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zspin is an arcade frontend, working on windows, linux, and OSX.
It's beta software, so expect things to bug !
Don't hesitate to open an issue or send me a PR !

Image zspin

Current features

  • OSX, Linux, Windows compatible
  • Hyperspin basic themes and settings support
  • HTML5 theme support
  • Multilanguage support
  • Automatic theme scaling (1080p and above)
  • Custom launcher support
  • Keyboard / Gamepad / Joystick native support
  • Fully customizable wheel
  • Options screen
  • First run assistant
  • On start / on stop application launch
  • Basic API


  • Download a release
  • Extract and launch Zspin
  • Select your data folder and your game-launcher binary
  • Setup your keys (or joysticks)
  • Save and go to main menu

Planned features

  • Better theme support
  • Social stuff ?
  • Over-network configuration ?
  • You have an idea ? Tell me !

Help the project !

There is a lot of stuff to do and you can help a LOT by doing:

  • Documentation
  • Translations
  • Testing / bug reporting
  • Finding what to add to this list

Open an issue, come talk with us on our forum, or on gitter.

For development instructions and more documentation


zspin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

If you want to sell zspin installed on some hardware (commercial use), contact me ! I will give you a license for that.