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Future Features

Chaz Kiker edited this page Apr 4, 2021 · 2 revisions

Future Feature Possibilities

Okta Role Integration

We have access to the Okta SDK, which makes working with Okta easy as all hell.

Unfortunately, our Users and their roles are handled by us... pretty much all we're using Okta for right now is some pretty lame token generation and to create users.

But Okta has some pretty neat stuff for handling "Groups", which I think would be a really cool way to tie our role-based permissions into Okta's far more powerful version of roles!!

Granular User-by-User Permissions

We could allow ADMIN users to specify each user's permissions on a user-to-user basis.

This could include providing a list of "POSSIBLE PERMISSIONS" where the ADMIN simply clicks a checkbox

Build Optimization to ease Memory Consumption & Dyno Load

Our memory has consistently drifted up to 104% with daily use from multiple people. I honest to God have no idea what a healthy MB consumption looks like for a Spring application... my bet is that it ranges wildly.

It would be worth looking into options for optimization. It's possible we have some gross entity session-management or some poorly crafted SQL that would play into this. Really not sure.

Add Caching to any Cacheable Entities

MD File Upload

CSV File Uploads for Additional Entities (Programs, Courses, Assignments, Grades)

User-Defined Templates for what CONTENT of each entity in the Curriculum Hierarchy Looks like