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The Monster Manual

Hubert Tournier edited this page Jun 4, 2021 · 34 revisions

This page lists the commands available in POSIX, along with the short description provided by the whatis(1) command, links to manual pages in POSIX and FreeBSD or Linux, FreeBSD source code, number of Single Lines of Code (without comments), languages identified, and eventual Jargon file or Wikipedia entry..

We also made a selection of commands that would be interesting to reimplement, though it's by no means a limitation to your creativity :-)

POSIX commands

POSIX commands selected for reimplementation

Command Whatis POSIX man src SLOC Languages Other Comments
awk pattern-directed scanning and processing language posix freebsd(1) src 0 jargon
basename return filename portion of pathname posix freebsd(1) linux(1) plan9(1) inferno(1) src 83 C wikipedia
bc arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic language and calculator posix freebsd(1) src 57 C
cal displays a calendar and the date of Easter posix freebsd(1)
cat concatenate and print files posix freebsd(1) src 350 C jargon
cksum display file checksums and block counts posix freebsd(1) src 356 C
cmp compare two files posix freebsd(1) src 447 C, Bash
comm select or reject lines common to two files posix freebsd(1) src 168 C, Bash
compress compress and expand data posix freebsd(1) src 854 C, Bash, Objective-C jargon
cp copy files posix freebsd(1) src 710 C, Bash
csplit split files based on context posix freebsd(1) src 302 C, Bash
cut cut out selected portions of each line of a file posix freebsd(1) src 346 C, Bash
date display or set date and time posix freebsd(1) src 731 C, Bash
dd convert and copy a file posix freebsd(1) src 1419 C, Bash jargon
df display free disk space posix freebsd(1) src 425 C
diff differential file and directory comparator posix freebsd(1) src 2090 C, Bash jargon
dirname return directory portion of pathname posix freebsd(1) linux(1) src 40 C
du display disk usage statistics posix freebsd(1) src 478 C, Bash
echo write arguments to the standard output posix freebsd(1) src 88 C, Bash
env set environment and execute command, or print environment posix freebsd(1) src 401 C
expand expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa posix freebsd(1) src 126 C
expr evaluate expression posix freebsd(1) src 0
false return false value posix freebsd(1) src 11 C
file determine file type posix freebsd(1) src 0
find walk a file hierarchy posix freebsd(1) src 1839 C, Bash
fold fold long lines for finite width output device posix freebsd(1) src 164 C, Bash
gencat NLS catalog compiler posix freebsd(1) src 431 C
getopts shell builtin posix freebsd(1)
grep file pattern searcher posix freebsd(1) src 1464 C, Bash jargon
head display first lines of a file posix freebsd(1) src 208 C, Bash
iconv codeset conversion utility posix freebsd(1) src 149 C
join relational database operator posix freebsd(1) src 461 C, Bash
link link files posix freebsd(1)
ln link files posix freebsd(1) src 353 C, Bash
locale get locale-specific information posix freebsd(1) src 776 C, Bash
localedef define locale environment posix freebsd(1) src 2936 C
logger make entries in the system log posix freebsd(1) src 315 C
ls list directory contents posix freebsd(1) src 2232 C, Bash
man display online manual documentation pages posix freebsd(1) src 691 Bash
mkdir make directories posix freebsd(1) src 147 C, Bash
more opposite of more posix freebsd(1)
mv move files posix freebsd(1) src 543 C, Bash
nl line numbering filter posix freebsd(1) src 267 C
od octal, decimal, hex, ASCII dump posix freebsd(1)
paste merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files posix freebsd(1) src 187 C
patch apply a diff file to an original posix freebsd(1) src 2886 C, Bash jargon
pathchk check pathnames posix freebsd(1) src 114 C
printf formatted output posix freebsd(1) src 509 C, Bash
pwd return working directory name posix freebsd(1) src 60 C
read shell builtin posix freebsd(1)
rm remove directory entries posix freebsd(1) src 383 C, Bash
rmdir remove directories posix freebsd(1) src 81 C, Bash
sed stream editor posix freebsd(1) src 2261 C, Bash
sh command interpreter (shell) posix freebsd(1) src 10842 C, Bash
sleep suspend execution for an interval of time posix freebsd(1) src 52 C jargon
sort sort or merge records (lines) of text and binary files posix freebsd(1) src 4148 C
split split a file into pieces posix freebsd(1) src 261 C
strings print the strings of printable characters in files posix freebsd(1) src 0
tail display the last part of a file posix freebsd(1) src 1021 C, Bash
tee duplicate standard input posix freebsd(1) src 99 C jargon
test condition evaluation utility posix freebsd(1) src 599 C, Bash jargon
time time command execution posix freebsd(1) src 213 C
touch change file access and modification times posix freebsd(1) src 267 C
tr translate characters posix freebsd(1) src 889 C, Bash
true return true value posix freebsd(1) src 9 C
tsort topological sort of a directed graph posix freebsd(1) src 253 C
type shell builtin posix freebsd(1)
uname display information about the system posix freebsd(1) src 207 C
uncompress compress and expand data posix freebsd(1)
unexpand expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa posix freebsd(1) src 140 C
uniq report or filter out repeated lines in a file posix freebsd(1) src 256 C
unlink remove directory entries posix freebsd(1)
uudecode encode/decode a binary file posix freebsd(1) src 325 C, Bash
uuencode encode/decode a binary file posix freebsd(1) src 151 C, Bash
wc word, line, character, and byte count posix freebsd(1) src 262 C
what show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file posix freebsd(1) src 80 C
xargs construct argument list(s) and execute utility posix freebsd(1) src 570 C, Bash
zcat compression/decompression tool using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77) posix freebsd(1)

Other POSIX commands

The comments column gives some insight why we think that command is not relevant for reimplementation.

Command Whatis POSIX man src SLOC Languages Other Comments
admin posix jargon SCCS
alias shell builtin posix src 1 Bash Shell builtin
ar create, modify, and extract from archives posix freebsd(1) src 1082 C C dev. Maybe?
asa interpret carriage-control characters posix freebsd(1) src 77 C Printing
at queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution posix freebsd(1) src 1065 C Cron
batch queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution posix jargon Cron
bg shell builtin posix freebsd(1) Multi process
c99 standard C language compiler posix freebsd(1) src 66 C C dev
cd shell builtin posix Shell builtin
cflow generate a C-language flowgraph posix C dev
chgrp change group posix freebsd(1) Multi user. Maybe?
chmod change file modes posix freebsd(1) src 261 C, Bash Multi user. Maybe?
chown change file owner and group posix freebsd(8) src 353 C, Bash Multi user. Maybe?
command shell builtin posix Shell builtin. Maybe?
crontab maintain crontab files for individual users (V3) posix freebsd(1) Cron
ctags create a tags file posix freebsd(1) src 952 C Fortran
cxref C Cross Referencing & Documenting tool posix C dev
delta posix jargon SCCS
ed text editor posix freebsd(1) src 2216 C, Bash, D, REBOL jargon Editor
ex text editors posix freebsd(1) Editor
fc shell builtin posix freebsd(1) Shell builtin
fg shell builtin posix freebsd(1) Multi process
fort77 posix Fortran
fuser list IDs of all processes that have one or more files open posix freebsd(1) Multi process
get posix SCCS
getconf retrieve standard configuration variables posix freebsd(1) src 344 C, Bash, Awk System
hash shell builtin posix Shell builtin
id return user identity posix freebsd(1) src 343 C Multi user
ipcrm remove the specified message queues, semaphore sets, and shared segments posix freebsd(1) src 199 C IPC
ipcs report System V interprocess communication facilities status posix freebsd(1) src 565 C IPC
jobs shell builtin posix freebsd(1) Multi process
kill terminate or signal a process posix freebsd(1) src 130 C Multi process
lex fast lexical analyzer generator posix freebsd(1) src 5122 C, Awk Dev
logname display user's login name posix freebsd(1) src 29 C Multi user
lp print files posix Printing
m4 macro language processor posix freebsd(1) src 2433 C, Bash Dev
mailx send and receive mail posix freebsd(1) App
make maintain program dependencies posix freebsd(1) Dev. Maybe?
mesg display (do not display) messages from other users posix freebsd(1) src 56 C Multi user
mkfifo make fifos posix freebsd(1) src 59 C
newgrp change to a new group posix freebsd(1) src 200 C Multi user
nice execute a utility at an altered scheduling priority posix freebsd(1) src 58 C Multi process
nm list symbols from object files posix src 0
nohup invoke a utility immune to hangups posix freebsd(1) src 66 C Multi process
pax read and write file archives and copy directory hierarchies posix freebsd(1) src 6802 C, Perl App. Maybe?
pr print files posix freebsd(1) src 1223 C, Bash Printing
prs posix SCCS
ps process status posix freebsd(1) src 2028 C Multi process. Maybe?
qalter posix Cron
qdel posix Cron
qhold posix Cron
qmove posix Cron
qmsg posix Cron
qrerun posix Cron
qrls posix Cron
qselect posix Cron
qsig posix Cron
qstat posix Cron
qsub posix Cron
renice alter priority of running processes posix freebsd(8) src 109 C Multi process
rmdel posix SCCS
sact posix SCCS
sccs front end for the SCCS subsystem posix SCCS
strip discard symbols and other data from object files posix Dev
stty set the options for a terminal device interface posix freebsd(1) src 875 C Terminal
tabs set terminal tabs posix freebsd(1) src 147 C Terminal
talk talk to another user posix freebsd(1) src 835 C Multi user
tput terminal capability interface posix freebsd(1) src 137 C, Bash Terminal
tty return user's terminal name posix freebsd(1) src 34 C jargon Multi user
ulimit shell builtin posix System
umask shell builtin posix Shell builtin
unalias shell builtin posix freebsd(1) Shell builtin
unget posix SCCS
uucp posix UUCP
uustat posix UUCP
uux posix UUCP
val posix SCCS
vi text editors posix freebsd(1) src 21 C jargon Editor
wait shell builtin posix Multi process
who display who is on the system posix freebsd(1) src 217 C Multi user
write send a message to another user posix freebsd(1) src 218 C Multi user
yacc an LALR(1) parser generator posix freebsd(1) src 6 Bash Dev