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This is a portfolio of our work. It connects to Github, and automatically updates every hour.

This portfolio is in use at our website.

How to use

  1. Download the code
  2. Run the command npm install to install the node dependencies.
  3. Run the command composer install to install the composer dependencies.
  4. Run the command npm run build to build the assets.
  5. Run the command php artisan key:generate to generate a new key.
  6. Run the command php artisan migrate to create the database tables.
  7. Edit the .env file with your Github username.
  8. Go to /resources/views/components/brand-logo.blade.php and change the SVG file within to your own logo.
  9. Go to /resources/views/components/footer.blade.php and change the data of the footer to your own.
  10. On your github account or repository, create a new repository called ".portfolio" and add a file, this is your portfolio content, you can add anything you want here.
  11. Run the command php artisan github:generate and it will fill out the data.
  12. Run the command php artisan serve to start the server.
  13. Start the scheduler by running the command php artisan schedule:work. (For production, you may want to add this as a CRON job.)
  14. Visit the address in your browser to see your portfolio.

Generating a static site

After you've completed set up, you may run the command php artisan export to generate a static site. This will create a folder called "dist" which you may upload to your web server.

Note: When using this method of hosting; you will need to change the .env variable APP_URL to the URL of your website.


You can change the settings in the .env file. Here are some of the important settings that you can change:

  • APP_NAME: The name of your website.
  • APP_URL: The URL of your website.
  • GITHUB_USERNAME: Your Github username.
  • GITHUB_FILTER_FORKS: Whether to filter out forked repositories. (true/false)
  • GITHUB_FILTER_ARCHIVED: Whether to filter out archived repositories. (true/false)
  • GITHUB_FILTER_DESCRIPTION: Whether to filter out repositories without a description. (true/false)