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Copy code with filename and line number, customized format.


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Copy code with filename and line number, customized format.

Copy with linenumber.

Copy markdown format

Copy markdown format. Use keybinding arguments.

Copy markdown format

Available command

  • extension.copyCodeBlock: copy cursor line or selections by specified format.

default keybind

        "key": "alt+j alt+1",
        "command": "extension.copyCodeBlock",
            "formatName": "default"
        "key": "alt+j alt+2",
        "command": "extension.copyCodeBlock",
            "formatName": "markdown"

default format

    "default": [
            "formatName": "default",
            "codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}",
            "codeBlockFooterFormat": "",
            "codeLineFormat": "${LINENUMBER}: ${CODE}${EOL}",
            "multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
            "multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
            "forcePathSeparatorSlash": false,
            "forceSpaceIndent": false
            "formatName": "markdown",
            "codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}```${languageId}${EOL}",
            "codeBlockFooterFormat": "```${EOL}",
            "codeLineFormat": "${CODE}${EOL}",
            "multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
            "multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
            "forcePathSeparatorSlash": true,
            "forceSpaceIndent": true

The formats can be added and edited. You can use it by specifying "formatName" with "args" parameter of key binding.


parameter name description type default value
formatName keybinding "args" "formatName" string ""
codeBlockHeaderFormat Specifies the format of the code block footer lines. string "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}"
codeBlockFooterFormat Code block footer format. The available tokens are the same as codeBlockHeaderFormat." string ""
codeLineFormat The available tokens are the following in addition to codeBlockHeaderFormat. string "${LINENUMBER}: ${CODE}${EOL}"
multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks If true is specified, multiple selections will generate multiple code blocks. boolean false
multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat Delimiter when "multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks" is set to true. string "---${EOL}"
forcePathSeparatorSlash Forcibly replace path separator with slash. boolean false
forceSpaceIndent Force space indentation. boolean false

codeBlockHeaderFormat / codeBlockFooterFormat / codeLineFormat tokens

token name description example
${fullPath} File full path. e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block\src\copy-code-block.ts
${workspaceFolderRelativePath} WorkspaceFolder relative path. src\copy-code-block.ts
${fileBasename} Filename. copy-code-block.ts
${fileExtname} File extension. .ts
${fileExtnameWithoutDot} File extension without '.'. ts
${fileBasenameWithoutExtension} Filename without extension. copy-code-block
${workspaceFolder} workspaceFolder e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block
${fileDirname} File dir name. e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block\src
${pathSeparator} Path separator. Affected by 'forcePathSeparatorSlash' option. \
${osPathSeparator} It is not affected by 'forcePathSeparatorSlash' option \
${pathParse.root} node.js path.parse() 'root' e:\
${pathParse.dir} node.js path.parse() 'dir' e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block\src
${pathParse.base} node.js path.parse() 'base' copy-code-block.ts
${pathParse.ext} node.js path.parse() 'ext' .ts
${} node.js path.parse() 'name' copy-code-block
${languageId} Language identified by vscode. typescript
${topLineNumber} The start of the selection or the line number of the cursor. 10
${YYYY} Current 4-digit year. 2018
${MM} Current month. "01"-"12" 03
${DD} Current day. "01"-"31" 28
${HH} Current hour. "00"-"23" 00
${mm} Current minutes. "00"-"59" 45
${ss} Current secound. "00"-"59" 04
${osEOL} OS-dependent end of line characters. \r\n
${EOL} end of line characters on vscode. \r\n
${LF} LF character. \n
${CRLF} CR LF characters. \r\n

Format Examples

Plain filename, line number and code lines

        "formatName": "default",
        "codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}",
        "codeBlockFooterFormat": "",
        "codeLineFormat": "${LINENUMBER}: ${CODE}${EOL}",
        "multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
        "multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
        "forcePathSeparatorSlash": false,
        "forceSpaceIndent": false
	10: export const packaged_commands: { [ key: string ]: ( args: any ) => void } = {
	11: 	[ COPY_CODE_BLOCK ]: ( option: any ) => {
	12: 		copyCodeBlock( option )
	13: 	}
	14: }

Markdown code block

        "formatName": "markdown",
        "codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}```${languageId}${EOL}",
        "codeBlockFooterFormat": "```${EOL}",
        "codeLineFormat": "${CODE}${EOL}",
        "multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
        "multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
        "forcePathSeparatorSlash": true,
        "forceSpaceIndent": true
	export const packaged_commands: { [ key: string ]: ( args: any ) => void } = {
	    [ COPY_CODE_BLOCK ]: ( option: any ) => {
	        copyCodeBlock( option )

html pre, code element.

        "formatName": "html",
        "codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}(${topLineNumber})${EOL}<pre><codde>${EOL}",
        "codeBlockFooterFormat": "</code></pre>${EOL}",
        "codeLineFormat": "${CODE}${EOL}",
        "multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
        "multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
        "forcePathSeparatorSlash": true,
        "forceSpaceIndent": true
	export const packaged_commands: { [ key: string ]: ( args: any ) => void } = {
	    [ COPY_CODE_BLOCK ]: ( option: any ) => {
	        copyCodeBlock( option )


This extension was inspired by the Copy With Line Numbers.


Copy code with filename and line number, customized format.







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