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Eugene edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 42 revisions


  • Works fast with all selected objects in order
  • nParticle based (full particle settings control)
  • Translate bake
  • Rotate bake (don't forget to use offset sliders)
  • Baking on override layers
  • Hierarchy mode
  • Loop mode


  • Edit
    • Reset Settings - Reset all setting in Overlappy.
  • Select
    • Object - Select objects what been used for created rig.
    • Particle - Select particle object if exists.
    • Nucleus - Select nucleus object if exists.
    • Target Locator - Select target locator object if exists.
    • Aim Locator - Select aim locator object if exists.


  • SETUP - Create particle rig for first selected object. Use this step for setup settings. Setup runs every time for each selected object.
  • DELETE - Delete particle rig if exists.
  • TRANSLATION - Bake simulation for translation attributes.
    • translate with offset - Bake simulation for translation attributes with offset.
  • ROTATION - Bake simulation for rotation attributes.
  • COMBO - Bake translation and rotation in order.
    • rotate + translate - Bake rotation and translation in order.


  • Delete "BaseAnimation" Layer - All animation layers will be deleted.
  • Delete Temp Layer - Only Temp layer and child layers will be deleted.
  • Move To Safe Layer - Move Temp layer sublayers to Safe layer.
  • Delete Safe Layer - Only Safe layer and child layers will be deleted.
  • Move To Temp Layer - Move Safe layer sublayers to Temp layer.


  • Hierarchy - Bake simulation for all child hierarchy of selected objects.
  • Layer - Bake animation into override layers. If turned off animation will be baked directly to selected objects.
  • Loop - Use for cycles. Important to have cycle constant animation curves.
  • Clean - Remove particle setup after baking end.


  • Radius - Particle Radius.
  • Conserve - Particle Conserve.
  • Drag - Particle Drag.
  • Damp - Particle Damp.
  • G.Smooth - Particle Goal Smooth.
  • G.Weight - Particle Goal Weight.
  • Time Scale - Nucleus Time Scale.


  • Mirror X, Y, Z - Mirror particle offset value to opposite.
  • Move X, Y, Z - Move particle from original object. Important to use offset for Rotation baking.



  • Setup
    • This is unnecessarily step, it give you an idea how simulation looks like. It's a simple way to test simulation before baking.
    • Press Delete to remove all temporary setup, you don't need to keep this setup in your scene, it will be created each time for simulation needs.
  • Translation
    • Select objects you want.
    • Press Translation button to start baking simulation.
    • Objects will we baked one by one in the order of selection.
  • Rotation
    • It's important to tweak offsets first and don't use 0 values.
      • Press Setup button to see particle sample. Tweak radius if it too small or big.
      • Go to Particle Offset section and move sliders axis you need.
      • Use mirror checkboxes to flip values if needed.
      • Particle should have distance from original object, if there are no distance, rotation will not be baked.
    • After offset tweaks you can bake Rotations as Translations, just select all objects in order and press Rotation button.
  • Combo
    • Simple idea - use Translation + Rotation for each object
    • You can do it manually if you bake Translation and Rotation in order.
    • The reason why this separate button exists, if I need to bake Translation + Rotation for bunch of selected objects, it's just easier to bake many objects.
  • Options
    • Hierarchy
      • Automatically bake simulation for all children.
      • Do not recommended to use it by default.
    • Layer
      • Allows to bake simulation to override animation layer.
      • Deactivated layer checkbox will cause baking simulation directly to selected objects to BaseAnimation layer.
    • Loop
      • Best option for cycles.
      • Current version only works with cycled animation, be sure that you use cycle infinity on your curves.
    • Clean
      • Need for cleaning rig after simulation done.
      • Rig deleted after each simulation done, in uncheck this option then after baking you will see particle setup and you need manually delete it by Delete button or select on Outlined and delete as regular objects.
  • Particle Attributes
    • Radius affects only visual size of particle. Adjust it if particle is too small or big.
    • All other attributes taken from particle simulation settings, nucleus and particle goal node.
      • Start from using default values and then try to change G.Weight, Time Scale and G.Smooth.
      • If you need more control, try to change Damp and Drag.
      • In the end you can try to use Conserve attribute if you like this effect.