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Natural language processing tools for English and Russian (postagging, syntax parsing, SRL, NER, language detection etc.)


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License: MIT Python 3.9


ISANLP is a Python 3 library that encompasses several open-source natural language processing tools for English and Russian and provides a framework for running them locally as a single pipeline or in a distributed environment via RPC. It also provides an easy to deploy docker container inemo/isanlp for starting various types of workers.

Warning since version 0.0.5 compatibility is broken with old containers! When installing new version of the library you need to pull new containers or use 0.0.1 version of the library (old containers are also tagged as 0.0.1).

Getting started

  1. Installing the library

    pip install git+

  2. (Optional) Starting docker container with installed dependencies and models

    docker run -ti --rm -p 3333:3333 inemo/isanlp

Basic usage

from isanlp.processor_remote import ProcessorRemote
ppl = ProcessorRemote(host='localhost', port=3333, pipeline_name='default')

text_ru = 'Мама мыла раму'
annotations = ppl(text_ru)

Included components

Basic text analyzers

Fire indicates up-to-date recommended modules.

Module Tokenizing Lemma-
UD Syntax NER Path
Razdel 🔥 Ru - - - - - isanlp.processor_razdel
NLTK En, Ru En En, Ru En - - isanlp.en.pipeline_default
MyStem - Ru Ru Ru - -
Polyglot En, Ru - - - - Ru isanlp.processor_polyglot
SyntaxNet - - En, Ru - En, Ru - docker pull inemo/syntaxnet_rus + isanlp.processor_syntaxnet_remote
UDPipe 2.5 En, Ru En, Ru En, Ru En, Ru En, Ru - isanlp.processor_udpipe
or docker pull tchewik/isanlp_udpipe + isanlp.processor_remote
- Ru Ru Ru Ru - docker pull tchewik/isanlp_qbic + isanlp.processor_remote
DeepPavlov joint parser 🔥 - Ru Ru Ru Ru - isanlp.processor_deepavlov_syntax
spaCy 🔥
(21 languages)
En, Ru En, Ru En, Ru En, Ru En, Ru En, Ru isanlp.processor_spacy
or docker pull tchewik/isanlp_spacy:{ru|en} + isanlp.processor_remote

Core NLP processors

Semantic Role Labeling

  • IsaNLP SRL Framebank Russian semantic role labeler (SRL) based on FrameBank and neural network models.
  • Deep SRL parser as a standalone docker container (semantic role labeling for English).

Discourse Parsing

  • IsaNLP RST RST-style discourse parser for Russian based on neural network models.

Coreference Resolution

  • CorefHD Coreference resolution for Russian trained on RuCoCo-23 dataset.

Additional modules

  • Preprocessors
  • Polyglot language detector
  • CoNLL converters
  • Postag converters
  • MaltParser: dependency parsing (for now without runtime and models).
  • MaltParser CoNLL-2008: dependency parsing with a runtime and a model for English as a standalone docker container.

To be included

  • English/Russian advanced neural network named entity recognition.
  • English/Russian sentiment analysis.


Common usage

The most common usage consists in constructing a pipeline of processors with PipelineCommon class.

For example, the following pipeline performs tokenization, sentence splitting, two types of morphological (MyStem and DeepPavlov), and syntax (DeepPavlov) analysis locally, without remote containers:

from isanlp import PipelineCommon
from isanlp.simple_text_preprocessor import SimpleTextPreprocessor
from isanlp.processor_razdel import ProcessorRazdel
from import ProcessorMystem
from import ConverterMystemToUd
from isanlp.processor_deeppavlov_syntax import ProcessorDeeppavlovSyntax

ppl = PipelineCommon([
  (SimpleTextPreprocessor(), ['text'],
   {'text': 'text'}),
  (ProcessorRazdel(), ['text'],
   {'tokens': 'tokens',
    'sentences': 'sentences'}),
  (ProcessorMystem(), ['tokens', 'sentences'],
   {'postag': 'mystem_postag'}),
  (ConverterMystemToUd(), ['mystem_postag'],
   {'morph': 'mystem_morph',
    'postag': 'mystem_postag'}),
  (ProcessorDeeppavlovSyntax(), ['tokens', 'sentences'],
   {'lemma': 'lemma',
    'postag': 'postag',
    'syntax_dep_tree': 'syntax_dep_tree'}),

The pipeline contains a list of processors – objects that perform separate language processing tasks. The result of the pipeline execution is a dictionary of "facets" – different types of annotations extracted from the text by processors. The dictionary of annotations is stored inside the pipeline and filled up by processors. Processors get their input parameters from the annotation dictionary and save results into the dictionary.

The parameters of processors are specified in a tuple during pipeline construction: PipelineCommon((<ProcObject>(), <list of input parameters>, <dictionary of output results>), ...)

You also should specify the label, which would be used to save your results in a pipeline annotation dictionary. If you do not provide a name for a result annotation it would be dropped from further processing. Processors can overwrite annotations aquired from other processors. To avoid overwriting just drop the result annotations.

Pipelines also can include other pipelines and remote processors:

from isanlp.pipeline_common import PipelineCommon
from isanlp.processor_remote import ProcessorRemote
from isanlp.processor_syntaxnet_remote import ProcessorSyntaxNetRemote

ppl = PipelineCommon([(ProcessorRemote(host='some host', port=8207),
                      {'tokens' : 'tokens',
                       'sentences' : 'sentences',
                       'lemma' : 'lemma',
                       'postag' : 'postag',
                       'morph' : 'morph'}),
                     (ProcessorSyntaxNetRemote(host='other host', port=7678),
                      {'syntax_dep_tree' : 'syntax_dep_tree'})])

Conditional execution

It is sometimes necessary to run different texts through different processors. For instance, depending on the text's language or length. This is possible with the isanlp.pipeline_conditional.PipelineConditional.

Only texts longer than one sentence will be passed to the discourse parser in the following example:

from isanlp.pipeline_conditional import PipelineConditional

class DummyProcessor:
  """ Returns whatever we'll say """
  def __init__(self, output):
      self.output = output
  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      return self.output
address_syntax = ['hostname', 3334]
address_rst = ['hostname', 3335]

condition = lambda _te, _to, sentences, _po, _mo, _le, _sy:  len(sentences) > 1
rst_pipeline_variants = {0: DummyProcessor(output={'rst': []}), 
                         1: ProcessorRemote(address_rst[0], address_rst[1], pipeline_name='default')}

ppl = PipelineCommon([
  (ProcessorRazdel(), ['text'],
     {'tokens': 'tokens',
      'sentences': 'sentences'}),
  (ProcessorRemote(address_syntax[0], address_syntax[1], '0'),
     ['tokens', 'sentences'],
     {'lemma': 'lemma',
      'syntax_dep_tree': 'syntax_dep_tree',
      'postag': 'ud_postag'}),
     ['tokens', 'sentences'],
     {'postag': 'postag'}),
     {'morph': 'morph',
      'postag': 'postag'}),
  (PipelineConditional(condition, rst_pipeline_variants),
    ['text', 'tokens', 'sentences', 'postag', 'morph', 'lemma', 'syntax_dep_tree'],
    {'rst': 'rst'}

>> ppl("Мама мыла раму.")['rst']  # []
>> ppl("Мама мыла раму. Папа вышивал крестиком.")['rst']  # [<isanlp.annotation_rst.DiscourseUnit at 0x7f229bccd490>]

Data structures

The pipeline returns the results in a dictionary with keys that were provided in the parameters of processors. If processor returns None, results are ommited. Available keys & values structures:

  • 'lang'(str) – ISO code of detected language.
  • 'lemma'(list) – list of lists of string lemma annotations for each sentence. The first list corresponds to sentences, the second corresponds to annotations inside a sentence.
  • 'morph'(list) – list of lists of dictionary objects where the keys are the morphological features available for the current word.
  • 'postag'(list) – list of lists of string POS tags for each sentence.
  • 'sentences'(list) – list of isanlp.annotation.Sentence objects. Each Sentence contains:
    • begin (int) – number of the first token in a sentence.
    • end (int) – number of the last token in a sentence + 1.
  • 'syntax_dep_tree'(list) – list of lists of isanlp.annotation.WordSynt objects. WordSynt objects mean nodes in syntax dependency tree and have two members:
    • parent (int) – number of the parent token.
    • link_name (str) – name of the link between this word and it's parent.
  • 'tokens'(list) – list of isanlp.annotation.Token objects. Each Token contains:
    • text (str) – as represented in text.
    • begin (int) – position of the first symbol in the text.
    • end (int) – position of the last symbol in the text + 1.
  • 'entities'(list) – list of isanlp.annotation.TaggedSpan objects. Each TaggedSpan contains:
    • tag (str) – named entity tag.
    • begin (int) – position of the first token in the text.
    • end (int) – position in the last token in the text + 1.

Docker worker

The library provides a docker container inemo/isanlp that contains all required packages and models to run a natural language pipeline. You can invoke RPC server (gRPC) with a default pipeline using the following command:

docker run --rm -p 3333:3333 inemo/isanlp

You can also run a custom processor instead the container using the simple command:

           <some repo>/isanlp / \
           -m <custom module> \
           -a <pipeline object>

Additional modules for IsaNLP.

The IsaNLP library provides several core routines, processors, and models that do not need many dependencies. However, the IsaNLP framework is significantly broader. It encompasses many other easy-to-use packages for various types of NLP. Currently they include:

  1. isanlp_srl_framebank – the neural-based SRL parser for Russian based on well-known FrameBank corpus. The package provides the python 3 library for final users, trained models (Shelmanov and Devyatkin), a docker container inemo/isanlp_srl_framebank with ready-to-use NLP service, and a playground for training new deep learning models (jupyter notebook).
  2. isanlp_rst – the neural-based RST discourse parser for Russian. Provides a docker container with trained models and open-source code.
  3. isanlp_deep_srl – the docker container inemo/isanlp_deep_srl with ready-to-use SRL service for English. The parser and models is created by Deep SRL project and adopted for IsaNLP framework.
  4. isanlp_parser_conll2008 – the docker container inemo/isanlp_parser_conll2008 with ready-to-use dependency parsing service for English. The parser is based on MaltParser and CONLL-2008/2009 syntactic annotation (semantically rich). The model is developed by Surdenau et al.
  5. docker-syntaxnet – the docker containers with Google's SyntaxNet for English, Russian, and Italian. The containers provides easy-to-use gRPC service for dependency parsing, pos-tagging, and morphology analysis.
  6. Exactus Sem Vectors - Semantic vectors for searching over long documents.


  1. Expand documentation.
  2. Automatic tests.
  3. Sentiment analysis for English and Russian.
  4. Spacy wrapper.


Natural language processing tools for English and Russian (postagging, syntax parsing, SRL, NER, language detection etc.)







No packages published

Contributors 4
