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All In One server

All In One server. apache2, php, phpmyadmin and mariadb in one Alpine Linux docker image.


The "aio-server" Docker image is a comprehensive web development environment that simplifies the process of setting up a complete server stack for web applications. This versatile image is built on Alpine Linux (alpine:3.20) and offers multiple tags, each tailored to specific use cases. Whether you need a full-stack web server with Apache, PHP, PHPMyAdmin, and MariaDB or a minimalistic setup with just Apache and PHP.


Tag Description
latest Includes Apache, PHP, PHPMyAdmin, and MariaDB servers.
web Includes Apache and PHP only.
mariadb Includes MariaDB server only.


Pull the Docker Image

You can pull the image from Docker Hub using the following command:

docker pull tdim/aio-server:tag

Replace "tag" with the desired tag (e.g., latest, mariadb, web).

Run Containers

Once you've pulled the image, you can run containers with different configurations based on your needs. Below are some basic examples:

  • Just for web :
    docker run -rm --name project-web -p 3000:80 -v /path/to/project:/var/www/localhost/htdocs tdim/aio-server:web
  • Just for database :
    docker run -rm --name project-db -p 3306:3306 -v /path/to/safe/place/db-data:/run/mysqld tdim/aio-server:mariadb
  • For AMP server with phpmyadmin :
    docker run -rm -name project -p 3000:80 -p 8080:8080 -p 3306:3306 -v /path/to/safe/place/db-data:/run/mysqld -v /path/to/project:/var/www/localhost/htdocs tdim/aio-server:latest
  • For Docker compose take a look at

Exposed ports

Image tag Port Service
latest, web 80 Apache web server
latest, mariadb 3306 MariaDB server
latest 8080 phpmyadmin

Environment variables

Image tag Variable Description
latest, mariadb MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Default root password for mariadb

Configuration and data directories

You can customize the container configurations by modifying environment variables, volumes, or other settings as needed. Please refer to the official documentation of each software component (e.g., Apache, PHP, MariaDB) for detailed configuration options.

Important data directories :

  • /app for logs, pid files and configs
  • /usr/share/webapps/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin installation directory
  • /run/mysqld MariaDB data directory


This Docker image is distributed under the MIT License.

Issues and Contributions

If you encounter issues or would like to contribute to the development of this project, please visit the Hima-Pro/aio-server and create an issue or pull request.