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Security: MartinCastroAlvarez/flask-application



Penetration Tests


Make sure you executed the steps described here. You should also follow the setup described here.

Authentication Tests

Wrong Password Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/auth" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "1111111111111", "password": "1111111111111"}'

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3001": "Username not found."
Empty Password Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/auth" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "1111111111111", "password": ""}'

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "4006": "Password is invalid."
Empty Username Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/auth" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "", "password": "1111111111"}'

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "4005": "Username is invalid."
Bad Admin Login Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/auth" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "'${ADMIN_USERNAME}'", "password": "11111111111111"}'

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3002": "Invalid password."
Admin Login Test
curl -c ${COOKIE_JAR} -X POST "${API}/api/v1/auth" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "'${ADMIN_USERNAME}'", "password": "'${ADMIN_PASSWORD}'"}'

Should return:

  "token": "..."  # A random token is returned.
Wrong Logout Test
curl -X DELETE "${API}/api/v1/auth"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Logout Test
curl -X DELETE "${API}/api/v1/auth" -b "${COOKIE_JAR}"

Should return:


People Security Tests

Protected Person Creation Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/people"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Protected Person Update Test
curl -X PUT "${API}/api/v1/people/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Protected Person Deletion Test
curl -X DELETE "${API}/api/v1/people/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."

Movies Security Tests

Protected Movie Creation Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/movies"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Protected Movie Update Test
curl -X PUT "${API}/api/v1/movies/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Protected Movie Deletion Test
curl -X DELETE "${API}/api/v1/movies/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."

Actors Security Tests

Protected Actor Creation Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/movies/1/actors/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Protected Actor Deletion Test
curl -X DELETE "${API}/api/v1/movies/1/actors/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."

Directors Security Tests

Protected Director Creation Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/movies/1/directors/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Protected Actor Deletion Test
curl -X DELETE "${API}/api/v1/movies/1/directors/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."

Producers Security TEsts

Protected Producers Creation Test
curl -X POST "${API}/api/v1/movies/1/producers/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."
Protected Actor Deletion Test
curl -X DELETE "${API}/api/v1/movies/1/producers/1"

Should return:

  "errors": {
    "3000": "Authentication error."

There aren’t any published security advisories