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#Amplio Analytics Dashboard

Simple implementation of a dashboard for Amplio deployment and usage statistics.


  • Directly reads (and parses) files produced by nightly statistics runs.
  • Completely static (given updated files); no server-side component. Can even run from the file system if desired.


  • Yeoman for project scaffolding.
  • Bootstrap for styling (v3.3, currently).
  • DataTables for sortable, searchable, pageable tables.
  • Node powers the dev-side builds and so forth.


  1. Install Node.js. Important: See this page for instructions on installing global node modules without using sudo. Note At this time, the configured "Gulp" (3) is incompatible with the current "Node" (14). This is tested with node 10.16.3.
  2. Sync this project from Git.
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  4. Run bower update to install more dependencies.
  5. Change to the app directory and run to sync test data.
  6. Run gulp serve to compile and test.
  7. Run gulp to build for production.
  8. From the dist directory, run to deploy the dashboard to S3.


  • The pages need definitions, so everyone is working with the same understanding of terms.
  • Some graphs and charts would spiff things up a bit, make them more visually engaging.
  • If we can get the heuristics right, calling out some "headline" statistics would make the important facts more immediately accessible.
  • When DataTables are updated to work with Bootstrap 4, update both.
  • If the project grows very much, consider adopting Angular for better modularity.