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Word sense disambiguation project that uses a wikipedia dump and discovers relationship with a graph. Cooked with python microservices, neo4j, elasticsearch


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1. Download the latest version of wikipedia dump from this server the version should be {lang}wiki-content which is the one with the encyclopedic voices. the general version is the one with user discussions

2. create a sample with only the title, the outgoing_links and the categories of the whole wikipedia using the script in ./wikigraph/utils/ . The output json is our database which will be included in elasticsearch

3. create csv for massive import on neo4j with the script ./wikigraph/utils/ The two output csv will constitute our database for neo4j

4. install GNU-parallel, utility for parallel task execution:

5. build the docker image of python microservices launching from the path where Dockerfile is docker build -t graph_disambiguator:1.0 .

6. run the containers with docker compose docker-compose up

7. from kibana http://localhost:5601 click on the dev_tools tab and declare the wikigraph index mapping used by our services to do that write PUT wikigraph and paste in the next line the json inside the file ./wikigraph/resources/mapping.json and make the PUT call to the elastic server

8. enter the data in the created index with the command: cat <path_to_the_json_created_in_section_two> | parallel --pipe -L 2 -N 2000 -j3 'curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" http://localhost:9200/wikigraph/_doc/_bulk --data-binary @- > /dev/null' 9. enter in the neo4j browser on and create a constraint CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (r:Record) ASSERT r.title IS UNIQUE

10. copy outside the docker container th file from the container root docker cp <containerId>:/ /host/path/target

11. stop the active neo4j container: docker-compose down neo4j

12. copy this command inside the bin/neo4j-admin import --nodes:Record /import/pages-headers.csv,/import/pages.csv --relationships=/import/outgoing-headers.csv,/import/outgoing.csv --ignore-missing-nodes 13. copy the csv files created in section three inside the folder to be mounted in in /import folder indicated in neo4j service in the docker-compose file In the same folder copy also ./wikigraph/resources/pages-headers.csv and ./wikigraph/resources/pages-headers.csv

14. In the docker-compose allow to mount inside the neo4j service. Then you can run the neo4j container: docker-compose up neo4j

15. At the next start of the neo4j container remember to comment out or remove from volumes


To inquiry the disambiguation service

import requests

splitted_phrase = "a python is eating a mouse".split()

r ="http://localhost:8000/disambiguate", json={"phrases": splitted_phrase})

An example to make a call could be found here ./wikigraph/utils/