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Releases: Krzmbrzl/SQDev


07 Jun 14:39
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| Added: Option to change String colouring
| Added: Option to change comment colouring
| Changed: Default parse time delay decreased to 1s (instead of 1.5s)


22 May 14:49
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| Fixed : Problems with UTF-8 encoded files


08 Apr 14:28
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| Added: Option to chose whether imported projects get copied into workspace
| Added: New parser (by far faster and more robust than the old one)
| Rewrote: Type checking
| Improved: There shouldn't be any error-windows popping up during coding anymore
| Improved: Syntax tree viewer overhauled
| Fixed: Broken Keyword-update-functionality


15 Oct 16:59
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| Improved: Switched to latest ANTLR release (4.7) which should decrease the parse-time
| Fixed: Continious NullPointerExceptions during normal coding
| Fixed: Building projects incredibly slow
| Fixed: Increasing command-access time during validation in builder
| Fixed: Permission problems when creating dummy directories
| Fixed: Missing return value after project building


30 Sep 11:09
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| Added: Parser testcases for improved stability throughout development
| Added: Possibility to create necessary file-infrastructure as dummy on machines that don't have ArmA installed
| Added: MP option to Project wizard
| Added: Global Project Parsing
| Added: SQDev Project Nature for identifying SQDev projects properly
| Added: Custom SQDev Navigator (experimental only)
| Improved: SQDev projects are now encoded with UTF-8 per default (independently from the system's default)
| Improved: Command info is now two staged (first basic, then full)
| Improved: Editors now restart automatically after command update
| Improved: Command update now uses the BIKI API
| Improved: SQF validation is no longer bound to the SQFEditor allowing for more flexible usage
| Improved: Hidden files are now ignored during export
| Improved: All parsing is now done with the SLL(*) approach
| Fixed: Little bugs in command update
| Fixed: Error markers are now displayed on external files as well
| Fixed: (Un)Indentation of whole selection area is no longer broken```


05 Apr 09:48
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| Added: Rudimentary support for mod projects (creation + import)
| Fixed: Wrongly escaped quotation marks in config files
| Fixed: Binary operators that don't have (yet) a right argument causing a NullpointerException during parsing
| Fixed: Error occuring on startup of the StringTableEditor
| Fixed: Inappropriate selection in the package-tree of the StringTableEditor
| Fixed: Error during command update on windows machines
| Fixed: RPTViewer formatting now works as expected
| Fixed: Error markers only appearing at the start of an element instead of underlining it completely
| Fixed: Endless loop in SQDev-Editor when typing in a '@'
| Improved: Numbers between 0 and 1 can now be entered as '.x' (instead of '0.x') without getting an error
| Improved: Return value is now determined according to the context in which the operator is used
| Improved: Operators having multiple return values depending on the used syntax are now respected
| Improved: Parsing now gets triggered by content change instead of keyboard inputs
| Improved: Vital commands (control structures) can no longer be left out


20 Feb 14:57
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| Added: Preference specifying whether a notification should pop up on parseMode change
| Improved: Includes now check for the use of a backslash
| Improved: SQF parser now recognizes numbers in scientific and hexadecimal notation
| Fixed: Parsing getting really slow under certain circumstances
| Fixed: Files do no longer get parsed multiple times at once
| Fixed: Includes on unix systems no longer fail because of backslash
| Fixed: Mulitline comments not being highlighted immediately

0.7.0 - Syntax Check

12 Feb 17:06
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| Added: SQF syntax checking
| Added: Support of standard magic variables (e.g. "_this")
| Added: Highlighting for macros
| Added: Config editors
| Added: Plugin info creator
| Added: FileSystem listening framework
| Added: SQDev perspective
| Added: RPTViewer as a new View
| Added: Preference for the RPT location
| Added: Preference for user validation of deletions
| Added: Preferences for formatting RPT content
| Added: New preference editor for multiple Strings
| Rewritten: SQF grammar
| Rewritten: Preprocessor parser
| Improved: Variable declarations via "params" and "private" are now recognized
| Improved: Implicit variable declartions in a for loop are now recognized
| Improved: No code folding markers for code that is written in only one line anymore
| Improved: Operators like "+", "-", etc. are also included in a command update
| Improved: Search Navigator-view for current selection as well
| Improved: Errors on Syntax-Parsing during KeywordCollection of commands can now recover
| Improved: SQDevInfobox is now persistent and is not discarded when eclipse is not in focus
| Improved: Localisation of directories now supports linux
| Improved: After creating a new SQDev project the user is prompt whether the SQDev prespective should be opened
| Improved: Parsing is done in an extra thread
| Changed: Changed text of button in misc-preferences: old: "Update keywords", new: "Update commands"
| Changed: Relocated miscellaneous preferences into the misc preference page
| Changed: Parse delay preference is now specified in milliseconds for better adjustments
| Changed: Syntax of the SQFKeywords-file is now XML-like to increase readability
| Fixed: Comment at the end of the file marked as an error
| Fixed: Nested macros are marked as an error
| Fixed: ArmA files get properly located on linux
| Fixed: Minor Bugs in IntegerPreferenceEditor
| Fixed: Bug causing crash on linux on profile-retrieval
| Fixed: Bug occuring when opening two SQDevInfoboxes simultaneously
| Fixed: File->Open file... does no longer result in a crashed editor
| Fixed: ConcurrentModificationException during saving
| Fixed: Code folding markers are no longer "persistent"
| Fixed: Various minor bugs in the SQF command collection
| Fixed: Information hover only appearing if the operator is written in the "proper" way
| Fixed: Open wiki page for commands sometimes lead to complete crash
| Fixed: Empty hover info appearing when hovering over macros/variables

Note: Linux users have to switch to GTK2 in order for the hover info to work properly (see for an explanation how to do this)

0.6.1 Release

09 Aug 16:08
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| Added: Tanoa as terrain dropdown
| Added: Macro-support
| Added: Macro (syntax) check
| Fixed: save problem caused by code folding [need Info]
| Fixed: StringtableEditor not overtaking changes from the UI into the XML
| Fixed: Error when opening SQDevFileEditor
| Fixed: SQFParser no longer bails out with macros
| Fixed: Bug in CommandUpdate preventing it from processing a few commmands (e.g. safeZoneY)
| Fixed: Bug in syntax processing
| Improved: StringtableEditor does no longer auto-collapse the tree in the UI
| Improved: Languages columns in StringTableEditor now get sorted -> no arbitrary order anymore
| Improved: CommandUpdate can now recover on error by retry or skip
| Changed: Enabled error markers in SQF-editor

If you're installing this when coming from a minor version you should do a command update in order to fix some previous problems during command gathering

0.6.0 Release

22 Jun 15:27
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| Improved: Initial script header (added 2 trailing newLines)
| Improved: SQF icon
| Changed: All editors should now save in UTF-8 encoding
| Added: Syntax attribute for commands
| Added: Parsing for SQF files
| Added: Parsing for Stringtable.xml files
| Added: Stringtable editor
| Added: ParseDelay preference
| Added: Multi color syntax highlighting for keywords
| Added: Option to reset keywords to last backup
| Added: Code folding