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PDF generation using an XML source. Can generate a file, buffer or stream.

Usage as a function

const pdf = require('express-hogan-pdf');

pdf.toStream(xml, basePath, (err, stream) => {});
pdf.toBuffer(xml, basePath, (err, buffer) => {});
pdf.toFile(xml, basePath, destFile, (err) => {});

Usage as an express streaming engine

app.get('/path', (req, res, next) => {
    let xml = '<pdf>xmldata</pdf>';
    pdf.toStream(xml, '/base/path/for/images', (err, stream) => {
        if (err) return next(err);

PDF XML example

    <document size="A4" marginBottom="50"/>
    <colors darkred="#800"/>

    <h2>Page 1</h2>
      <p>Indented text</p>
    <hr thickness="6"/>
      <column width="33%">Column 1</column>
      <column width="66%">Column 2</column>
        A link to <a></a>
    <h1 top="33%" left="100">Page 2</h1>

PDF XML format

The XML format wraps most of PDFKit's available options.

The document must be wrapped in <pdf></pdf> tags

  • <config> Configuration section:
    • <document> PDFKit document options, eg: <document size="A4"/>
    • <title> Set document title
    • <meta> Set PDF meta details such as <author>, <subject>, or <keywords>
    • <colors> Color aliases, eg <colors darkred="#880000"/>
    • <fonts> Font aliases, eg <fonts comic="Comic Sans Regular"/>
    • <filename> Set document filename
    • <title> Set document title
    • <styles> Add or change page tag style definintions, eg: <styles><redtext extends="span" color="red"/></styles>
      • Elements attributes can include:
        • extends="String" Style definition to extend
        • display="String" Can be block or inline
        • marginLeft="Number" Margin left
        • marginRight="Number" Margin right
        • paddingLeft="Number" Padding left
        • paddingRight="Number" Padding right
        • color="String" Text color or alias
        • font="String" Font alias, name or path
        • size="Number" Font size
        • underline="Boolean" Underline text
        • strike="Boolean" Strikethrough text
        • lineGap="Number" Line gap between wrapped lines
        • paragraphGap="Number" Gaps between paragraphs
        • align="String" text alignment
        • pre="Boolean" Respect exact whitespace in tags
        • trim="Boolean" Trim whitespace at start of each line
      • Block elements can also include the following attributes:
        • marginTop="Number" Margin top
        • marginBottom="Number" Margin bottom
        • paddingTop="Number" Padding top
        • paddingBottom="Number" Padding bottom
        • width="Number" Width as an absolute or as a percentage of the parent block
        • height="Number" Height as an absolute or as a percentage of the page height within the page margins
        • backgroundColor="String" Background color or color alias. Background will only be filled if both a height and width are given
        • border="Number" Border width. A border will only be drawn if both a height and width are given
        • borderColor="String" Border color or color alias
  • <page> A page to render. Can take any PDFKit page options, such as page
    • Predefined styles and tags that are similar to HTML include:
      • <div>
      • <p>
      • <span>
      • <strong>
      • <small>
      • <indent> Indent text by paddingLeft and show a left bar of thickness and color
        • thickness="Number" Width of indent bar
        • color="String" Color or color alias of indent bar
      • <hr> Horizontal rule divider line
        • thickness="Number" Height of divider line
        • color="String" Color or color alias of divider line
      • <row> A container for a set of columns
      • <column> A left-aligned column within a row. Columns wrap within the row if the next column can't fit within the row's width
      • <img> Draw an image
        • src="String" Source of the image to draw relative to the template file
        • scale="Number" Size of image relative to its original
        • fit="Boolean" Fit image within the width and height without chaning its aspect ratio
      • <a> Create a web link for the contained text.
        • href="String" The link to go to when clicked. If no href is specified an href is created by adding https:// to the beginning of the text