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Media player with multiple playlists, cross playlists search and queue management


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Main features

  • Thirty playlists supported by default. More can be generated.
  • Cross playlists queue management with dedicated window.
  • Cross playlists search.
  • Drag & drop - files, folders.
  • Start media from the latest point.
  • Start the last played media at startup.
  • Quick switch to alternative window mode / size / position.
  • Playlists saved by default.
  • Set video's preferred audio track to default.
  • Hotkeys, right click menus.
  • QTea media player can be a viable option for highly organised contentgoers and house party DJs. Inspired by Winamp and VLC media player.


  • Playing playlist = playlist where the current track is in the playing or paused state / playlist where the last track was played.
  • Active playlist = playlist which is currently selected / displayed.

Play buttons

  • The Play, Stop, Previous track, Next track and Shuffle buttons behave as usual
  • The Repeat playlist button has 3 states:
    • Disabled
    • Repeat playlist - the button is flat.
    • Repeat currently playing track - the button is flat and a square shape displayed in the middle of the icon.
  • Toggle Video and Playlist buttons show/hide the video or playlist section.
    • Can not hide both the same time.
    • At startup both the video and playlist section are visible as default.
  • Tooltip is displayed when the mouse moved over the current button.

Playlist buttons (under playlists section)

  • AT - Add Track: add a single media/file to the playlist.
  • AD - Add Directory: adding all the media files listed in the selected directory and subdirectories.
  • RT - Remove Track: removes the current/selected track.
  • CP - Clear Playlist: removes all the items from the current playlist.
  • Settings button: opens the Settings window.
  • Tooltip is displayed when the mouse moved over the current button.

Settings window

  • To open the Setting window click on the Cog/Settings icon under the playlists section.
  • Playlists tab: Able to update the playlists titles - hide/show the playlists.
  • General tab: Adjust the media player's and hotkeys' behaviour.
  • Hotkeys tab: Adjust the hotkeys' keybinds.
  • Saving the Settings window values by clicking on the Save button:
    • Saves all the values from all the tabs (Playlists, General, Hotkeys) if there is no invalid value.
    • Else:
      • Pop-up window displayed with the error message for all the fields with invalid value.
      • Error message includes the name of the field and the rule it should follow.
      • The pop-up window title: ERROR - TAB'S NAME (where the invalid value occurred).


  • Always on top: Keeps the player on top of other currently running applications
  • Continue playback:
    • Saves the duration of the currently playing track every 5 seconds
    • When revisiting the same track, the play continuous from the latest, saved position
  • Play at startup:
    • Automatically plays the last played track at startup
    • If the track was removed while playing, at the next startup it plays the track in the same row
    • If the last play track removed and there is no track in the same row:
      • If the playlist is not empty: It plays the first track of the playlist
      • If the playlist is empty: No track played
  • Small / Medium / Big jump:
    • Seconds the player position will be moved (forward/backward)
    • Hotkeys of the direction/jump type are in the Hotkeys tab
    • Amending the jump values in the General tab
  • Window width-height / alt. / 2nd alt.:
    • Values of the different window sizes
    • To switch between the different window sizes, use the
      • Window alt. size hotkey (Hotkeys tab) or
      • Right click on the video area (if applicable) and select Alter - Toggle
    • Window width-height:
      • The size of the window at startup
      • Both video and playlist section/window are visible
    • Window alt. width-height:
      • The size of the window after the window size alter toggle actioned once
      • Only the video window is visible, the playlist window is hidden
    • Window 2nd alt. width-height:
      • The size of the window after the window size alter toggle actioned twice
      • Only the video window is visible, the playlist window is hidden
    • Window alt. repositioning:
      • Repositioning the window depending on the selected size
      • Default and 1st: middle of the screen / 2nd: right, bottom corner of the screen
    • Default audio track:
      • Video starts with the selected audio track
      • Can be useful while watching multiple episodes of a tv show in one sitting where the preferred audio track is not the first/default one
    • Ideas:
      • Use the first alt. window size when the user is close to a wide screen (e.g.: having a lunch)
      • Use the second alt. window size when player is secondary and it can be placed in the right, bottom corner of the screen (e.g: while browsing)
      • Adjust the sizes according the currently played TV show`s video ratio to avoid black bars


  • Acceptable hotkey formats: M, m, Ctrl, ctRL, M+Ctrl, M+Ctrl+Space
  • Acceptable hotkey list in src / / keys_list
  • Small / Medium / Big jump - backward/forward:
    • The values of the jump types are defined in the General tab.
  • Play\pause vs Play:
    • Play\pause:
      • If a track is in the playing/paused state: pauses or continues to play the track independently from the current active playlist
      • If no track is in the playing/paused state: starts the selected track on the active playlist
    • Play: starts the selected track on the active playlist even if there is a track in the playing/paused state from any playlist
  • Volume - Increase / Decrease: changes the volume with +/- 5%
  • Audio track - use next: toggles between the available audio channels, there is no disabled state
  • Subtitle track - use next: toggles between the available subtitles and a disabled state
  • Toggle - Full screen: next to the value set up in this field the Escape button is hard-coded to quit from the full screen mode
  • Toogle - Window alt. size:
    • Toggles between the default / alt. / 2nd alt. window sizes defined in the General tab
    • Default: both video and playlist sections are visible
    • Alt. and 2nd alt.: only the video section is visible
  • Playlist - Select previous / next: jumps between the playlists available
  • Queue / Dequeue track:
    • Add track to / removes track from the queue list.
    • This hotkey takes action on the Active playlist.
    • On the Queue and Search windows track list the right-click / Queue-Dequeue should be used
  • The rest of the hotkeys are self-explanatory.


  • In the Settings window / Playlists tab all playlists are listed.
    • To make a playlist visible:
      • Add a title to the playlist.
      • If the playlist is used the first time: empty playlist will be displayed after saving.
      • If playlist had tracks before it was hidden: the records will be loaded automatically after restart.
    • To hide a playlist:
      • Remove the title of the playlist.
      • At least one of the playlists remains visible:
        • Not able to remove all the playlist titles: clicking on the Save button: pop-up window will be displayed with the error message.
      • The hidden playlist's records/media information remains in the database.
  • Able to add/remove tracks to any of playlists: the playlist is saved automatically
    • At startup:
      • All playlists loading automatically.
      • On all playlist the last played track is selected.
      • The Playing playlist is active/displayed.

Active and Playing playlist separation

  • It allows the user to control the playing or queued tracks playlist while browsing the rest of the playlist
  • If there is no track in the queue:
    • All the below steps actioned on the Playing playlist even if the active and playing playists are different:
      • Paused --> Play
      • Play previous track
      • Play next track
      • Play next track in the playlist automatically after end of the current track
      • Shuffle / repeat functionalities
      • All hotkey functionalities: change audio/subtitle track
  • If there are tracks in the queue:
    • All the above behaviours are actioned on the queued tracks playlist (apart from shuffle)
  • Window title = Playing playlist title | Track title

Steps to increase the number of playlists beyond the default / to generate new playlist database

  1. Close the app if it is running.
  2. Rename the current playlist database: playlist.db.
  3. In the src / file change the playlist_amount = 30 value to as many playlists you wish, save the file.
  4. In the src / run the create_tables() function -> New playlist.db will be created.
  5. After the next start of the app, all the playlists will be visible with increasing numeric titles.
  6. Optional: Change the title of the playlists via the Settings window / Playlists.
  7. Optional: Remove the previous playlist database.

Other Behaviour

  • Volume
    • Changing the volume after the app is muted:
      • It switches back to the un-muted state.
      • New volume = volume before muted -/+ the change.
    • The volume range is less wide compared to VLC media player.
  • Screen saver
    • When video window is displayed and video is playing the screen saver is turned off.
      • Otherwise the screen saver is on as usual.
  • Drag & Drop
    • Internal: able to relocate/move a playlist item.
    • External: selected files and/or folders can be grabbed and dropped on the active playlist from File Explorer, Desktop, .. .

File types

  • Currently available: *.mp3 *.wav *.flac *.midi *.aac *.mp4 *.avi *.mkv *.mov *.flv *.wmv *.mpg
  • Not all the listed file types are tested.
  • To update to the file types lists, please see the src / / FILE TYPES section.
    • FILE_TYPES_LIST used to sort the files in the file dialog window - AT - Add Track button.
    • MEDIA_FILES's listed file types used to select the correct files from the selected dictionary and subdirectories - AD - Add Directory button.


Dummy track

  • Issue: the first track has to be played from the start till the end before be able to switch to another track
  • Solution: dummy, empty track (< 1 second) played at startup
  • More info: src /
  • Side-effect:
    • no visible side-effect
    • unlikely adding much to the launch time: 1.2 seconds on my rig

Dummy playlist tab

  • Issue: if the last playlist tab is hidden, the whole playlist tab list is not reachable via the arrow buttons
  • Solution: The last, dummy, disabled playlist tab always visible
    • More info: src /
    • Side-effect: disabled, not clickable, small pice is visible on the right side of the playlists bar

Information displayed as subtitle

  • Issue: the video scene composition not following the layout, frame size change
    • Window <- QFrame <- Layout <- QGraphicsView <- QGraphicsScene <- QGraphicsVideoItem
  • Solution: the information (track title, volume, ..) displayed as subtitle on the video screen when there is no active subtitle via QVideoWidget
    • Side-effect:
      • when a subtitle is active and a video is playing, the information may not be readable / will be overwritten by the next subtitle line
      • when the video is not playing, the information is not displayed on the video screen

Duration slider's handle

  • Issue: when the Windows' display scale is 150% or above, the duration slider's circle handle gets truncated
    • Looks like the issue is not DPI dependent, same result with different resolutions
  • Solution: if display scale is 150% or above -> square handle displayed which is not reaching over the groove -> no truncation

Could not find solution yet

  • Issue: the last frame of the previous video is displayed before a new video starts playing in the scenario: a video is playing --> stop the video or start playing a music track --> playing a new video
    • More info: src / / play_track()
  • Issue: video`s full-screen surface always opens on/covers the primary screen, even when the app is on the secondary screen/display
  • Issue: the video`s own subtitles are not displayed correctly, VLC player recommended for subbed movies


Python 3 - used: 3.11.5

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Tested on Windows 11

Thank you all who worked on the modules used in this project!

Thank you all Winamp and VLC player contributors!