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The BHive

im going to avoid my usual mistake of writing the documentation before i make the project and then having to rewrite it because i did everything differently than how i planned to :)
Plans can be found on my channel:


  • to avoid confusion, the orchestrator/root node should always be referred to as the "Hub".
  • running any of the scripts may greatly fuck up your system, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
  • ill be making endpoints with fastapi because at the end of the day im 1 guy maintaining this shit
  • i think ill have fastapi running independantly of nginx? i might go back on this solely for SSL reasons but in terms of nginx i think its sole role will be that of a reverse proxy. nginx will do nothing but route traffic to the worker nodes, period girl.
  • I ended up creating a proxy from nginx to fastapi... guess why (yep it was SSL)
  • i've currently hardcoded a lot of things like file locations, paths, and filenames. This should ideally be modified in the future but idk how i would do that, itd take a lot of creativity for sure


  1. Project Planning and Initial Setup

    • Outline Objectives and Requirements
    • Define the main goals of the Beehive project.
    • List hardware and software requirements.
    • Evaluate Current Setup
    • Document current VPS providers and cloud storage solutions.
    • List existing home servers and their configurations.
  2. Current Infrastructure Analysis

    • Identify current issues with SSH, Docker setup, and system reinstallation.
  3. Design and Architecture

    • Create a Network Diagram
    • Visualize the desired network setup including home servers, cloud providers, and the conductor node.
    • Security Planning
    • Plan firewall rules and network segmentation.
    • Determine authentication mechanisms (e.g., Aelia, 2FA).
  4. Hardware and Software Acquisition

    • Collect all necessary hardware (home servers, networking equipment).
    • Ensure all hardware meets project requirements.
  5. Install Base Operating Systems

    • Install Ubuntu or other preferred OS on all servers.
  6. Automation Scripts and Configuration

    • Develop Automation Scripts
    • Write scripts for server setup and configuration.
    • Create Docker-compose files for each service.
    • Orchestrator Node Setup
    • Configure the conductor node with Nginx for load balancing and reverse proxy.
    • Implement secure remote access through SSH for troubleshooting.
    • Implement script to add new servers to the fleet.
  7. Service Deployment

    • Service Setup
    • Develop and test setup scripts for each service (e.g., Jellyfin, qBittorrent, Calibre-web).
    • Configure services to run in Docker containers.
    • Resource Allocation
    • Set up the orchestrator node to handle resource allocation for new servers and services.
  8. Security Implementation

    • Configure Firewall Rules
    • Apply strict firewall rules on all servers.
    • Ensure no server can be accessed by its IP directly.
    • Set Up Authentication
    • Implement Aelia for user authentication.
    • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA).
  9. Unified VPS and Home Server Management

    • Integrate cloud storage providers using rclone.
    • Set up a centralized management interface for all servers.
  10. Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Set up Grafana for monitoring server health and performance.
  • Implement logging and alerting mechanisms.
  • Regularly update and maintain all scripts and configurations.
  • Implement a backup strategy for configuration files and scripts (e.g., GitHub).
  1. Testing and Troubleshooting
  • Test Server Connectivity
    • Verify SSH connections and remote access to all servers.
    • Test reverse SSH tunnels for reliability.
  • Service Testing
    • Ensure all services are accessible via the orchestrator node.
    • Check the performance and reliability of services.
  1. Documentation and Maintenance
  • Document Setup Procedures
    • Create detailed documentation for setting up and adding new servers and services.
    • Write guides for common troubleshooting steps.
  • Backup and Failover Planning
    • Implement backup strategies for setup scripts and configurations.
    • Plan for failover mechanisms if required in the future.
  1. Review and Feedback
  • Gather Feedback
    • Present the initial setup to peers for feedback.
    • Make adjustments based on the feedback received.
  • Continuous Improvement
    • Regularly review the setup for potential improvements.
    • Stay updated with the latest best practices in home lab setups.


The BHive, my homelab ❤️.







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