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When using the PowerShell ISE , similar to other scripting editors, you have access to what are known as ‘code snippets’. These are quick-start ways to generate frequently used code. PowerShell ISE ships with some default snippets. In the Windows PowerShell ISE Edit menu, click Start Snippets or press Ctrl+J. It is also possible to add some custom snippets of your own.

This repository is for the creation and storage of homemade snippets. Sure the default ones are good, but sometimes you might need more information or have it filled out completely. That is where this repo comes into play. If there is code that you use regularly and too long to remember or type each time, the snippet is for you. If you find yourself "Binging" the solution because you can't get the syntax correct, then the snippet is for you. If you like shortcuts, then the snippet is for you.

This repository is a set of snippets that I use.


This Repo is set up for two different ways to deply the snippets. To get this working on your system you will need to decide whether you want to run multiple scripts or just copy and paste.

  1. If you want to run the scripts then all you have to do is copy the scripts folder and run as many of the scripts as you want.
  2. To use the copy/paste method, then you will need to copy the snippet folder to your system (This is a nice backup too). Then copy/paste the .snippets.ps1xml files to the $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Snippets folder and restart the PowerShell ISE.


To import snippets, they must be properly formatted in the snippet XML for Windows PowerShell ISE snippets and saved in Snippet.ps1xml files. The snippets in this repository were copied from a currently working set.


Imported snippets are available only in the current session. To import the snippets into all Windows PowerShell ISE sessions, add an Import-IseSnippet command to your Windows PowerShell profile or copy the snippet files to your local snippets directory $home\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Snippets.

The Import-IseSnippet cmdlet imports reusable text "snippets" from a module or a directory into the current session. The snippets are immediately available for use in Windows PowerShell ISE. This cmdlet works only in Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).

FromFolder (Default)

Import-IseSnippet [-Path] <String> [-Recurse] [<CommonParameters>]

Example: Import snippets from a directory

This example imports the snippets from the network \\Server01\Public\Snippets directory into the current session. It uses the Recurse parameter to get snippets from all subdirectories of the Snippets directory.

Import-IseSnippet -Path \\Server01\Public\Snippets -Recurse


The Get-IseSnippet cmdlet, returns a list of user-created snippets in the local snippets directory. It does not get imported snippets.

Directory: C:\Users\erika\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Snippets

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                
----                 -------------         ------ ----                                                                
-a----          4/7/2021     06:27           1464 ks_ Compare-FileHash.snippets.ps1xml                                
-a----          4/7/2021     09:07            907 ks_ Credential File.snippets.ps1xml 

To create eligible snippets, use the New-IseSnippet cmdlet. New-IseSnippet creates a <SnippetTitle>.Snippets.ps1xml file in the $home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Snippets directory. You can move or copy the snippets to the Snippets directory of a Windows PowerShell module, or to any other directory.

Example 1: New snippets

New-IseSnippet -Title 'Snippet Name' -Author 'Erik' -Description 'How to create a snippet from a file' -Text (Get-Content .\SomeCodeSnippet.ps1 -Raw)

Example 2: New snippets

$snippet = @'

Function Set-SafetySwitch
      Turns on "WhatIf" for the entire script
  If ($WhatIfPreference -eq $true)
    $Script:WhatIfPreference = $false
    Write-Host 'Safety OFF' -ForegroundColor Red
    $Script:WhatIfPreference = $true
    Write-Host 'Safety ON' -ForegroundColor Green

New-IseSnippet -Text $snippet -Title 'ks: Set-SafetySwitch' -Description 'Turns on "WhatIf" for the entire script' -Author 'Knarr Studio'

Example 3: New snippets

$SnipData = @{
Title = 'ks_ Workflow Examples' 
Author = 'Erik' 
Description = 'How to create a workflow' 

$workflow = @'
workflow Test-Workflow
    Get-Process -Name PowerShell
    gps -Name Winword

workflow Test-Workflow


New-IseSnippet  @SnipData -Text $workflow