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A TypeScript library to make RPC and HTTP REST requests to OmniLite Core.


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A TypeScript library to make RPC and HTTP REST requests to OmniLite and Litecoin Core.


npm install @indigonakamoto/rpc-omnilite
import { RPCClient } from "@indigonakamoto/rpc-omnilite";
const url = "";
const user = "user";
const pass = "password";
const port = 9332; // 8332 for Bitcoin
const timeout = 10000;
const client = new RPCClient({ url, port, timeout, user, pass });
  • batch
const response = await client.batch([
  { method: "getbestblockhash", id: 1 },
  { method: "help", params: { command: "help" }, id: "custom-id" },
  { method: "getzmqnotifications", params: {}, id: 2 },


const hash = await client.omni_send({
  fromaddress: "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY",
  toaddress: "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa",
  propertyid: 321,
  amount: "100.0",
const hash = await client.omni_sendnewdexorder({
  fromaddress: "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY",
  propertyidforsale: 1,
  amountforsale: "1.5",
  amountdesired: "0.75",
  paymentwindow: 50,
  minacceptfee: "0.0001",
const hash = await client.omni_sendcanceldexorder({
  fromaddress: "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY",
  propertyidforsale: 1,
const hash = await client.omni_senddexaccept({
  fromaddress: "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY",
  toaddress: "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa",
  propertyid: 1,
  amount: "15.0",
  override: false,
const info = await client.omni_getinfo();
const hex = await client.omni_getallbalancesforid({ propertyid: 321 });
const balance = await client.omni_getallbalancesforaddress({
  address: "LTceXoduS2cetpWJSe47M25i5oKjEccN1h",


const hash = await client.getbestblockhash();
const blockhash =
const verbosity = 2;
const block = await client.getblock({ blockhash, verbosity });
const info = await client.getblockchaininfo();
const count = await client.getblockcount();
const blockhash =
const filtertype = "basic";
const result = await client.getblockfilter({ blockhash, filtertype });
const height = 1583782;
const hash = await client.getblockhash({ height });
const blockhash =
const verbose = false;
const header = await client.getblockheader({ blockhash, verbose });
const hash_or_height =
const stats = ["txs", "time"];
const info = await client.getblockstats({ hash_or_height, stats });
const tips = await client.getchaintips();
const nblocks = 2016;
const blockhash =
const result = await client.getchaintxstats({ nblocks, blockhash });
const difficulty = await client.getdifficulty();
const verbose = true;
const txid = "3e128c38f35520d4121d582f15998b7f74b44f17aa650b4d60decf975e642b9a";
const result = await client.getmempoolancestors({ txid, verbose });
const verbose = true;
const txid = "ff758ffd73729be8afae0d683547f7840bdaee75ad5e5c464fb621b2509c366b";
const result = await client.getmempooldescendants({ txid, verbose });
const txid = "0629e01f05088728b089715f247de82a160428c06d6c85484adab2aa66574ace";
const result = await client.getmempoolentry({ txid });
const info = await client.getmempoolinfo();
const verbose = true;
const result = await client.getrawmempool({ verbose });
const txid = "d2f6b1d1844e483ce350a4a22fbaef36c31ebe88730415b7408c1f34b834fab5";
const n = 1;
const include_mempool = true;
const result = await client.gettxout({ txid, n, include_mempool });
const txids = [
const blockhash =
const result = await client.gettxoutproof({ txids, blockhash });
const info = await client.gettxoutsetinfo();
const blockhash =
const result = await client.preciousblock({ blockhash });
const height = 1000;
const result = await client.pruneblockchain({ height });
const result = await client.savemempool();
const action = "start";
const scanobjects = [
    desc: "wpkh([d34db33f/84'/0'/0']tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YTN7usjEzYmfu4JKqnfp9RCbDmdKH78vTyuwgQat8vRw5cX1YaZZvFfQrkHrM2XsyfA8cZE1thA3guTBfTkKqbhCDpcKFLG/0/*)#8gfuh6ex",
    range: [1, 3],
const result = await client.scantxoutset({ action, scanobjects });
const checklevel = 1;
const nblocks = 10;
const result = await client.verifychain({ checklevel, nblocks });
const proof =
const result = await client.verifytxoutproof({ proof });


const mode = "mallocinfo";
const result = await client.getmemoryinfo({ mode });
const result = await client.getrpcinfo();
const command = "getzmqnotifications";
const result = await{ command });
const include = ["net", "rpc"];
const exclude = ["mempoolrej", "estimatefee"];
const result = await client.logging({ include, exclude });
const result = await client.stop();
const result = await client.uptime();


const nblocks = 1;
const maxtries = 10000;
const address = "1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1";
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.generatetoaddress(
  { nblocks, address, maxtries },


const rules = ["segwit"];
const mode = "template";
const capabilities = ["serverlist", "proposal"];
const template_request = { rules, mode, capabilities };
const result = await client.getblocktemplate({ template_request });
const result = await client.getmininginfo();
const nblocks = 100;
const height = 100;
const result = await client.getnetworkhashps({ nblocks, height });
const txid = "9b0fc92260312ce44e74ef369f5c66bbb85848f2eddd5a7a1cde251e54ccfdd5";
const fee_delta = 1000;
const result = await client.prioritisetransaction({ txid, fee_delta });
const hexdata = "hexEncodedBlock";
const result = await client.submitblock({ hexdata });
const hexdata = "hexEncodedBlockHeaderData";
const result = await client.submitheader({ hexdata });


const node = "";
const command = "onetry";
const result = await client.addnode({ node, command });
const result = await client.clearbanned();
const address = "";
let result = await client.disconnectnode({ address });
// or by a `nodeid`
const nodeid = 3;
result = await client.disconnectnode({ nodeid });
const node = "";
const result = await client.getaddednodeinfo({ node });
const result = await client.getconnectioncount();
const result = await client.getnettotals();
const result = await client.getnetworkinfo();
const count = 8;
const result = await client.getnodeaddresses({ count });
const result = await client.getpeerinfo();
const result = await client.listbanned();
const result = await;
const subnet = "";
const command = "add";
const bantime = 1581599503;
const absolute = true;
const result = await client.setban({ subnet, command, bantime, absolute });
const state = false;
const result = await client.setnetworkactive({ state });


const psbt =
const result = await client.analyzepsbt({ psbt });
const txs = [
const result = await client.combinepsbt({ txs });
const txs = [
const result = await client.combinerawtransaction({ txs });
const hexstring =
const permitsigdata = true;
const iswitness = true;
const result = await client.converttopsbt({
const inputs = [
    txid: "7b6ce289d50b81f31f2d14a88837ff588d1889c8cb21acda57c2cd18611452d5",
    vout: 1,
    txid: "ff758ffd73729be8afae0d683547f7840bdaee75ad5e5c464fb621b2509c366b",
    vout: 0,
const outputs = [
    tb1qdacfrqauwercrz9jxf0jae5jarqy8ju0ywt8su: 0.00215,
    tb1qkufhmlk33llrjma7pvt8scyva0w5tv0tvuy6zs: 0.001,
const locktime = 1;
const replaceable = true;
const result = await client.createpsbt({
const inputs = [
    txid: "7b6ce289d50b81f31f2d14a88837ff588d1889c8cb21acda57c2cd18611452d5",
    vout: 1,
    txid: "ff758ffd73729be8afae0d683547f7840bdaee75ad5e5c464fb621b2509c366b",
    vout: 0,
const outputs = [
    tb1qdacfrqauwercrz9jxf0jae5jarqy8ju0ywt8su: 0.00215,
    tb1qkufhmlk33llrjma7pvt8scyva0w5tv0tvuy6zs: 0.001,
const locktime = 1;
const replaceable = true;
const result = await client.createrawtransaction({
const psbt =
const result = await client.decodepsbt({ psbt });
const hexstring =
const iswitness = true;
const result = await client.decoderawtransaction({ hexstring, iswitness });
const hexstring =
const result = await client.decodescript({ hexstring });
const psbt =
const extract = true;
const result = await client.finalizepsbt({ psbt, extract });
const hexstring =
const includeWatching = true;
const feeRate = 0.0002;
const replaceable = true;
const changeAddress = "tb1q80h3kvp98fgkz293we3p75hs0aq4cecz3qtgkg";
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const options = { includeWatching, feeRate, replaceable, changeAddress };
const iswitness = true;
const result = await client.fundrawtransaction(
const txid = "a32ddaed3387a2bc0bb9a4f90bc6e84e5589335b97142848ad144efd38420eb2";
const verbose = true;
const blockhash =
const result = await client.getrawtransaction({ txid, verbose, blockhash });
const txs = [
const result = await client.joinpsbts({ txs });
const hexstring =
const allowhighfees = true;
const result = await client.sendrawtransaction({ hexstring, allowhighfees });
const hexstring =
const privkeys = ["privkey1", "privkey2"];
const prevtxs = [
    txid: "cc21b8cb612f7b451e4283f08b3fa96ccdc141441697c499366f42514b3bdd15",
    vout: 0,
    scriptPubKey: "00141ca68ece7a876e66d377c0a1bc5d45251513c208",
    amount: 0.001,
const sighashtype = "ALL|ANYONECANPAY";
const result = await client.signrawtransactionwithkey({
const rawtxs = [
const allowhighfees = true;
const result = await client.testmempoolaccept({ rawtxs, allowhighfees });
const psbt =
const result = await client.utxoupdatepsbt({ psbt });


const nrequired = 2;
const keys = [
const address_type = "bech32";
const result = await client.createmultisig({ nrequired, keys, address_type });
const descriptor =
const range = [0, 2];
const result = await client.deriveaddresses({ descriptor, range });
const conf_target = 2;
const estimate_mode = "ECONOMICAL";
const result = await client.estimatesmartfee({ conf_target, estimate_mode });
const descriptor =
const result = await client.getdescriptorinfo({ descriptor });
const privkey = "yourPrivateKey";
const message = "Hello World";
const result = await client.signmessagewithprivkey({ privkey, message });
const address = "1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1";
const result = await client.validateaddress({ address });
const address = "myv3xs1BBBhaDVU62LFNBho2zSp4KLBkgK";
const message = "Hello World";
const signature =
const result = await client.verifymessage({ address, message, signature });


const txid = "d1514757030c26d54e90b242c696f46f539bb55e92fb105505d9ee43e61657a9";
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.abandontransaction({ txid }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.abortrescan(wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const nrequired = 2;
const keys = [
const label = "NewMultiSigAddress";
const address_type = "bech32";
const result = await client.addmultisigaddress(
  { nrequired, keys, label, address_type },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const destination = "D:/Crypto/wallets/myWalletBackup.dat";
const result = await client.backupwallet({ destination }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const txid = "txid";
const totalFee = 0.00000839;
const replaceable = true;
const estimate_mode = "CONSERVATIVE";
const options = { totalFee, replaceable, estimate_mode };
const result = await client.bumpfee({ txid, options }, wallet);
const wallet_name = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const disable_private_keys = true;
const blank = true;
const result = await client.createwallet({
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address = "tb1qkdvjgyk7y5fmekzs2sk6zep4rdcl7yell9drxm";
const result = await client.dumpprivkey({ address }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const filename = "myWalletDump.dat";
const result = await client.dumpwallet({ filename }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const passphrase = "VerySecretPassphraseDoNotTellAnyone";
const result = await client.encryptwallet({ passphrase }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const label = "SomeLabel";
const result = await client.getaddressesbylabel({ label }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address = "tb1qds5qv262690uvsh6wytp0aq8xey29jfuegv4pj";
const result = await client.getaddressinfo({ address }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const minconf = 6;
const include_watchonly = true;
const result = await client.getbalance({ minconf, include_watchonly }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.getbalances(wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const label = "SomeLabel";
const address_type = "bech32";
const result = await client.getnewaddress({ label, address_type }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address_type = "bech32";
const result = await client.getrawchangeaddress({ address_type }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address =
const minconf = 6;
const result = await client.getreceivedbyaddress({ address, minconf }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const label = "SomeLabel";
const minconf = 6;
const result = await client.getreceivedbylabel({ label, minconf }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const txid = "2c06449191f86594ceb059363da55e6587963fc8d801fdecf73f9a42d64dfe95";
const include_watchonly = true;
const result = await client.gettransaction({ txid, include_watchonly }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.getunconfirmedbalance(wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.getwalletinfo(wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address = "tb1qk57dcv7rs2ap6k82xu58957qz6zherj4vm54lw";
const label = "ImportedAddress";
const rescan = false;
const p2sh = false;
const result = await client.importaddress(
  { address, label, rescan, p2sh },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const requests = [
    desc: "wpkh(tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4Wk5MMULiQd4XkBe3KeG6GCUNrWcXu27PJwqFfHF7geuTPfPZcViUpV7ny6MHVnbvxdCSfkooFb7bBJiQgKXCVM58XZiVyHu/0/*)#9tk43hcd",
    range: [2, 5],
    internal: true,
    watchonly: true,
    timestamp: 0,
    scriptPubKey: { address: "tb1q0pjl9cy0t38uvyfs75t7av7ujrhs65xx0nfjmf" },
    timestamp: "now",
    scriptPubKey: { address: "tb1qxqt28qy3uvj8qeucm60dnrzty3cccx88hp9car" },
    keys: ["cQfkAynVm54Je8mXYH6zkKKjug7ehheUeMx5jnWTvy94M73X2Vdj"],
    timestamp: "now",
const options = { rescan: false };
const result = await client.importmulti({ requests, options }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const privkey = "cQnahvawMKvZXLWCdrBvXdvDoTHm4xeQq9iWqLC2JzmicFVd5Mdz";
const label = "Imported";
const rescan = false;
const result = await client.importprivkey({ privkey, label, rescan }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const rawtransaction =
const txoutproof =
const result = await client.importprunedfunds(
  { rawtransaction, txoutproof },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const pubkey =
const label = "SomeAddress";
const rescan = false;
const result = await client.importpubkey({ pubkey, label, rescan }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const filename = "myWalletDump.dat";
const result = await client.importwallet({ filename }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const newsize = 123;
const result = await client.keypoolrefill({ newsize }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.listaddressgroupings(wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const purpose = "receive";
const result = await client.listlabels({ purpose }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.listlockunspent(wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const minconf = 6;
const include_empty = false;
const include_watchonly = false;
const address_filter = "tb1qyferlkpvr7v3r5ne7jh2avjuvnxkf08lqhpqe9";
const result = await client.listreceivedbyaddress(
  { minconf, include_empty, include_watchonly, address_filter },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const minconf = 6;
const include_empty = true;
const include_watchonly = true;
const result = await client.listreceivedbylabel(
  { minconf, include_empty, include_watchonly },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const blockhash =
const target_confirmations = 6;
const include_watchonly = true;
const include_removed = false;
const result = await client.listsinceblock(
  { blockhash, target_confirmations, include_watchonly, include_removed },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const label = "SomeLabel";
const count = 5;
const skip = 4;
const include_watchonly = true;
const result = await client.listtransactions(
  { label, count, skip, include_watchonly },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const minconf = 1;
const maxconf = 100;
const addresses = [
const include_unsafe = false;
const query_options = {
  minimumAmount: 0.0001,
  maximumAmount: 0.01,
  maximumCount: 2,
  minimumSumAmount: 10,
const result = await client.listunspent(
  { minconf, maxconf, addresses, include_unsafe, query_options },
const result = await client.listwalletdir();
const result = await client.listwallets();
const filename = "myWallet.dat";
const result = await client.loadwallet({ filename });
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const unlock = true;
const transactions = [
    txid: "7b6ce289d50b81f31f2d14a88837ff588d1889c8cb21acda57c2cd18611452d5",
    vout: 1,
    txid: "3e128c38f35520d4121d582f15998b7f74b44f17aa650b4d60decf975e642b9a",
    vout: 0,
const result = await client.lockunspent({ unlock, transactions }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const txid = "196fa2c24a793b0ddb7d13df967cbcd532d0124857d39cf76378ed8ddd31630a";
const result = await client.removeprunedfunds({ txid }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const start_height = 1566870;
const stop_height = 1566970;
const result = await client.rescanblockchain(
  { start_height, stop_height },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const amounts = {
  tb1qh4v0nuuglwfvzjhhjwn2mm8xa5n9mmg6azq237: 0.00002,
  tb1qm0m54hj4hmgw4ncufh7g6gx8lp7294rgjr8vz3: "0.00003",
const minconf = 6;
const comment = "SomeComment";
const subtractfeefrom = ["tb1qh4v0nuuglwfvzjhhjwn2mm8xa5n9mmg6azq237"];
const replaceable = true;
const conf_target = 20;
const estimate_mode = "ECONOMICAL";
const result = await client.sendmany(
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address = "tb1qzvfvg6hfyf9kuzhmr2prtrnmxeqrt2pgapv89f";
const amount = 0.0001;
const comment = "SomePayment";
const comment_to = "Someone";
const subtractfeefromamount = true;
const replaceable = true;
const conf_target = 20;
const estimate_mode = "CONSERVATIVE";
const result = await client.sendtoaddress(
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const newkeypool = true;
const seed = "cUFvQRAsGvyTVBPX5vowrghWmYXTvNw7nQvkKPtiACsdzRKWZM2P";
const result = await client.sethdseed({ newkeypool, seed }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address = "tb1qcay50erzz8gaagge3jqeau0m8yav0kjgy8sxkp";
const label = "SomeLabel";
const result = await client.setlabel({ address, label }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const amount = 0.00002;
const result = await client.settxfee({ amount }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const flag = "avoid_reuse";
const value = false;
const result = await client.setwalletflag({ flag, value }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const address = "muQN4LGGwtD9bqPeCexKGpksvygnRAnTA3";
const message = "Hello World!";
const result = await client.signmessage({ address, message }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const hexstring =
const prevtxs = [
    txid: "7a3c07063b1407050836354f69a2667343b6d8389348551610d789f1ece96d1e",
    vout: 0,
    scriptPubKey: "0014c92776d7c9e5c7d74f9c8093335de1928862e8ac",
    amount: 0.06924013,
const sighashtype = "ALL|ANYONECANPAY";
const result = await client.signrawtransactionwithwallet(
  { hexstring, prevtxs, sighashtype },
const wallet_name = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.unloadwallet({ wallet_name });
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const inputs = [
    txid: "5396f889b7118fc57f4bfb3397e12399d7f2b8ccd7f5a66bd33792f6ebe399e3",
    vout: 0,
const outputs = [
    tb1qu7jphg0km5mrl7kx8txy3xuky9tlpvmxmehz8m: 0.001466,
const locktime = 1;
const options = {
  changeAddress: "tb1qc0vz2vryuadyvcux09pswnl7ng2r9fzzd3cwnf",
  changePosition: 1,
  includeWatching: false,
  lockUnspents: false,
  subtractFeeFromOutputs: [],
  replaceable: true,
  conf_target: 20,
  estimate_mode: "ECONOMICAL",
const bip32derivs = true;
const result = await client.walletcreatefundedpsbt(
  { inputs, outputs, locktime, options, bip32derivs },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const result = await client.walletlock(wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const passphrase = "VerySecretPassphraseDoNotTellAnyone";
const timeout = 600;
const result = await client.walletpassphrase({ passphrase, timeout }, wallet);
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const oldpassphrase = "SecretPassphraseDoNotTellAnyone";
const newpassphrase = "VerySecretPassphraseDoNotTellAnyone";
const result = await client.walletpassphrasechange(
  { oldpassphrase, newpassphrase },
const wallet = "bitcoin-core-wallet.dat";
const psbt =
const sign = true;
const sighashtype = "ALL|ANYONECANPAY";
const bip32derivs = true;
const result = await client.walletprocesspsbt(
  { psbt, sign, sighashtype, bip32derivs },


const result = await client.getzmqnotifications();
const { RESTClient } = require("rpc-bitcoin");
const url = "";
const port = 17230;
const timeout = 20000;
const restClient = new RESTClient({ url, port, timeout });
const hash = "00000000099de420b319c7804c4bfee5357d3f5ddbfd3c71c15b3625347792bf";
const format = "hex";
await restClient.getBlock({ hash, format });
const hash = "00000000099de420b319c7804c4bfee5357d3f5ddbfd3c71c15b3625347792bf";
const format = "hex";
await restClient.getBlockNoTxDetails({ hash, format });
const height = 1;
const format = "hex";
await restClient.getBlockHashByHeight({ height, format });
await restClient.getChainInfo();
const checkmempool = true;
const outpoints = [
    txid: "e346be6c1ef4d24f3a26ea8e1b45a2645d339fbee9da8b9dc03aeef1c4179716",
    n: 0,
    txid: "e346be6c1ef4d24f3a26ea8e1b45a2645d339fbee9da8b9dc03aeef1c4179716",
    n: 1,
const format = "hex";
await restClient.getUtxos({ checkmempool, outpoints, format });
const count = 5;
const hash = "00000000000001f0be142e57e99d3528212e1204157209c6c10bd11326cc5b35";
const format = "hex";
await restClient.getHeaders({ count, hash, format });
await restClient.getMemPoolContents();
await restClient.getMemPoolInfo();
const txid = "93520a51cc6c694e79913f1daf0288cb10e0d7946723c06b4e7b6c2e5b057933";
const format = "hex";
await restClient.getTx({ txid, format });


A TypeScript library to make RPC and HTTP REST requests to OmniLite Core.







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