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Merge pull request #927 from JuliaRobotics/22Q4/enh/scatteralignwicp
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option for ScatterAlign to use ICP or MMD
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dehann committed Nov 29, 2022
2 parents e1cce1c + 982e5d0 commit 7679bf8
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Showing 6 changed files with 174 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -103,4 +103,4 @@ Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
ZMQ = "c2297ded-f4af-51ae-bb23-16f91089e4e1"

test = ["AprilTags", "BSON", "DelimitedFiles", "Downloads", "FixedPointNumbers", "Gadfly", "GraphPlot", "Images", "PyCall", "Random", "RobotOS", "Serialization", "Test", "ZMQ"]
test = ["AprilTags", "BSON", "DelimitedFiles", "Downloads", "FixedPointNumbers", "Gadfly", "GraphPlot", "Images", "PyCall", "Random", "RobotOS", "Test", "ZMQ"]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/3rdParty/_PCL/services/ConsolidateRigidTransform.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# Works for transform of both 2D and 3D point clouds
# FIXME, to optimize, this function will likely be slow
# TODO, consolidate with transformPointcloud(::ScatterAlign,..) function
function apply( M_::Union{<:typeof(SpecialEuclidean(2)),<:typeof(SpecialEuclidean(3))},
function Manifolds.apply( M_::Union{<:typeof(SpecialEuclidean(2)),<:typeof(SpecialEuclidean(3))},
pc::PointCloud{T} ) where T
Expand Down
101 changes: 78 additions & 23 deletions src/images/ScatterAlignPose2.jl
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Expand Up @@ -17,12 +17,16 @@ export overlayScatter, overlayScatterMutate
ScatterAlign{P,H1,H2} where {H1 <: Union{<:ManifoldKernelDensity, <:HeatmapGridDensity},
H2 <: Union{<:ManifoldKernelDensity, <:HeatmapGridDensity}}
Alignment factor between point cloud populations, using a continuous density function cost: [`ApproxManifoldProducts.mmd`](@ref).
Supports very large density clouds, with `sample_count` subsampling for individual alignments.
Alignment factor between point cloud populations, using either
- a continuous density function cost: [`ApproxManifoldProducts.mmd`](@ref), or
- a conventional iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm (when `.sample_count < 0`).
This factor can support very large density clouds, with `sample_count` subsampling for individual alignments.
Keyword Options:
- `sample_count::Int = 100`, number of subsamples to use during each alignment in `getSample`.
- `sample_count::Int = 100`, number of subsamples to use during each alignment in `getSample`.
- Values greater than 0 use MMD alignment, while values less than 0 use ICP alignment.
- `bw::Real`, the bandwidth to use for [`mmd`](@ref) distance
- `rescale::Real`
- `N::Int`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ Base.@kwdef struct ScatterAlign{P,
bw::Float64 = 1.0
""" EXPERIMENTAL, flag whether to use 'stashing' for large point cloud, see [Stash & Cache](@ref section_stash_unstash) """
useStashing::Bool = false
""" DataEntry ID for hollow store of cloud 1 & 2 """
""" DataEntry ID for hollow store of cloud 1 & 2, TODO change to UUID instead """
dataEntry_cloud1::String = ""
dataEntry_cloud2::String = ""
""" Data store hint where likely to find the data entries and blobs for reconstructing cloud1 and cloud2"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,6 +197,24 @@ function ScatterAlignPose3(;

function ScatterAlignPose3(
bw1 = [1;1;1.0],
bw2 = bw1,
p1 = (s->[1:3]).(cloud1.points)
p2 = (s->[1:3]).(cloud2.points)

Mt = TranslationGroup(3)
b1 = manikde!(Mt, p1; bw=bw1)
b2 = manikde!(Mt, p2; bw=bw2)

ScatterAlignPose3(;cloud1=b1, cloud2=b2, kw...)

getManifold(::IIF.InstanceType{<:ScatterAlignPose2}) = getManifold(Pose2Pose2)
getManifold(::IIF.InstanceType{<:ScatterAlignPose3}) = getManifold(Pose3Pose3)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,8 +243,13 @@ function preambleCache(

smps1, = sample(fnc.align.cloud1, fnc.align.sample_count)
smps2, = sample(fnc.align.cloud2, fnc.align.sample_count)
smps1,smps2 = if 0 <= fnc.align.sample_count
smps1, = sample(fnc.align.cloud1, fnc.align.sample_count)
smps2, = sample(fnc.align.cloud2, fnc.align.sample_count)
smps1, smps2
nothing, nothing

bw = SA[;]

Expand All @@ -242,26 +269,54 @@ function getSample( cf::CalcFactor{S} ) where {S <: Union{<:ScatterAlignPose2,<:

pVi = cf.cache.smps1
qVj = cf.cache.smps2
# Fresh samples
for i in 1:cf.factor.align.sample_count
pVi[i] .= sample(cf.factor.align.cloud1)[1][1]
qVj[i] .= sample(cf.factor.align.cloud2)[1][1]

# qVi(qCp) = _transformPointCloud(M,pVi,qCp)
# TODO consolidate this transform with methods used by ICP
pVj(qCp) = _transformPointCloud(M,qVj,qCp; backward=true)

# bw = SA[;]
cost(xyr) = mmd(M.manifold[1], pVi, pVj(xyr), length(pVi), length(qVj), cf._allowThreads;

# return mmd as residual for minimization
res = Optim.optimize(cost, [5*randn(ntr); 0.1*randn(nrt)], Optim.BFGS() )

cf.cache.score[] = res.minimum

# give measurement relative to e0 identity
# TODO relax to Riemannian where e0 is replaced by any point
hat(M, e0, res.minimizer)
if 0 <= cf.factor.align.sample_count
# Fresh samples
for i in 1:cf.factor.align.sample_count
pVi[i] .= sample(cf.factor.align.cloud1)[1][1]
qVj[i] .= sample(cf.factor.align.cloud2)[1][1]

# qVi(qCp) = _transformPointCloud(M,pVi,qCp)
# pVj(qCp) = _transformPointCloud(M,qVj,qCp; backward=true)
# bw = SA[;]
cost(xyr) = mmd(M.manifold[1], pVi, pVj(xyr), length(pVi), length(qVj), cf._allowThreads;
# return mmd as residual for minimization
# FIXME upgrade to the on manifold optimization
res = Optim.optimize(cost, [5*randn(ntr); 0.1*randn(nrt)], Optim.BFGS() )
cf.cache.score[] = res.minimum
# give measurement relative to e0 identity
# TODO relax to Riemannian where e0 is replaced by any point
return hat(M, e0, res.minimizer)
else #if cf.factor.align.sample_count < 0
@assert cf.factor.align.cloud1 isa ManifoldKernelDensity "ICP alignments currently only implemented for beliefs as MKDs"
ppt = getPoints(cf.factor.align.cloud1)
qpt_ = getPoints(cf.factor.align.cloud2)

# bump pc before alignment to get diversity in sample population
dstb = 0.2*randn(getDimension(M)) # retract(M,e0,hat(M,e0,0.2*randn(getDimension(M))))
qpt = _transformPointCloud(M, qpt_, dstb; backward=true)

# FIXME, super excessive repeat of data wrangling in hot loop
@cast p_ptsM[i,d] := ppt[i][d]
@cast phat_pts_mov[i,d] := qpt[i][d]

# do actual alignment with ICP
p_Hicp_phat, Hpts_mov, status = _PCL.alignICP_Simple(
max_iterations = 25,
correspondences = 500,
neighbors = 50
# convert SE affine H to tangent vector X for use in residual function
p_P_q = ArrayPartition(p_Hicp_phat[1:end-1,end],p_Hicp_phat[1:end-1,1:end-1])
return log(M, e0, p_P_q)

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ if TEST_GROUP in ["all", "basic_functional_group"]
# highly multipackage tests that don't fit well in specific library dependencies.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/testPose2AprilTag4Corner.jl
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Expand Up @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ fct = getFactorType(fg, :x0tag17f1)

preImgs = zeros(5,10)

for i in 1:10
# preformance regression, see
for i in 1:3
println("finding preimage $i")
preImgs[:,i] .= _solveFactorPreimage(fct, pred[i], regularize=0.001)

Expand Down
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions test/testScatterAlignPose3.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@

using Test
using Caesar
# import Caesar._PCL as _PCL
# using Downloads
# using DelimitedFiles
# using TensorCast
using Images
# using JSON

const _PCL = Caesar._PCL


@testset "test ScatterAlignPose3 on ICP" begin

## ~50mb download, blobs that are too big to always store in variables themselves
# lidar1_url = ""
# lidar2_url = ""
# io1 = PipeBuffer()
# io2 = PipeBuffer()
#, io1)
#, io2)

# X_fix = readdlm(io1)
# X_mov = readdlm(io2)

X_fix = randn(10000,3)
X_mov = randn(10000,3)

pcf = _PCL.PointCloud(X_fix)
pcm = _PCL.PointCloud(X_mov)

# @cast pts_f_[i][d] := X_fix[i,d]
# @cast pts_m_[i][d] := X_mov[i,d]

# pts_f = (s->[s...]).(pts_f_)
# pts_m = (s->[s...]).(pts_m_)


fg = initfg()

addVariable!(fg, :x0, Pose3)
addVariable!(fg, :x1, Pose3)


# this is how how you call the ICP version of SAP
sap = Caesar.ScatterAlignPose3(

## this line checks blob store access via preambleCache specifically for ScatterAlign which will internally access the blob store

f1 = addFactor!(fg, [:x0; :x1], sap; graphinit=false);

## make sure stuff is working before serialization
meas = sampleFactor(fg, getLabel(f1))

@warn "Testing of ICP based ScatterAlignPose3 serialization must still be done"
## serialize with stashing enabled, see docs here:

# pf = DFG.packFactor(fg, getFactor(fg, getLabel(f1)))
# jpf = JSON.json(pf)

# check that the massive point clouds are not stored in the packed factor object
# @test length(jpf) < 1100

## now confirm the solver deserialization can also work with the factor pulling data from the blob store

# tfg = initfg()

# # use existing logpath from fg
# storeDir = "/tmp/caesar/localstore" # joinLogPath(fg,"data")

# datastore = FolderStore{Vector{UInt8}}(:default_folder_store, storeDir)
# addBlobStore!(tfg, datastore)
# v0 = addVariable!(tfg, :x0, Pose3)
# v1 = addVariable!(tfg, :x1, Pose3)


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