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This package contains:

  • a script to manipulate deployed plone instances managed with supervisor
  • helper methods to be used in a zope context for script run from "bin/instance run ..."

bin/update_instances or bin/

To display more information, use "-h" or "--help" parameter

List of available parameters:

  • -d, --doit : to apply changes
  • -p val, --pattern=val : buildout directory filter with val as re pattern matching
  • -b, --buildout : to run buildout
  • -m0 val, --make0=val : run 'make val' command after stop and before buildout (can use multiple times -m0)
  • -m val, --make=val : run 'make val' command (can use multiple times -m)
  • -i val, --instance=val : instance name used to run function or make (default instance-debug)
  • -f, --function : run a predefined function with arguments. (can use multiple times -f)
    • step profile-name step-name : run the given step for the given profile
    • step profile-name _all_ : run all steps for the given profile
    • upgrade profile-name : run the upgrade steps for the given profile
    • upgrade profile-name dest1 ... : run the given upgrade steps for the given profile
    • upgrade _all_ : run the upgrade steps for all profiles
  • -s val, --superv=val : to run supervisor command (stop|restart|stopall|restartall
    • stop : stop the instances (not zeo)
    • restart : restart the instances (after buildout if -b was provided)
    • stopall : stop all buildout processes
    • restartall : restart all processes (after buildout if -b was provided)
    • stopworker : stop the worker instances
    • restartworker : restart the worker instances (after buildout if -b was provided)
    • stopzeo : stop the zeo
    • startzeo : start all supervised zeo. (after buildout if -b was provided)
    • restartzeo : restart the zeo instance (after buildout if -b was provided)
  • -a, --auth : enable/disable authentication plugins
    • 0 : disable only
    • 1 : enable only
    • 8 : disable before make or function and enable after (default)
    • 9 : don't do anything
  • -u vals, --update vals : update given development products.
  • -e, --email : email address used to get an email when finished
  • -w, --warning : create or update a message. Parameters like xx="string value". All parameters must be enclosed by quotes: 'xx="val" yy=True'.
    • id="maintenance-soon"
    • text="A maintenance operation will be done at 4pm."
    • activate=True
    • delete=False
    • msg_type="" (info, significant, warning (default))
    • can_hide=True
    • start, end="YYYYMMDD-hhmm"
    • ...
  • -wnd, --warning-no-dump : do not write disk message file. The existing one is used.
  • -c, --custom : run a custom script with arguments.
    • First parameter is the relative path from your buildout to the script file.
    • Other parameters are arguments to be given to the script when called.
  • -v, --vars : Define env variables like XX=YY, used as: env XX=YY make (or function). (can use multiple times -v). FUNC_PARTS and BATCH_TOTALS are special var (see examples).
  • -t, --traces : Add more traces
  • -y, --patchindexing : To hack collective.indexing.monkey, to keep direct indexation during operations
  • -z, --patchdebug : Used to patch instance-debug if front-page is a dexterity type and not publically accessible
  • -W, --wait : Wait for instance to be up and running during a -s restart

To change log level when running instance script, change LOGGER_LEVEL in

  • setup_logger: with "bin/instance run", level is 30 (warn). Useful to set it to 20 (info) or 10 (debug)
  • setup_app: get admin user, set request
  • -p '^(?!name)' : match instances not starting with name
  • -p '^(?:(?!name).)*$' : match instances not containing name
  • -p .*_ged_20_1 : match instances ending with _ged_20_1
  • -f step imio.dms.mail:default actions : run import step for profile profile-imio.dms.mail:default actions
  • -w 'id="maintenance-soon" text="A maintenance operation will be done at 4pm." activate=True'
  • -c scripts/ param1 param2 : calls the scripts at buildout/scripts/ with param1 and param2 as arguments
  • -v FUNC_PARTS=abcde : calls -f multiple time for each letter passed as ENV FUNC_PART=a. Can be used to split migration in multiple runs.
  • -v FUNC_PARTS=abc -v BATCH_TOTALS=b:2100,c:2000 -v BATCH=1000 : calls the specified parts in batch following totals. Sub calls as ENV FUNC_PART=a (one time), ENV FUNC_PART=b (3 times), ENV FUNC_PART=C (2 times)

Multiple options:

  • -p .*_ged_20_1 -b -s restartall -m various-script -f step imio.dms.mail:default actions -f step collective.documentgenerator:default typeinfo -d

To deploy this package


  • virtualenv -p python2 . (if packages python2 and virtualenv are installed)
  • (or virtualenv-2.7 . (if python2 manually compiled))
  • (bin/pip install setuptools==41.0.1)
  • bin/pip install -e . or bin/python develop



Helpers to update plone instances






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