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This repository comes a along with the paper Explaining the Effects of Clouds on Remote Sensing Scene Classification published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.


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Explaining the Effects of Clouds on Remote Sensing Scene Classification

This repository comes a along with the paper Explaining the Effects of Clouds on Remote Sensing Scene Classification published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.


This repository has been tested under Python 3.8.8 in a unix development environment.
For a setup, clone the repository and cdto the root of it.
Create a new environment and activate it, for instance, on unix via

python -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate

Then install the needed packages via:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

The repository builds up on pre-trained neural networks for land cover classification, trained on the cloud-free version of the SEN12MS data set. The training pipline and pre-trained networks are available here:

Content and Usage

The repository contains the following components to evaluate Neural Networks trained for classification on the SEN12MS data set:

  • Computation of the sample-wise cloud-coverage for samples from SEN12MS-CR.
  • Computation of classification performances on cloudy and clear samples from SEN12MS-CR and SEN12MS.
  • Evaluation of the classification performance for different levels of cloud coverage.
  • Evaluations of the capability to detect high cloud coverage based on the network output.
  • Evaluation and Visualization of saliency maps generated with GradCam for clear and cloudy images.

Compute Cloud Coverage

The cloud coverage of the samples in the SEN12MSCR data set can be done by:

python ./DataPreparation/ --data_root_path ./ROOT/OF/SEN12MSCR \
                                                   [--save_pkl_path './pkl_files/cloud_coverage.pkl']

The results are stored in a pickle file given as --save_pkl_path argument.

Compute class-wise and cloud-coverage clustered band statistics

The band statistics are computed class-wise over a given data split. The pickle files containing the label information and the data split for the cloudy subset of the original test set can be found in ./DataHandling/DataSplits, which is also set as a default parameter.
The band statistics can be computed in the following way:

python ./DataPreparation/ --data_root_path ./ROOT/OF/SEN12MSCR \
                                                    [--label_split_dir './DataHandling/DataSplits' \
                                                    --cloud_cover_pkl './pkl_files/cloud_coverage.pkl' \
                                                    --save_pkl_path './pkl_files/band_stats.pkl' ]

The file passed in --cloud_cover_pkl is the output of ./DataPreparation/ and the results are again stored in a pickle file given as --save_pkl_path argument.

Evaluate network performance on co-registered cloudy and non-cloudy samples

To evluate the performance of a network on cloudy and corresponding non-cloudy samples call the following script:

python ./DataPreparation/ --data_root_path ./ROOT/OF/SEN12MSCR\
                                                         --model_type MODEL_TYPE \
                                                         --checkpoint_pth ./PATH/TO/MODEL/CHECKPOINT \
                                                         [--label_split_dir './DataHandling/DataSplits/' \
                                                         --save_folder './pkl_files/']

The possible values of MODEL_TYPE are ["VGG16", "VGG19", "ResNet50", "ResNet101", "ResNet152", "DenseNet121", "DenseNet161", "DenseNet169", "DenseNet201"]. The checkpoint should be a model checkpoint created with the classification training pipeline of the original SEN12MS repository (the training needs to be run on all 13 bands).

The results are saved in three pickle files containing statistics for the performance on the clear data, the cloudy data and statistics on the separability of cloudy and non-cloudy samples based on the network's logit output.

Visualize Statistics and Model Performances

Class Distribution and Distribution Cloud Coverage

python ./DataVisualization/ --data_root_path ./ROOT/OF/SEN12MSCR \
                                                 [--label_split_dir './DataHandling/DataSplits/' \
                                                 --cloud_cover_pkl './pkl_files/cloud_coverage.pkl' \
                                                 --target_folder './ResultPlots/ClassDistributions/]


Band-wise spectral fingerprint

python ./DataVisualization/ [--band_stats_pkl_file './pkl_files/band_stats.pkl' \
                                              --target_folder './ResultPlots/BandStatistics']


Model Performance vs. Cloud Coverage

python ./DataVisualization/ --predictions_pkl_path ./PATH/TO/PREDICTION/PICKLE/FILE \
                                                            [--cloud_coverage_pkl_path './pkl_files/cloud_coverage.pkl' \
                                                            --target_folder './ResultPlots/CloudyPerformance']

The parameter predictions_pkl_path should reference to the predictions pickle file created by ./DataPreparation/


GradCam application on cloudy and corresponding non-cloudy samples

For the application of the GradCam approach we make use of the interpretability library Captum implemented for PyTorch. In order to plot the saliency maps generated with GradCam call the following script:

python ./DataVisualization/ ```
python ./DataVisualization/ --data_root_path ./ROOT/OF/SEN12MSCR\
                                                    --model_type MODEL_TYPE \
                                                    --checkpoint_pth ./PATH/TO/MODEL/CHECKPOINT \--model_type MODELTYPE \
                                                    --predictions_pkl_path ./PATH/TO/PREDICTION/PICKLE/FILE \
                                                    [--label_split_dir './DataHandling/DataSplits' \
                                                    --cloud_coverage_pkl_path './pkl_files/cloud_coverage.pkl' \
                                                    --target_folder './ResultPlots/grad_cam/saliency_and_pred' \
                                                    --num_eval -1 \
                                                    --num_print 100]

The parameter num_eval=-1 means, that the whole data set is evaluated while only the first 100 examples are printed (num_print=100). The parameter predictions_pkl_path should reference to the predictions pickle file created by ./DataPreparation/


Visualization of GradCam statistics

To visualize the GradCam statistics violin plots call the script with the saliency statistic pickle files:

python ./DataVisualization/  --stats_clear_path ./PATH/TO/CLEAR/STATS/PKL/FILE \
                                                     --stats_cloudy_path ./PATH/TO/CLOUDY/STATS/PKL/FILE \
                                                     --save_path './ResultPlots/grad_cam/Statistics/']

If stats_clear or stats_cloudy is not given, only the plots for the given pkl-files are generated.


If you find our code or results useful for your research, please consider citing:

  title={Explaining the Effects of Clouds on Remote Sensing Scene Classification},
  author={Gawlikowski, Jakob and Ebel, Patrick and Schmitt, Michael and Zhu, Xiao Xiang},
  journal={IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing},


This repository comes a along with the paper Explaining the Effects of Clouds on Remote Sensing Scene Classification published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.







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