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Forgotten Realms

Hubert Tournier edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 18 revisions

A lot of Unix command were deprecated and disappeared along the years. This place will list some of them for possible resurrection.

Commands that disappeared between Unix 1st (1971) and 6th (1975) editions

Command Whatis Man
B language man(1)
basic DEC supplied BASIC man(6)
boot reboot system man(1)
chdir change working directory man(1)
check file system consistency check man(1)
das disassembler man(6)
dbppt dump binary paper tape man(1)
dpt read DEC ASCII paper tape man(6)
dtf DECtape format man(1)
for fortran man(1)
hup hang up typewriter man(1)
lbppt load binary paper tapes man(1)
rew rewind tape man(1)
rkd dump RK disk to tape man(1)
rkf format RKO3 disk pack man(1)
rkl reload RK disk from tape man(1)
sdate set date and time man(1)
tap manipulate DECtape man(1)
tm provide time information man(1)
type type on 2741 man(1)
un undefined symbols man(1)

Plus bcd, sum and stat, which are still in modern BSD systems.

Commands that disappeared between Unix 6th (1975) and 7th (1979) editions

Command Whatis Man
azel satellite predictions man(6)
boot procedures UNIX startup man(8)
cdb C debugger man(1)
chdir change working directory man(1)
chgrp change group man(8)
cref make cross reference listing man(1)
db debug man(1)
dpd data phone daemon man(8)
dsw delete interactively man(1)
exit terminate command file man(1)
fc Fortran compiler man(1)
fed edit form letter memory man(6)
form form letter generator man(6)
glob generate command arguments man(8)
goto command transfer man(1)
gsi interpret extended character set on GSI terminal man(6)
if conditional command man(1)
lpd line printer daemon man(8)
m6 general purpose macroprocessor man(6)
neqn typeset mathematics on terminal man(1)
nohup run a command immune to hangups man(1)
nroff format text man(1)
opr off line print man(1)
pfe print floating exception man(1)
primes print all primes larger than somewhat man(6)
rc Ratfor compiler man(1)
rmdir remove directory man(1)
shift adjust Shell arguments man(1)
sky obtain ephemerides man(6)
sno Snobol interpreter man(6)
speak word to voice translator man(6)
tmg compiler-compiler man(6)
typo find possible typos man(1)
umount dismount file system man(8)
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