Format'. Valid Formats are 'C', 'F', and 'K'"

    [string] ToString([string]$Format) {
        return $this.ToString($Format, $null)

    [string] ToString() {
        return $this.ToString($null, $null)

    [bool] Equals([object]$Other) {
        # If the other object is null, we can't compare it.
        if ($null -eq $Other) {
            return $false

        # If the other object isn't a temperature, we can't compare it.
        $OtherTemperature = $Other -as [Temperature]
        if ($null -eq $OtherTemperature) {
            return $false

        # Compare the temperatures as Kelvin.
        return $this.ToKelvin() -eq $OtherTemperature.ToKelvin()

enum TemperatureScale {
    Celsius    = 0
    Fahrenheit = 1
    Kelvin     = 2

The following block shows how the updated class behaves:

$Celsius    = [Temperature]::new()
$Fahrenheit = [Temperature]::new(32, 'Fahrenheit')
$Kelvin     = [Temperature]::new([TemperatureScale]::Kelvin)

Temperatures are: $Celsius, $Fahrenheit, $Kelvin
`$Celsius.Equals(`$Fahrenheit) = $($Celsius.Equals($Fahrenheit))
`$Celsius -eq `$Fahrenheit     = $($Celsius -eq $Fahrenheit)
`$Celsius -ne `$Kelvin         = $($Celsius -ne $Kelvin)
Temperatures are: 0.00°C, 32.00°F, 0.00°K

$Celsius.Equals($Fahrenheit) = True
$Celsius -eq $Fahrenheit     = True
$Celsius -ne $Kelvin         = True

Implementing IComparable

The last interface to implement for the Temperature class is System.IComparable. When the class implements this interface, users can use the -lt, -le, -gt, and -ge operators to compare instances of the class.

To implement the interface, the class needs to inherit from System.IComparable and define the Equals() instance method. The Equals() method needs to have the following signature:

[int] CompareTo([Object]$Other) {
    # Implementation

The signature that the interface requires is listed in the reference documentation.

For Temperature, the class should only support comparing two instances of the class. Because the underlying type for the Degrees property, even when converted to a different scale, is a floating point number, the method can rely on the underlying type for the actual comparison.

[int] CompareTo([object]$Other) {
    # If the other object's null, consider this instance "greater than" it
    if ($null -eq $Other) {
        return 1
    # If the other object isn't a temperature, we can't compare it.
    $OtherTemperature = $Other -as [Temperature]
    if ($null -eq $OtherTemperature) {
        throw [System.ArgumentException]::new(
            "Object must be of type 'Temperature'."
    # Compare the temperatures as Kelvin.
    return $this.ToKelvin().CompareTo($OtherTemperature.ToKelvin())

The final definition for the Temperature class is:

class Temperature : System.IFormattable,
                    System.IEquatable[object] {
    # Instance properties
    [float]            $Degrees
    [TemperatureScale] $Scale

    # Constructors
    Temperature() {}
    Temperature([float] $Degrees)          { $this.Degrees = $Degrees }
    Temperature([TemperatureScale] $Scale) { $this.Scale = $Scale }
    Temperature([float] $Degrees, [TemperatureScale] $Scale) {
        $this.Degrees = $Degrees
        $this.Scale = $Scale

    [float] ToKelvin() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius { return $this.Degrees + 273.15 }
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees + 459.67) * 5 / 9 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToCelsius() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Fahrenheit { return ($this.Degrees - 32) * 5 / 9 }
            Kelvin { return $this.Degrees - 273.15 }
        return $this.Degrees
    [float] ToFahrenheit() {
        switch ($this.Scale) {
            Celsius { return $this.Degrees * 9 / 5 + 32 }
            Kelvin { return $this.Degrees * 9 / 5 - 459.67 }
        return $this.Degrees

    [string] ToString(
    ) {
        # If format isn't specified, use the defined scale.
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Format)) {
            $Format = switch ($this.Scale) {
                Celsius    { 'C' }
                Fahrenheit { 'F' }
                Kelvin     { 'K' }
        # If format provider isn't specified, use the current culture.
        if ($null -eq $FormatProvider) {
            $FormatProvider = [CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture
        # Format the temperature.
        switch ($Format) {
            'C' {
                return $this.ToCelsius().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°C'
            'F' {
                return $this.ToFahrenheit().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°F'
            'K' {
                return $this.ToKelvin().ToString('F2', $FormatProvider) + '°K'
        # If we get here, the format is invalid.
        throw [System.FormatException]::new(
            "Unknown format: '$Format'. Valid Formats are 'C', 'F', and 'K'"

    [string] ToString([string]$Format) {
        return $this.ToString($Format, $null)

    [string] ToString() {
        return $this.ToString($null, $null)

    [bool] Equals([object]$Other) {
        # If the other object is null, we can't compare it.
        if ($null -eq $Other) {
            return $false
        # If the other object isn't a temperature, we can't compare it.
        $OtherTemperature = $Other -as [Temperature]
        if ($null -eq $OtherTemperature) {
            return $false
        # Compare the temperatures as Kelvin.
        return $this.ToKelvin() -eq $OtherTemperature.ToKelvin()
    [int] CompareTo([object]$Other) {
        # If the other object's null, consider this instance "greater than" it
        if ($null -eq $Other) {
            return 1
        # If the other object isn't a temperature, we can't compare it.
        $OtherTemperature = $Other -as [Temperature]
        if ($null -eq $OtherTemperature) {
            throw [System.ArgumentException]::new(
                "Object must be of type 'Temperature'."
        # Compare the temperatures as Kelvin.
        return $this.ToKelvin().CompareTo($OtherTemperature.ToKelvin())

enum TemperatureScale {
    Celsius    = 0
    Fahrenheit = 1
    Kelvin     = 2

With the full definition, users can format and compare instances of the class in PowerShell like any builtin type.

$Celsius    = [Temperature]::new()
$Fahrenheit = [Temperature]::new(32, 'Fahrenheit')
$Kelvin     = [Temperature]::new([TemperatureScale]::Kelvin)

Temperatures are: $Celsius, $Fahrenheit, $Kelvin
`$Celsius.Equals(`$Fahrenheit)    = $($Celsius.Equals($Fahrenheit))
`$Celsius.Equals(`$Kelvin)        = $($Celsius.Equals($Kelvin))
`$Celsius.CompareTo(`$Fahrenheit) = $($Celsius.CompareTo($Fahrenheit))
`$Celsius.CompareTo(`$Kelvin)     = $($Celsius.CompareTo($Kelvin))
`$Celsius -lt `$Fahrenheit        = $($Celsius -lt $Fahrenheit)
`$Celsius -le `$Fahrenheit        = $($Celsius -le $Fahrenheit)
`$Celsius -eq `$Fahrenheit        = $($Celsius -eq $Fahrenheit)
`$Celsius -gt `$Kelvin            = $($Celsius -gt $Kelvin)
Temperatures are: 0.00°C, 32.00°F, 0.00°K
$Celsius.Equals($Fahrenheit)    = True
$Celsius.Equals($Kelvin)        = False
$Celsius.CompareTo($Fahrenheit) = 0
$Celsius.CompareTo($Kelvin)     = 1
$Celsius -lt $Fahrenheit        = False
$Celsius -le $Fahrenheit        = True
$Celsius -eq $Fahrenheit        = True
$Celsius -gt $Kelvin            = True

Example 3 - Inheriting from a generic base class

This example shows how you can derive from a generic class like System.Collections.Generic.List.

Using a built-in class as the type parameter

Run the following code block. It shows how a new class can inherit from a generic type as long as the type parameter is already defined at parse time.

class ExampleStringList : System.Collections.Generic.List[string] {}

$List = [ExampleStringList]::New()
$List.GetType() | Format-List -Property Name, BaseType
Name     : ExampleStringList
BaseType : System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]


Using a custom class as the type parameter

The next code block first defines a new class, ExampleItem, with a single instance property and the ToString() method. Then it defines the ExampleItemList class inheriting from the System.Collections.Generic.List base class with ExampleItem as the type parameter.

Copy the entire code block and run it as a single statement.

class ExampleItem {
    [string] $Name
    [string] ToString() { return $this.Name }
class ExampleItemList : System.Collections.Generic.List[ExampleItem] {}
An error occurred while creating the pipeline.
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRe
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException

Running the entire code block raises an error because PowerShell hasn't loaded the ExampleItem class into the runtime yet. You can't use class name as the type parameter for the System.Collections.Generic.List base class yet.

Run the following code blocks in the order they're defined.

class ExampleItem {
    [string] $Name
    [string] ToString() { return $this.Name }
class ExampleItemList : System.Collections.Generic.List[ExampleItem] {}

This time, PowerShell doesn't raise any errors. Both classes are now defined. Run the following code block to view the behavior of the new class.

$List = [ExampleItemList]::New()
    [ExampleItem]@{ Name = 'Foo' }
    [ExampleItem]@{ Name = 'Bar' }
    [ExampleItem]@{ Name = 'Baz' }
$List.GetType() | Format-List -Property Name, BaseType
Name     : ExampleItemList
BaseType : System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ExampleItem]


Deriving a generic with a custom type parameter in a module

The following code blocks show how you can define a class that inherits from a generic base class that uses a custom type for the type parameter.

Save the following code block as GenericExample.psd1.

    RootModule        = 'GenericExample.psm1'
    ModuleVersion     = '0.1.0'
    GUID              = '2779fa60-0b3b-4236-b592-9060c0661ac2'

Save the following code block as GenericExample.InventoryItem.psm1.

class InventoryItem {
    [string] $Name
    [int]    $Count

    InventoryItem() {}
    InventoryItem([string]$Name) {
        $this.Name = $Name
    InventoryItem([string]$Name, [int]$Count) {
        $this.Name  = $Name
        $this.Count = $Count

    [string] ToString() {
        return "$($this.Name) ($($this.Count))"

Save the following code block as GenericExample.psm1.

using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using module ./GenericExample.InventoryItem.psm1

class Inventory : List[InventoryItem] {}

# Define the types to export with type accelerators.
$ExportableTypes =@(
# Get the internal TypeAccelerators class to use its static methods.
$TypeAcceleratorsClass = [psobject].Assembly.GetType(
# Ensure none of the types would clobber an existing type accelerator.
# If a type accelerator with the same name exists, throw an exception.
$ExistingTypeAccelerators = $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Get
foreach ($Type in $ExportableTypes) {
    if ($Type.FullName -in $ExistingTypeAccelerators.Keys) {
        $Message = @(
            "Unable to register type accelerator '$($Type.FullName)'"
            'Accelerator already exists.'
        ) -join ' - '

        throw [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(
# Add type accelerators for every exportable type.
foreach ($Type in $ExportableTypes) {
    $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Add($Type.FullName, $Type)
# Remove type accelerators when the module is removed.
$MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = {
    foreach($Type in $ExportableTypes) {


The root module adds the custom types to PowerShell's type accelerators. This pattern enables module users to immediately access IntelliSense and autocomplete for the custom types without needing to use the using module statement first.

For more information about this pattern, see the "Exporting with type accelerators" section of about_Classes.

Import the module and verify the output.

Import-Module ./GenericExample.psd1

$Inventory = [Inventory]::new()
$Inventory.GetType() | Format-List -Property Name, BaseType

$Inventory.Add([InventoryItem]::new('Bucket', 2))
$Inventory.Add([InventoryItem]@{ Name = 'Broom' ; Count = 4 })
Name     : Inventory
BaseType : System.Collections.Generic.List`1[InventoryItem]

Name   Count
----   -----
Bucket     2
Mop        0
Broom      4

The module loads without errors because the InventoryItem class is defined in a different module file than the Inventory class. Both classes are available to module users.

Inheriting a base class

When a class inherits from a base class, it inherits the properties and methods of the base class. It doesn't inherit the base class constructors directly, but it can call them.

When the base class is defined in .NET rather than PowerShell, note that:

  • PowerShell classes can't inherit from sealed classes.
  • When inheriting from a generic base class, the type parameter for the generic class can't be the derived class. Using the derived class as the type parameter raises a parse error.

To see how inheritance and overriding works for derived classes, see Example 1.

Derived class constructors

Derived classes don't directly inherit the constructors of the base class. If the base class defines a default constructor and the derived class doesn't define any constructors, new instances of the derived class use the base class default constructor. If the base class doesn't define a default constructor, derived class must explicitly define at least one constructor.

Derived class constructors can invoke a constructor from the base class with the base keyword. If the derived class doesn't explicitly invoke a constructor from the base class, it invokes the default constructor for the base class instead.

To invoke a nondefault base constructor, add : base(<parameters>) after the constructor parameters and before the body block.

class <derived-class> : <base-class> {
    <derived-class>(<derived-parameters>) : <base-class>(<base-parameters>) {
        # initialization code

When defining a constructor that calls a base class constructor, the parameters can be any of the following items:

  • The variable of any parameter on the derived class constructor.
  • Any static value.
  • Any expression that evaluates to a value of the parameter type.

The Illustration class in Example 1 shows how a derived class can use the base class constructors.

Derived class methods

When a class derives from a base class, it inherits the methods of the base class and their overloads. Any method overloads defined on the base class, including hidden methods, are available on the derived class.

A derived class can override an inherited method overload by redefining it in the class definition. To override the overload, the parameter types must be the same as for the base class. The output type for the overload can be different.

Unlike constructors, methods can't use the : base(<parameters>) syntax to invoke a base class overload for the method. The redefined overload on the derived class completely replaces the overload defined by the base class. To call the base class method for an instance, cast the instance variable ($this) to the base class before calling the method.

The following snippet shows how a derived class can call the base class method.

class BaseClass {
    [bool] IsTrue() { return $true }
class DerivedClass : BaseClass {
    [bool] IsTrue()     { return $false }
    [bool] BaseIsTrue() { return ([BaseClass]$this).IsTrue() }

[BaseClass]::new().IsTrue()        = $([BaseClass]::new().IsTrue())
[DerivedClass]::new().IsTrue()     = $([DerivedClass]::new().IsTrue())
[DerivedClass]::new().BaseIsTrue() = $([DerivedClass]::new().BaseIsTrue())
[BaseClass]::new().IsTrue()        = True
[DerivedClass]::new().IsTrue()     = False
[DerivedClass]::new().BaseIsTrue() = True

For an extended sample showing how a derived class can override inherited methods, see the Illustration class in Example 1.

Derived class properties

When a class derives from a base class, it inherits the properties of the base class. Any properties defined on the base class, including hidden properties, are available on the derived class.

A derived class can override an inherited property by redefining it in the class definition. The property on the derived class uses the redefined type and default value, if any. If the inherited property defined a default value and the redefined property doesn't, the inherited property has no default value.

If a derived class doesn't override a static property, accessing the static property through the derived class accesses the static property of the base class. Modifying the property value through the derived class modifies the value on the base class. Any other derived class that doesn't override the static property also uses the value of the property on the base class. Updating the value of an inherited static property in a class that doesn't override the property might have unintended effects for classes derived from the same base class.

Example 1 shows how derived classes that inherit, extend, and override the base class properties.

Deriving from generics

When a class derives from a generic, the type parameter must already be defined before PowerShell parses the derived class. If the type parameter for the generic is a PowerShell class or enumeration defined in the same file or code block, PowerShell raises an error.

To derive a class from a generic base class with a custom type as the type parameter, define the class or enumeration for the type parameter in a different file or module and use the using module statement to load the type definition.

For an example showing how to inherit from a generic base class, see Example 3.

Useful classes to inherit

There are a few classes that can be useful to inherit when authoring PowerShell modules. This section lists a few base classes and what a class derived from them can be used for.

  • System.Attribute - Derive classes to define attributes that can be used for variables, parameters, class and enumeration definitions, and more.
  • System.Management.Automation.ArgumentTransformationAttribute - Derive classes to handle converting input for a variable or parameter into a specific data type.
  • System.Management.Automation.ValidateArgumentsAttribute - Derive classes to apply custom validation to variables, parameters, and class properties.
  • System.Collections.Generic.List - Derive classes to make creating and managing lists of a specific data type easier.
  • System.Exception - Derive classes to define custom errors.

Implementing interfaces

A PowerShell class that implements an interface must implement all the members of that interface. Omitting the implementation interface members causes a parse-time error in the script.


PowerShell doesn't support declaring new interfaces in PowerShell script. Instead, interfaces must be declared in .NET code and added to the session with the Add-Type cmdlet or the using assembly statement.

When a class implements an interface, it can be used like any other class that implements that interface. Some commands and operations limit their supported types to classes that implement a specific interface.

To review a sample implementation of interfaces, see Example 2.

Useful interfaces to implement

There are a few interface classes that can be useful to inherit when authoring PowerShell modules. This section lists a few base classes and what a class derived from them can be used for.

  • System.IEquatable - This interface enables users to compare two instances of the class. When a class doesn't implement this interface, PowerShell checks for equivalency between two instances using reference equality. In other words, an instance of the class only equals itself, even if the property values on two instances are the same.
  • System.IComparable - This interface enables users to compare instances of the class with the -le, -lt, -ge, and -gt comparison operators. When a class doesn't implement this interface, those operators raise an error.
  • System.IFormattable - This interface enables users to format instances of the class into different strings. This is useful for classes that have more than one standard string representation, like budget items, bibliographies, and temperatures.
  • System.IConvertible - This interface enables users to convert instances of the class to other runtime types. This is useful for classes that have an underlying numerical value or can be converted to one.


  • PowerShell doesn't support defining interfaces in script code.

    Workaround: Define interfaces in C# and reference the assembly that defines the interfaces.

  • PowerShell classes can only inherit from one base class.

    Workaround: Class inheritance is transitive. A derived class can inherit from another derived class to get the properties and methods of a base class.

  • When inheriting from a generic class or interface, the type parameter for the generic must already be defined. A class can't define itself as the type parameter for a class or interface.

    Workaround: To derive from a generic base class or interface, define the custom type in a different .psm1 file and use the using module statement to load the type. There's no workaround for a custom type to use itself as the type parameter when inheriting from a generic.

See Also