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Vue 3, Vite and Typescript Template

This is a starter template for a Vue 3 app with some sensible and often used defaults & features.


  • Vite
  • Typescript support
  • Routing via vue-router
  • ESLint + Prettier
  • Axios
  • Pinia in favor of Vuex
  • SCSS/SASS support via sass
  • modern-normalize

Getting Started

To get started, install the dependencies with your package manager of choice. After they're installed, you can then run yarn dev or npm run dev to spin up the Vite dev server. By default, this will expose the 3000 port both locally and on your entire network, although this can be disabled in the vite.config.ts file by removing the server: { host } option.

To build the app, you have 2 options:

  • yarn build or npm run build will simply build the application, with the built files getting exported into the dist/ directory
  • yarn build-ts or npm run build-ts will first run the Typescript type checker against the whole project, then build the files and place them in dist/

Default Setup

The default setup of this template includes examples on how to use all the Features listed above.


Vite will resolve @ in the source code to ./src by default. So for example, to import a component from /src/App.vue, you can simply call import Component from "@/components/ExampleComponent". For IDE support to work with path aliasing, the tsconfig.json file also contains a paths key, though the app itself will work without the Typescript configuration flag.

To change the string used for resolving the alias, you must change line 15 of the tsconfig.json as well as line 11 of the vite.config.ts file.

Vue Router

The template utilizes vue-router. The router configuration file can be found in src/lib/router.ts. By default, the routes are all placed in the src/pages directory.

The config file also includes a route guard that sets the title of each route via a meta: title flag.


SASS/SCSS files can be used in components simply by declaring the style tags to use one of them. This will automatically be transpiled to CSS.

<style lang="scss"></style>

The vite.config.js file also imports a SCSS variables file to all components that utilize SASS/SCSS via the preprocessorOptions: { scss } flag. This way, you don't have to explicitly import the variables in every single component where you need them.

ESLint & Prettier

ESLint and Prettier can be configured in their respective config files, .eslintrc.js and .prettierrc. They're both set up to work and mesh well with Typescript and Vue 3, as there are some default options that give erronous warnings.

You have 3 scripts available for linting

  • yarn format or npm run format will use prettier to auto-fix all files under the ./src directory
  • yarn lint or npm run lint will run ESLint on all .js, .ts and .vue files under the ./src directory
  • yarn lint-fix or npm run lint-fix will lint all .js, .ts and .vue files under the ./src directory and automatically fix anything that can be auto-fixed


The template has been set up to utilize an Axios instance. This configuration can be found in src/lib/axios.ts, and by default sets the Axios base URL to

To use axios anywhere inside the app, simply import the instance and use it as you normally would

import $axios from "@/lib/axios"

$axios.get("/ednpoint").then(() => { foo })


As of the time of writing (September 22nd 2021), Vuex 4 is in a bit of a complicated state. As such, the core team has released an experimental library called Pinia that aims to resolve Vuex 4's issues and to make state management easier to use while providing Typescript support.

For more details on how to use Pinia, check out their docs. You can also find a very simple example in the /src/store directory. The example store declared there is being used in the Example route, stored in src/pages/Example.vue.