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Authentication API with NodeJS

This project is an Authentication system built using Node.js, Express, and Redis along with a frontend user interface developed using React, Tailwind CSS, Axios, and React Router. It incorporates session handling, rate limiting, account lockout, and logging to enhance security.

Table of Contents


This project is built using React, Tailwind CSS, Axios, React Router, Express, Redis, Rate Limiter, and Logging functionalities. It provides a secure and user-friendly system for user registration, login, and authentication.


  • Express Session: Handles user authentication and stores session data in a Redis database.
  • Rate Limiting: Protects against brute force attacks by limiting the number of requests from a single IP.
  • Account Lockout: Temporarily locks user accounts after a specified number of failed login attempts.
  • Logging: Records security events and errors to a log file for analysis.
  • React UI: Provides an intuitive and interactive interface for users to interact with the authentication system.


  • Node.js installed on your machine.
  • Redis server running to store session data.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd authAPI 


  1. Create a config.js file in the project root directory and Update the file according to your environment.

     // config.js
     module.exports  = {
     session: {
     secret:  'your_session_secret', // replace it with your session secret
     resave:  false,
     saveUninitialized:  true,
     cookie: { secure:  false, maxAge:60000, httpOnly:false, sameSite:'none'}, // Set secure to true if you are using HTTPS and maxAge of your choice.
    mongodb: {
    uri:  'your_mongodb_uri',
    env: {
     port: 3000,
    origin:'your client address',
    methods:["GET","POST"], // allowed methods
    allowedHeaders: ['Content-Type'], // allowed headers
  2. create a .env file in the client root directory and update the file according to your server URL

    SERVER_URL= your server URL 


  • Start the server

    node index.js
  • Start the client

    npm run dev
  • Your authentication API is now running at http://localhost:3000 (or another specified port) and the client app is now running at http://localhost:5173.


  • Register:
    • POST /register
  • Login:
    • POST /login
  • Logout:
    • GET /logout
  • Additional endpoints as needed.

React Components

  • Home: Home page component.
  • Register: Register component implements a registration form where users can sign up for new accounts. Upon submission it sends a POST request to the \register endpoint of the API and receives the session cookie and user details which will be stored in local storage of the Browser.
  • Login: Login component implements login form for users to sing in to their accounts. Upon submission it sends a POST request to the \login endpoint of the API and receives the session cookie and user details which will be stored in local storage of the Browser.
  • Dashboard: Simple component that says Hello to the authenticated users. It is only accessible after successful login into the user account. It has a button logout which calls the \logout endpoint of the API to logout and destroy the user session.

Security Measures

Express Session

  • Sessions are stored securely in a Redis database.
  • Note: Make sure to follow cookie security practices by setting flags such as secure,httpOnly ,sameSite and optionally specifying domain and path.

Rate Limiting

  • Rate limiting is implemented to prevent brute force attacks.
  • Configurable thresholds to adjust the level of protection.

Account Lockout

  • Temporary lockout of user accounts after a specified number of failed login attempts.
  • Enhances security by preventing continuous login attempts.


  • Security events and errors are logged to a designated log file.
  • Logging provides a trail for analyzing security incidents.