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Creating roles and abilities

Tom Witkowski edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Creating roles and abilities

Let's create a role called admin and give it the ability to ban-users from our site:


That's it. Behind the scenes, Bouncer will create both a Role model and an Ability model for you.

Assigning roles to a user

To now give the admin role to a user, simply tell the bouncer that the given user should be assigned the admin role:


Alternatively, you can call the assign method directly on the user:


Giving a user an ability directly

Sometimes you might want to give a user an ability directly, without using a role:


Here too you can accomplish the same directly off of the user:


Restricting an ability to a model

Sometimes you might want to restrict an ability to a specific model type. Simply pass the model name as a second argument:

Bouncer::allow($user)->to('edit', Post::class);

If you want to restrict the ability to a specific model instance, pass in the actual model instead:

Bouncer::allow($user)->to('edit', $post);