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Systems Overview

Drake edited this page Jul 6, 2021 · 1 revision

Core Systems

- DLL System. [Automatic dependency loader. Required for the libraries that the core uses]

- Event System. [Reflection system for easy dynamic method calls. Required for all internal functionality]

- Patch System. [Dynamic code modification system. Required for injecting core & custom hooks]

Optional Systems

- Exposer System [Reflection system for easy access to private methods and fields within Duck Game] [No dependencies]

- Input System [System for easy access to various forms of player input] [No dependencies]

- Render System [System for dynamic polygon rendering and easy access to commonly used drawing functions] [No dependencies]

- Settings System [System for easy saving & loading of simple values] [No dependencies]

- Ui System [Custom Ui system for creating simple mouse-based Ui] [Requires the Render System and Input System]

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