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Http Live Streaming

Adam Hunt edited this page Apr 15, 2017 · 14 revisions

Emby supports the HTTP Live Streaming protocol, also known as HLS.

The url is:

  • /Videos/{Id}/master.m3u8

The required paramaters are:

  • Id (in path)
  • MediaSourceId
  • DeviceId

For a complete list of parameters, see the built-in documentation.

All of the optional parameters can be viewed using the swagger documentation.

  • AudioCodec
  • AudioBitrate
  • MaxAudioChannels
  • AudioSampleRate
  • VideoCodec
  • VideoBitrate
  • MaxWidth
  • MaxHeight
  • Profile (h264 profile)
  • Level
  • AudioStreamIndex
  • SubtitleStreamIndex (if burning into the video)

Post Playback

After playback is complete, it is necessary to inform the server to stop any related HLS transcoding. This is accomplished via an HTTP DELETE to:


External Documentation

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