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Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries.
Moreover, Hoa aims at being a bridge between industrial and research worlds.


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This library allows to interact easily with a terminal: getoption, cursor, window, processus, readline etc.

Learn more.


With Composer, to include this library into your dependencies, you need to require hoa/console:

$ composer require hoa/console '~3.0'

For more installation procedures, please read the Source page.


Before running the test suites, the development dependencies must be installed:

$ composer install

Then, to run all the test suites:

$ vendor/bin/hoa test:run

For more information, please read the contributor guide.

Quick usage

We propose a quick overview of some features: cursor, window, readline, processus and finally getoption.


The Hoa\Console\Cursor class allows to manipulate the cursor. Here is a list of some operations:

  • move,
  • moveTo,
  • save,
  • restore,
  • clear,
  • hide,
  • show,
  • getPosition,
  • colorize,
  • etc.

The API is very straightforward. For example, we can use l, left or to move the cursor on the left column. Thus we move the cursor to the left 3 times and then to the top 2 times:

Hoa\Console\Cursor::move('left left left up up');

… or with Unicode symbols:

Hoa\Console\Cursor::move('← ← ← ↑ ↑');

This method moves the cursor relatively from its current position, but we are able to move the cursor to absolute coordinates:

Hoa\Console\Cursor::moveTo(13, 42);

We are also able to save the current cursor position, to move, clear etc., and then to restore the saved position:

Hoa\Console\Cursor::save();     // save
Hoa\Console\Cursor::move('');  // move below
Hoa\Console\Cursor::clear(''); // clear the line
echo 'Something below…';        // write something
Hoa\Console\Cursor::restore();  // restore

Another example with colors:

    'underlined foreground(yellow) background(#932e2e)'

Please, read the API documentation for more informations.


The Hoa\Console\Mouse class allows to listen the mouse actions and provides the following listeners: mouseup, mousedown, wheelup and wheeldown. Example:

$mouse = Hoa\Console\Mouse::getInstance();
$mouse->on('mousedown', function ($bucket) {


And then, when we left-click, we will see:

    [x] => 69
    [y] => 30
    [button] => left
    [shift] =>
    [meta] =>
    [ctrl] =>

When we left-click while hiting the shift key, we will see:

    [x] => 71
    [y] => 32
    [button] => left
    [shift] => 1
    [meta] =>
    [ctrl] =>

This is an experimental API.


The Hoa\Console\Window class allows to manipulate the window. Here is a list of some operations:

  • setSize,
  • getSize,
  • moveTo,
  • getPosition,
  • scroll,
  • minimize,
  • restore,
  • raise,
  • setTitle,
  • getTitle,
  • copy,
  • etc.

Furthermore, we have the hoa://Event/Console/Window:resize event channel to listen when the window has been resized.

For example, we resize the window to 40 lines and 80 columns, and then we move the window to 400px horizontally and 100px vertically:

Hoa\Console\Window::setSize(40, 80);
Hoa\Console\Window::moveTo(400, 100);

If we do not like our user, we are able to minimize its window:


We are also able to set or get the title of the window:

Hoa\Console\Window::setTitle('My awesome application');

Finally, if we have a complex application layout, we can repaint it when the window is resized by listening the hoa://Event/Console/Window:resize event channel:

    ->attach(function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
        $data = $bucket->getData();
        $size = $data['size'];

            'New dimensions: ', $size['x'], ' lines x ',
            $size['y'], ' columns.', "\n";

Please, read the API documentation for more informations


The Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline class provides an advanced readline which allows the following operations:

  • edition,
  • history,
  • autocompletion.

It supports UTF-8. It is based on bindings, and here are some:

  • arrow up and arrow down: move in the history,
  • arrow left and arrow right: move the cursor left and right,
  • Ctrl-A: move to the beginning of the line,
  • Ctrl-E: move to the end of the line,
  • Ctrl-B: move backward of one word,
  • Ctrl-F: move forward of one word,
  • Ctrl-W: delete first backard word,
  • Backspace: delete first backward character,
  • Enter: submit the line,
  • Tab: autocomplete.

Thus, to read one line:

$readline = new Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline();
$line     = $readline->readLine('> '); // “> ” is the prefix of the line.

The Hoa\Console\Readline\Password allows the same operations but without printing on STDOUT.

$password = new Hoa\Console\Readline\Password();
$line     = $password->readLine('password: ');

We are able to add a mapping with the help of the Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline::addMapping method. We use \e[… for \033[, \C-… for Ctrl-… and a character for the rest. We can associate a character or a callable:

$readline->addMapping('a', 'z'); // crazy, we replace “a” by “z”.
$readline->addMapping('\C-R', function ($readline) {
    // do something when pressing Ctrl-R.

We are also able to manipulate the history, thanks to the addHistory, clearHistory, getHistory, previousHistory and nextHistory methods on the Hoa\Console\Readline\Readline class.

Finally, we have autocompleters that are enabled on Tab. If one solution is proposed, it will be inserted directly. If many solutions are proposed, we are able to navigate in a menu to select the solution (with the help of keyboard arrows, Enter, Esc etc.). Also, we are able to combine autocompleters. The following example combine the Word and Path autocompleters:

$functions = get_defined_functions();
    new Hoa\Console\Readline\Autocompleter\Aggregate([
        new Hoa\Console\Readline\Autocompleter\Path(),
        new Hoa\Console\Readline\Autocompleter\Word($functions['internal'])

Here is an example of the result:

Autocompleters in action

On Windows, a readline is equivalent to a simple fgets(STDIN).


The Hoa\Console\Processus class allows to manipulate processus as a stream which implements Hoa\Stream\IStream\In, Hoa\Stream\IStream\Out and Hoa\Stream\IStream\Pathable interfaces (please, see the Hoa\Stream library).

Basically, we can read STDOUT like this:

$processus = new Hoa\Console\Processus('ls');
echo $processus->readAll();

And we can write on STDIN like this:


etc. This is very classical.

Hoa\Console\Processus also proposes many events: start, stop, input, output and timeout. Thus:

$processus = new Hoa\Console\Processus('ls');
$processus->on('output', function (Hoa\Event\Bucket $bucket) {
    $data = $bucket->getData();
    echo '> ', $data['line'], "\n";

We are also able to read and write on more pipes than 0 (STDOUT), 1 (STDIN) and 2 (STDERR). In the same way, we can set the current working directory of the processus and its environment.

We can quickly execute a processus without using a stream with the help of the Hoa\Console\Processus::execute method.


The Hoa\Console\Parser and Hoa\Console\GetOption classes allow to parse a command-line and get options and inputs values easily.

First, we need to parse a command-line, such as:

$parser = new Hoa\Console\Parser();
$parser->parse('-s --long=value input');

Second, we need to define our options:

$options = new Hoa\Console\GetOption(
        // long name              type                  short name
        //  ↓                      ↓                         ↓
        ['short', Hoa\Console\GetOption::NO_ARGUMENT,       's'],
        ['long',  Hoa\Console\GetOption::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, 'l']

And finally, we iterate over options:

$short = false;
$long  = null;

//          short name                  value
//               ↓                        ↓
while (false !== $c = $options->getOption($v)) {
    switch ($c) {
        case 's':
            $short = true;


        case 'l':
            $long = $v;


var_dump($short, $long); // bool(true) and string(5) "value".

Please, see API documentation of Hoa\Console\Parser to see all supported forms of options (flags or switches, long or short ones, inputs etc.).

It also support typos in options. In this case, we have to add:

    case '__ambiguous':


If one solution is found, it will select this one automatically, else it will raise an exception. This exception is caught by Hoa\Console\Dispatcher\Kit when using the hoa script and a prompt is proposed.

Thanks to the Hoa\Router library and the Hoa\Dispatcher library (with its dedicated kit Hoa\Console\Dispatcher\Kit), we are able to build commands easily. Please, see all Bin/ directories in different libraries (for example Hoa\Cli\Bin\Resolve) and Hoa/Cli/Bin/Hoa.php to learn more.


The following awecodes show this library in action:

  • Hoa\Console\Readline: why and how to use Hoa\Console\Readline? Simple examples will help us to use default shortcuts and we will even see the auto-completion,
  • Hoa\Websocket: why and how to use Hoa\Websocket\Server and Hoa\Websocket\Client? A simple example will illustrate the WebSocket protocol.


The hack book of Hoa\Console contains detailed information about how to use this library and how it works.

To generate the documentation locally, execute the following commands:

$ composer require --dev hoa/devtools
$ vendor/bin/hoa devtools:documentation --open

More documentation can be found on the project's website:

Getting help

There are mainly two ways to get help:


Do you want to contribute? Thanks! A detailed contributor guide explains everything you need to know.


Hoa is under the New BSD License (BSD-3-Clause). Please, see LICENSE for details.

Related projects

The following projects are using this library:

  • PsySH, A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL for PHP.


The Hoa\Console library.






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