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Forgotten Realms

Hubert Tournier edited this page Jun 8, 2021 · 18 revisions

A lot of Unix command were deprecated and disappeared along the years. This place lists some of them for possible resurrection. These lists are based on manual page contents comparisons (so there might be errors).

When the manual page is not enough for reimplementation (that is to say quite often), you can check the original command source code in The Unix Tree.

Interesting commands to reimplement are presented in bold characters.

Commands that disappeared between Unix 1st (1971) and 6th (1975) editions

Command Whatis Man
B language man(1)
basic DEC supplied BASIC man(6)
boot reboot system man(1)
check file system consistency check man(1)
das disassembler man(6)
dbppt dump binary paper tape man(1)
dpt read DEC ASCII paper tape man(6)
dtf DECtape format man(1)
for fortran man(1)
lbppt load binary paper tapes man(1)
rew rewind tape man(1)
rkd dump RK disk to tape man(1)
rkf format RKO3 disk pack man(1)
rkl reload RK disk from tape man(1)
sdate set date and time man(1)
tap manipulate DECtape man(1)
tm provide time information man(1)
un undefined symbols man(1)

Plus some which are still in modern BSD system: bcd(1) hup(1) stat(1) sum(1) type(1)

Commands that disappeared between Unix 6th (1975) and 7th (1979) editions

Command Whatis Man
azel satellite predictions man(6)
boot procedures UNIX startup man(8)
cdb C debugger man(1)
cref make cross reference listing man(1)
db debug man(1)
dpd data phone daemon man(8)
dsw delete interactively man(1)
fc Fortran compiler man(1)
fed edit form letter memory man(6)
form form letter generator man(6)
gsi interpret extended character set on GSI terminal man(6)
m6 general purpose macroprocessor man(6)
opr off line print man(1)
pfe print floating exception man(1)
rc Ratfor compiler man(1)
sky obtain ephemerides man(6)
sno Snobol interpreter man(6)
speak word to voice translator man(6)
tmg compiler-compiler man(6)
typo find possible typos man(1)

Plus some which are still in modern BSD systems: chdir(1) chgrp(8) exit(1) glob(8) goto(1) if(1) lpd(8) neqn(1) nohup(1) nroff(1) primes(6) rmdir(1) shift(1) umount(8)

Commands that disappeared between Unix 7th (1979) and 8th (1985) editions

Command Whatis Man
arcv convert archives to new format man(1)
bas basic man(1)
bj the game of black jack man(6)
boot startup procedures man(8)
checkers game man(6)
chess the game of chess man(6)
dcheck file system directory consistency check man(1)
dumpdir print the names of files on a dump tape man(1)
lookall look through all text files on UNIX man(1)
maze generate a maze problem man(6)
mkconf generate configuration tables man(1)
moo guessing game man(6)
ncheck generate names from i-numbers man(1)
prep prepare text for statistical processing man(1)
pubindex make inverted bibliographic index man(1)
restor incremental file system restore man(1)
reversi a game of dramatic reversals man(6)
spline interpolate smooth curve man(1)
tc photypesetter simulator man(1)
tp manipulate tape archive man(1)
ttt, cubic tic-tac-toe man(6)
hangman, words word games man(6)

Plus some which are still in modern BSD systems: backgammon(6) cd(1) col(1) crash(8) dump(1) lorder(1) roff(1) units(1) wait(1) wump(6)

Commands that disappeared between Unix 8th (1985) and 10th (1989) editions

Command Whatis Man
altran language for algebraic manipulation man(1)
back backgammon man(6)
basic, bas, bite Basic language interpreters man(1)
blitmap map plots and path finding on a jerq man(9)
bridge card game man(6)
byteyears time-space product for file residency man(1)
c56 terminal program with data compression man(9)
can, bcan, dcan, tcan, xcan interface to Canon laser- man(1)
canfield, cribbage, fish card games man(6)
cflow generate C flow graph man(1)
ching the book of changes man(6)
cite process citations in a document man(1)
config configure a Unix kernel man(8)
coreid identify source of core image man(1)
courier remote procedure call compiler man(1)
crabs graphical marine adventure game man(9)
ct call terminal (and start a session) man(1)
cyntax, cem C syntax checker man(1)
d202, daps, dcan, tc phototypesetter filters man(1)
DB database command interface man(1)
DBcp database copy man(1)
DBcvt convert a database file between 3B and VAX formats man(1)
demo graphic demonstrations and games man(9)
doctor, tso psychiatric consultation man(6)
efl extended Fortran language preprocessor man(1)
finddev find processes using a device man(8)
icont, iconc Icon language translator and compiler man(1)
jim, jim.recover text editor man(9)
ksh Korn shell, the not standard command programming man(1)
learn computer aided instruction about UNIX man(1)
lisp, liszt, lxref lisp interpreter and compiler man(1)
mars memory array redcode simulator man(6)
mugs convert gray-scale pictures into icons man(9)
netnews send or receive news articles man(1)
newer test file modification dates man(1)
ogre war game man(6)
oops process status man(8)
paper list input on HP2621P printer man(1)
pascal language interpreter man(1)
pen doodle anywhere on the screen man(9)
pick pick arguments man(1)
post send mail to users by name man(1)
pxp, pxref pascal printer, profiler, and cross-reference man(1)
ratfor rational Fortran dialect man(1)
redcode assembler for mars game man(6)
ropy remote file copy for arpa internet man(1)
sdb symbolic debugger man(1)
server run anonymous command on another machine man(1)
sno Snobol language interpreter man(1)
spitbol Snobol language compiler man(1)
struct structure Fortran programs man(1)
sysmon, vismon display system statistics man(9)
tk paginator for the Tektronix 4014 man(1)
pret, trace protocol compiler and analyzer man(1)
track selective remote file copy man(1)
twid dabble in oils man(9)
update periodically update the super block man(8)
usgmake maintain, update, and regenerate groups of man(1)
uucheck check uucp directories and permissions file man(8)
uusched uucp file transport scheduler man(8)
uuxqt execute remote command requests man(8)
visi mathematical spreadsheet man(1)
xsend, xget, enroll secret mail man(1)

Plus some which are still in modern BSD systems: mail(1) adventure, zork, aardvark, rogue, wump(6) arithmetic(6) asa(1) atc(6) banner, rot, rnd, bigp(6) bcd, ppt(6) boggle, hangman, scrabble(6) clear(1) compress, uncompress, zcat(1) df(1) diff3(1) fortune(6) grep, egrep, fgrep(1) iostat, load, dkstat(1) last(1) ln(1) lpd(8) lpr(1) mesg(1) mille(6) mv(1) number(1) od(1) quiz(6) ranlib(1) renice(8) rmdir(8) snake, worm(6) telnet(1) touch(1) trek, ogre, sol, warp, sail(6) tset(1) worms, hanoi, rain(6) xstr(8)

Commands that disappeared between Unix 10th (1989) edition and modern BSD systems:

Command Whatis Man
11as, 11cc, 11ld, 11nm, 11ranlib, 11reloc, 11size, 11strip man(8)
2500 BVH2500 videotape recorder man(1)
32ld bootstrap loader for 5620 man(9)
3cc, 3as, 3ar, 3ld, 3nm, 3size, 3strip, cprs MAC-32 C man(9)
adb debugger man(1)
apnews, ap.keys present AP wire stories man(7)
apsend send troff output to phototypesetter man(1)
arff read RT11 files man(8)
asd automatic software distribution man(8)
bcp reformat black-and-white picture files man(1)
bigcore, coreid permit big core images, identify source of man(1)
Code, addr, bitblt, point, rectf, screenswap, segment, man(9)
bitfile format of bitmap file man(9)
blitblt, menudrop save or print a screen image man(9)
bprint expression profiler man(1)
brush painting program man(9)
bundle collect files for distribution man(1)
button123, mouse, cursallow, cursinhibit, cursset, man(9)
CC, cfront C++ compiler man(1)
cb C program beautifier man(1)
cbt btree utilities man(1)
touch, chdate set modification or access date of a file man(1)
chuck a file system checking program man(8)
cin C interpreter man(1)
cip draw pictures for typesetting man(9)
circle, disc, arc, ellipse, eldisc, elarc circle-drawing man(9)
con, rx remote login and execution man(1)
cscan scan documents on canon scanner man(1)
dag preprocessor for drawing directed graphs man(1)
dcon, ndcon, rlogin, nrx, rsh, scriptcon remote login and man(1)
deroff, demonk, detex, delatex remove formatting requests man(1)
dired directory editor man(1)
dist distribute files to a remote machine man(1)
dkhup, dkmgr, dkzap manage Datakit interface man(8)
dkname map system name to Datakit address man(7)
docgen generate a document from a script man(1)
docsubmit send document to library man(1)
doctype guess command line for formatting a document man(1)
f2c Convert Fortran 77 to C or C++ man(1)
f77 Fortran 77 compiler man(1)
face, mugs show faces, make face icons from pictures man(9)
faced network face server man(9)
movies graphics movie file formats man(9)
flicks, fflicks, preflicks, 2mux movie graphics for 5620 man(9)
font typesetter fonts man(6)
games, demo some playthings man(1)
getfont replace terminal's default font man(9)
grap pic preprocessor for drawing graphs man(1)
graph draw a graph man(1)
graphdraw graphpic edit (combinatoric) graphs, convert to man(9)
hang start a process in stopped state man(1)
hoc interactive floating point language man(1)
icheck, dcheck, ncheck file system consistency check man(8)
icon icon editor man(9)
ideal troff preprocessor for drawing pictures man(1)
idiff interactive file comparison man(1)
imscan scan greyscale images man(1)
ipconfig, dkipconfig, udpconfig set up DARPA Internet man(8)
jf font editor man(9)
jioctl mux ioctl requests man(9)
jx 5620 execution and stdio interpreter man(9)
kmc, kdiload, kmcdump control KMC11 input/output man(8)
lab label maker man(1)
altran, cospan, esterel, icon, lisp, macsyma, maple, ops5, man(1)
lcomp, lprint line-by-line profiler man(1)
ldpcs load comet microcode man(8)
lens bitmap magnifier magnifier man(9)
libc standard library functions man(9)
lint, cyntax, cem C program verifiers man(1)
makekey generate encryption key man(8)
map draw maps on various projections man(7)
matlab interactive matrix desk calculator man(1)
menuhit, hmenuhit present user with menu and get selection man(9)
mkdist, insdist make and install distribution packages man(1)
mkfs, mkbitfs, mklost+found construct a disk file system man(8)
mkpkg, inspkg, seal, unseal package files for automatic man(8)
monk, monksample, monkspell, monkmerge typeset documents man(1)
movie, stills algorithm animation man(9)
mp, MetaPost system for drawing pictures man(1)
mux, ismux, invert layer multiplexer for 5620 man(9)
strinsure, strinsert, strdelete, strzero, setmuxbuf, man(9)
netfs network file system man(8)
netlib retrieve public-domain software man(7)
newlayer, dellayer, downback, lbitblt, lpoint, lrectf, man(9)
P, newproc, muxnewwind, newwindow, tolayer, debug, getproc, man(9)
news print news items man(7)
ns name server database man(8)
ocr optical character recognition man(1)
p, pg, more paginate man(1)
pads user interface package man(9)
paint draw pictures in a layer man(9)
findauthor, papers, makepaper consult database of locally man(7)
ped, tped picture editor man(9)
pi, 3pi process inspector man(9)
picasso a line drawing program man(1)
pico graphics editor man(1)
plot graphics filters man(1)
polypic, polypr database of polyhedra man(7)
postio serial interface for postscript printers man(8)
postnews submit netnews articles man(7)
dpost, postdaisy, postdmd, postprint filters to produce man(8)
pq telephonet directory assistance man(7)
prefer, pinvert, penter, plook, pconvert maintain and use man(1)
prof display profile data man(1)
proof troff output interpreter for 5620 man(9)
psi postscript interpreter man(9)
psifile, mhssend postscript interpreter/fax sender man(1)
psix postscript interpreter man(1)
ptx permuted index man(1)
push, pull, npush, npull datakit remote file copy man(1)
qns query name server man(7)
qsnap high resolution digital film printer man(1)
rarepl, rarct replace bad blocks on MSCP disks man(8)
rcp remote file copy man(1)
reader electronic retrieval of typeset documents man(9)
checknews, readnews read netnews articles man(7)
rebecca graphics touch-up editor man(9)
ruler measure things on the screen man(9)
sam screen editor with structural regular expressions man(9)
scat sky catalogue man(7)
scsish SCSI shell man(8)
sendcover send cover sheet to the library man(8)
ship, shipstat automatic software distribution man(8)
sign, verify, enroll, resign document certification man(1)
sky astronomical ephemeris man(7)
smash rewrite bad disk sectors man(8)
sml Standard ML compiler man(1)
smstat list smtp queues man(8)
snocone snobol with syntactic sugar man(1)
spell find spelling errors man(1)
svcmgr service remote computing requests man(8)
tape, mt identify and manipulate magnetic tape man(1)
tcpmgr accept and place calls via the TCP protocol man(8)
tdc fill out TDC form man(1)
tel, telno, dq phone books man(7)
thinkblt, think print on thinkjet man(9)
thinkchar, thinknchars, thinkflush, thinkmap, thinkabort man(9)
town gazetteer of US places man(7)
tr2tex convert a document from troff to latex man(1)
upas, rmail, translate mail delivery system man(8)
uucico, uusched, uuxqt, kick, debug uucp file transport man(8)
uucleanup uucp spool directory clean-up man(8)
uucp, uulog, uuname unix-to-unix remote file copy man(1)
uustat uucp status inquiry and job control man(1)
uuto, uupick simplified unix-to-unix remote file copy man(1)
uux unix to unix command execution man(1)
view2d, regrid, vdata movie of a function f(x, y, t) man(1)
vismon, sysmon, vwhois system statistics and mail man(9)
weather conditions and forecast by town man(7)
windows, jps, reshape create and initialize windows man(9)
wwb, style, diction, punct writer's workbench man(1)
wwv print or set the date from accurate clock man(1)
xd, od hex, octal, decimal, or ASCII dump man(1)
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