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Explore the Grapical User Interface


The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a webbrowser based application. You need to open your preferred HTML browser and navigate to the IVCT home page. In a local and standard deployment, this would typically be:


In the standard deployment, the first page will be the login screen. Only authorized users are allowed to use the IVCT. With an initial deployment the default user name and password is admin and admin.

Login Screen

After a successful login the IVCT UI will be started. The general layout concept consists of a menu bar on the top part of the page, a navigation frame on the left side with a blue background, and content frame on the right side with a white background.

The Navigation frame has three parts, selectable via the little ‘^’ in the top left corner. The first one is the so called “Badges” view, the second one is the “Testsuites” view, and the third one is the “System under Test” view. These views are described below in more detail.

The Badge View

In the badge view, all installed compliance badges are shown. While no badge is selected in the navigation frame, the content frame shows the same overview list in an iconic layout.

Badge View

When a badge is selected in the navigation frame, the details will be shown in the content frame. These general information like the name, the version, a short description and a visual key representing the badge. A badge also contains interoperability requirements, either directly assigned to the badge, or indirectly by a dependency definition to another badge. These interoperability requirements are assigned to test cases, which need to be passed in order to be considered compliant to that badge.

Badge HLA View

The Testsuite View

The test suite view shows all included test suites in the IVCT platform.

TS View

When you select an test suite definition, additional information such as name, version, description and assigned test cases are displayed. If you select a special test case, the assigned interoperability requirements are displayed.

TS Encoding View

The System under Test (SuT) View

SuT View

  • The System under Test (SuT) view, shows the configure systems to be tested.

  • New systems for testing can be added with the menu <SUT Settings - New SuT> and existing configurations can be edited, after selecting them.

  • The selection of a SuT shows the details view for that system under test.

SuT View

  • The details view shows general information about the system under test, such as its name, vender and version, a short description of its purpose, as well as information for the IVCT on how to connect to the HLA RTI. This connection information is called the Local Settings Designator (LSD) and the value is passed as-is to the RTI Connection call. For more information about the LSD, see The Local Settings Designator.

  • The LSD is an RTI-implementation specific string that the TC Engine (Runner) uses for connecting to the RTI. The LSD refers to a set of LRC settings that override the default settings for the LRC. If no value is provided then the LSD defaults to an empty string, meaning that default LRC settings are used.

  • Furthermore, the federate name and the federation name can be specified.

    • The name of the federate can be defined in the <Federate Name> field. This is the name, the system under test federate shall use to connect to the federation.

    • The name of the federation can be defined in the <Federation Name> field. This is the federation name, to connect with the system under test.

  • Below the general information the capability status shows the selected capabilities with the badge id, the badge name and a conformance status after testing the interoperability requirements of the selected badge.

  • Below the capability status section is the test report section. The test report section shows all generated test reports. A test report can only be generated after the selected SuT has been tested. A test report can be downloaded by double-clicking or with the download button and opened with a PDF viewer.

SuT View

  • When selecting a SuT in the navigation frame, the underlying badges are shown. These are the badges which are named in the conformance statement when creating a SuT description.

  • Selecting a badge will show all contained test suites.

SuT View

  • Selecting a test suite will show the included test cases (test case tiles) and the details to be used for testing.

  • All test cases within a test suite are sharing the same set of parameters.

  • These are parameters, optionally some extra parameters as required by some test cases.

  • The IVCT user interface provides options to set the parameter values and delivers these values to the test case.

  • Existing parameters can be edited via this interface (Section: TS Parameters).

  • To add and delete parameters, the 'TcParam.json' file in the test suite directory of the respective system under test must be edited.

  • Additional parameter files can be uploaded in the <TS Parameter Files> section.

  • The uploaded parameter files are usually integrated via the parameter settings in the <TS Parameters> section.

  • Depending on the status of the test execution, the test case tiles are displayed in different colors:

    • PASSED: green color

    • INCONCLUSIVE: purple color

    • FAILED: red color

    • UNKNOWN: white color

SuT View

  • When selecting a test case tile the test case view is opened.

SuT View

  • That opens a detail view in the content frame, with a status field and the short description of the selected test case.

  • The test case view shows a list of interoperability requirements in the requirement table. These requirements are tested when the test case is executed.

  • In addition, a list of existing protocol files are also displayed (Section: Execution History). A new protocol file is created for each test case execution.

  • With the button <TC execute> in the menu frame, the test case can be started.

  • Before a Testcase can be started, a TestEngine must be selected - see TestEngine Settings.

SuT View

  • After the start of a test case, the current status of the running test case is displayed in a progress bar (in percent).

  • The status field displays the current status description of the test case activity.

  • The execution log table shows all log messages of the current test case, which provide information about the current test activity.

  • All test case messages are stored in a log file.

  • With the button <Abort> in the menu frame, the test case can be aborted.

  • A test case is aborted with an INCONCLUSIVE verdict.

  • The abort button is only displayed when a test case is running.

SuT View

  • Some test cases have specific instructions to the IVCT operator. These statements can be sent to the operator via message boxes.

  • The test case makes a request to the SuT operator and waits until the SuT operator confirms that the required action or configuration has been performed.

  • An optional comment for traceability can be added.

  • For more information about the operator request, see Operator Request.

SuT View

  • At the end of the test case execution, the test verdict is displayed in form of a popup window.

SuT View

  • Depending on the status of the test execution, the status of the test result in the execution history table are displayed in different colors:

    • PASSED: green color

    • INCONCLUSIVE: purple color

    • FAILED: red color

    • UNKNOWN: white color

  • A log file can be downloaded after selecting a log file in the execution history table with the download button.

  • The execution log section displays the protocol message selected in the <Execution History> table.

    • Log messages with the log level error are colored red.

    • Log messages with the log level warning colored yellow.

SuT Capability Status / Conformance Status

Below the general information the capability status shows the selected capabilities with the badge id, the badge name and a conformance status after testing the interoperability requirements of the selected badge. The conformance status can have four defined statements:

  • PASSED: The SuT satisfies the interoperability requirements of the badge (green color).

  • FAILED: The SuT does not satisfy the interoperability requirements of the badge (red color).

  • INCONCLUSIVE: The test cases was executed, but no statement could be made regarding the interoperability requirements of the badge (in consequence of connection problems and so on) (purple color).

  • UNKNOWN: The interoperability requirements defined in the badge have not been tested yet (black color).

Conformance Status

Conformance Status - PASSED:

The conformance status of a badge is PASSED, if all included test suite have the status PASSED. In the following figure <Testsuite A> and <Testsuite B> have the status PASSED.

A test suite is PASSED if the last execution of all test cases of a test suite are Passed. Significant is only the last execution of a test case! In the following figure all test cases (TC) of <Testsuite A> and all test cases (TC) of <Testsuite B> have the status PASSED. Therefore both test suite have the status PASSED.

Conformance Status PASSED

Conformance Status - FAILED:

The conformance status is FAILED, if one or more test suites have the status FAILED. In the following figure <Testsuite A> is PASSED but <Testsuite B> is FAILED. Test suite <Testsuite B> is FAILED because the last execution of a test case (TC2) is failed.

Conformance Status FAILED

Conformance Status - INCONCLUSIVE:

The conformance status is INCONCLUSIVE, because a test suite has the status INCONCLUSIVE. In the following figure <Testsuite A> is PASSED but <Testsuite B> is INCONCLUSIVE. Test suite <Testsuite B> is INCONCLUSIVE because the last execution of a test case (TC2) is INCONCLUSIVE.

Conformance Status INCONCLUSIVE

Conformance Status - UNKNOWN:

The conformance status is UNKNOWN, if the interoperability requirements defined in the badge have not been tested yet. The interoperability requirements are tested using test cases.

Conformance Status UNKNOWN

Create Test Report

The IVCT system enables the creation of a test report for the test inspector.

  • In the test report section (third section) the test report for the SuT can be generated by clicking the button <Create Test Report>.

  • The test report section shows all generated test reports.

  • A test report can only be generated after the selected SuT has been tested.

  • A test report can be downloaded by double-clicking or with the download button and opened with a PDF viewer.

Create Report

The overview page of the test report is structured as follows:

Report Structure - Overview

The badge section of the test report is structured as follows:

  • Badge section: First, all linked badges are displayed with there information.

  • Testsuite (TS) section: Additionally the badge section displays all assigned test suites and their information.

  • Testcase (TC) section: In the test suite section all assigned test cases are displayed. Beside the test case information the tested interoperability requirements, the result of the last test case execution and the corresponding logfile are displayed.

Report Structure - Main Report

The one-to-many relationship in the figure should show that several badges, test suites and test cases can be displayed in the report.

Here is an report example: (only the overview page is displayed)

Report Overview Example

  • The conformance status of the SuT is PASSED, if all linked badges have the status PASSED!

SuT Create / Edit / Delete

The creation, editing and deletion of SuTs is possible via the menu item <SuT Settings>.

Alter SuT

When creating and editing SuTs, the descriptions are opened in an editing tab. In the edit mode you can change the Name, Vendor, Version, RTI Connection, Federate Name, Federation Name and the Description of the SuT.

An important part is the definition of the SuT Capabilities. The selection of the available badges, is considered as the conformance statement of the SuT. This selection will define the interoperability requirements to be used for the compliance testing.

Edit SuT

The IVCT system allows the deletion of SuTs. Before a SuT can be deleted, the SuT must be selected in the left menu. Then the delete function is available in the <SuT Settings> menu. A safety request must be confirmed before the deletion process. Attention: All SuT information as well as the entire test case history and all test reports are permanently deleted!

Delete SuT

Additional information

TestEngine Settings

The IVCT system allows the user to select a TestEngine. For this purpose, all available TestEngines are displayed in the system’s settings. Then the user can select any TestEngine. After selecting a specific TestEngine, the status of the TestEngine is displayed in the status field.

TestEngine Settings

The TestEngine settings are saved under the following path:

Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\\org.eclipse.scout.rt.client-<USER>.prefs
Unix: /root/nato.ivct.gui.nato.ivct.gui.html.ui/.settings/org.eclipse.scout.rt.client-<USER>.prefs

Language and Log Level Settings

The system allows the user to change the language settings and log level settings. You can select either English or German as language. The default language is English.

As log level you can decide between the following levels:

  • TRACE: Detailed information about the individual test steps, like the HLA API calls and callbacks.

  • DEBUG: This level contains specfic developer information used for testing the test cases.

  • INFO: High level information about the test execution.

  • WARN: The warning level reports events which need the attention of the IVCT operator.

  • ERROR: Events which are considered as faulty behaviour are reported as errors.

The default log level is INFO.

The language and log level settings are saved under the following path:

Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\\org.eclipse.scout.rt.client-<USER>.prefs
Unix: /root/nato.ivct.gui.nato.ivct.gui.html.ui/.settings/org.eclipse.scout.rt.client-<USER>.prefs


TestEngine and LogSink Status

The TestEngine and LogSink status is shown in the user interface. The status display shows whether the components are currently available and reports if they are no longer accessible.

With a green status display the components are available.

TestEngine Status

With a yellow status display the components are currently not available.

TestEngine Status

With a red status display the components are not available.

TestEngine Status

IVCT Version and Logout

System information, such as the software version of the IVCT environment, can be displayed via the menu item <About>. The menu item <Logout> logs the user off the system.


