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bergtwvd edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 1 revision

IVCT Container images

The IVCT version 2.0 is containerized. The IVCT container images are described in individual wiki pages on this project site. As a general guideline the following information is provided about container images:

  • Title
  • Image (registry URIs for the Docker images containing the service)
  • Description
  • Synopsis
  • Docker options
  • Container options
  • Other information
  • Examples

MSaaS Docker Registry

Container images are stored in the MSG-164 MSaaS Docker Registry. Users (with sufficient access rights) can push or pull Docker images to or from the MSaaS Docker Registry. The registry also has a web UI. The addresses are as follows:

  • MSaaS Docker Registry UI:

  • MSaaS Docker Registry for docker push/pull commands:

To go directly to the MSaaS Docker Registry UI, navigate to

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