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Game of whales Android Native SDK


2.0.36 (Feb 03, 2020)


  • The tracking of UTM parameters ( install referrer ) was added.
  • A new dependency ( ) was added.

implementation ''


  • The display of push notifications with long text was improved.

2.0.33 (Dec 16, 2019)


  • The information about the player's device is sent to Game of Whales server.


  • Minor fixes.

2.0.32 (Oct 22, 2019)


2.0.29 (Sep 23, 2019)


2.0.26 (Jun 25, 2019)


  • GDPR support: the non-personal mode was added.



  • SDK receiver doesn't handle a push notification if it has handled the push notification with the same id before.

2.0.24 (Jun 19, 2019)


  • onInitialized callback was added. It should be used to get information that the SDK has been initialized.
  • Purchase method was added to register purchases without verification.

2.0.23 (Feb 15, 2019)

  • Minor fixes.

2.0.22 (Jan 25, 2019)


2.0.21 (Dec 17, 2018)


  • The handling of errors was improved.

2.0.20 (Nov 20, 2018)


  • The supporting of cross promotion ads was added.

2.0.19 (Oct 29, 2018)


  • Sometimes events (for example, pushDelivered) were not sent to GOW server. The issue was fixed.

2.0.16 (Aug 06, 2018)


  • Usage of Store parameter was fixed.

2.0.15 (Jun 14, 2018)


  • Push notifications were not supported for Android 8 +.

2.0.14 (Jun 14, 2018)


  • redeemable parameter was added to SpecialOffer class. (May 15, 2018)


  • Usage of Store parameter was fixed. (May 15, 2018)


  • Custom data is supported for special offers.


  • Sometimes events from apps could not be sent to Game of Whales server.

2.0.12 (May 14, 2018)


  • The new Google Play Billing is supported.
  • The information about a device's locale is sent to Game of Whales.

2.0.11 (Dec 20, 2017)


  • pushDelivered event could be sent twice.

2.0.10 (Dec 20, 2017)


  • Push notification about special offer comes at the same time with the special offer (new parameter offer was added): void onPushDelivered(SpecialOffer offer, String campID, String title, String message);

  • setPushNotificationsEnable method was added to allow user to turn off the push notifications.

2.0.9 (Nov 21, 2017)


  • store parameter was added to initializing.

Implementation Guide

The SDK will ask the following permissions on the user's device:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

NOTE about Android X: if your project uses the libraries for Android X, download com.gameofwhales.sdkx-<version>.aar library, remove com.gameofwhales.sdk-<version>.aar from your project and add com.gameofwhales.sdkx-<version>.aar. <version> is the number of used SDK version.

Implement the SDK to your project.

Step 1

Add the following dependencies to build.gradle:

dependencies {
       compile 'com.gameofwhales:sdk:2.0.36@aar'
       implementation ''

Step 2

Add the following row to your AndroidManifest.xml and change GAME_ID to your game key. You can find your game key on Game Settings page of Game of Whales.

<meta-data android:name="gameOfWhales.gameId" android:value="GAME_ID" />

Step 3

Init Game of Whales SDK in your Activity Start class.

// GoW_import
import com.gameofwhales.sdk.GameOfWhales;
import com.gameofwhales.sdk.GameOfWhalesListener;
import com.gameofwhales.sdk.SpecialOffer;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // GameOfWhakes SDK initialization
    final String store = GameOfWhales.STORE_GOOGLEPLAY;
    //final String store = GameOfWhales.STORE_SAMSUNG;
    GameOfWhales.Init(this, store, gowListener);

GDPR NOTE: By default, the SDK uses advertisement ID (IDFA) as a user ID to send events to Game of Whales server. In order to work in a non-personal mode when a random value will be used as a user ID, the SDK should be initialized as follows:

	boolean nonPersonal = true;
        GameOfWhales.Init(this, GameOfWhales.STORE_GOOGLEPLAY, null, nonPersonal);

Step 4

Create new listener and add your functionality to it.

For example:

private GameOfWhalesListener gowListener = new GameOfWhalesListener() {

        public void onSpecialOfferAppeared(SpecialOffer specialOffer) {
            Log.i(TAG, "onSpecialOfferAppeared: " + specialOffer.toString());

        public void onSpecialOfferDisappeared(SpecialOffer specialOffer) {
            Log.i(TAG, "onSpecialOfferDisappeared: " + specialOffer.toString());

        public void onFutureSpecialOfferAppeared(SpecialOffer specialOffer) {
        public void onPushDelivered(SpecialOffer offer, String campID, String title, String message) 
           //It's called to show notification in opened game.
	public void onInitialized() {
	 //It's needed just if you want to get information that the SDK has been initialized.
        void onConnected(boolean dataReceived){
           //It's called after the GOW server response with 'dataReceived': true.
           //If there was no response from the GOW server, there was an error during the request to the server 
           //or the game is offline, 'dataReceived' is false.

        public void onPurchaseVerified(final String transactionID, final String state) {

            if (state.equals(GameOfWhales.VERIFY_STATE_ILLEGAL))
	    	//TODO: Refund money if state is illegal

The verify state can be:

  • VERIFY_STATE_LEGAL - a purchase is normal.
  • VERIFY_STATE_ILLEGAL - a purchase is a cheater's.
  • VERIFY_STATE_UNDEFINED - GOW server couldn't define the state of a purchase. 


Check that Android Bundle Identifier and Android Public License Key have been filled on Game Settings page before you will make a purchase.

Step 5.1 (only if you use old Google Billing)

Add the following line to the code when you get in-app details:

Bundle details = null;
try {
    details = service.getSkuDetails(3, pck, "inapp", query);
} catch (RemoteException e)
    Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException while getting details");

int response = details.getInt("RESPONSE_CODE");
if (response == 0)
     	// GoW_call DetailsReceived()

And add the following line to onActivityResult for successful purchase:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) 
	if (requestCode == BILLING_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) 
        	// GoW_call InAppPurchased()

Step 5.2 (only if you use new version of Google Play Billing)

Add the following line to the code when you get in-app details:

 public void onSkuDetailsResponse(int responseCode, List<SkuDetails> skuDetailsList) {
        for (SkuDetails d : skuDetailsList)

And add the following line to onPurchasesUpdated for successful purchase:

 public void onPurchasesUpdated(int responseCode, @Nullable List<Purchase> purchases) {
	if (responseCode == BillingClient.BillingResponse.OK && purchases != null) {
            	for (Purchase purchase : purchases) {
			GameOfWhales.InAppPurchased(purchase.getOriginalJson(), purchase.getSignature());

Step 6 (only if you use Samsung purchases)

	String purchaseID = _purchaseVo.getPurchaseId();
        String paymentID = _purchaseVo.getPaymentId();
        String currency = _purchaseVo.getCurrencyCode();
        double price = _purchaseVo.getItemPrice().doubleValue();
        String sku = _purchaseVo.getItemId();
        String receipt = GameOfWhales.BuildSamsungReceipt(paymentID, purchaseID);

        GameOfWhales.InAppPurchased(sku, price, currency, paymentID, receipt);

You can find an example of using the SDK for Samsung here.

If you can't use the previous methods for purchases, you can use inAppPurchased method with the following parameters:

	String receipt = BuildGooglePlayReceipt(originalJson, signature);
	inAppPurchased(sku, price, currency, transactionID, receipt.toString());

Step 7 (purchases without verification on GOW side)

The method is available since v.2.0.24 SDK version

In order to send information about purchases without verification on Game of Whales side, call Purchase method. For example:

	String product = "product_10";
        String currency = "USD";
        double price = 1.99;
        GameOfWhales.Purchase(product, currency, price * 100);

Pay attention that all purchases received through Purchase method (including refunds, restores, cheater's purchases) will increase the stats. So in order to have correct stats, a game developer should verify purchases on the game side and send the data only about legal purchases to Game of Whales system.

Special Offers

Step 8

Before any product can be used in a special offer it has to be bought by someone after SDK has been implemented into the game. Please make sure your game has at least one purchase of the product that is going to be used in the special offer. If you want to create a special offer for in game resource, please, make sure your game has at least one converting event with the appropriate resource.

In order to receive special offer call the following method:

	SpecialOffer so = GameOfWhales.GetSpecialOffer(itemID);
	if (so!= null)

Special offer can influence a product's price:

	if (so.hasPriceFactor())
		cost *= so.priceFactor;

Special offer can also influence count (count of coins, for example) which a player receive by purchase:

	if (so.hasCountFactor())
	 	coins *= so.countFactor;

It's possible to pass custom data to special offers. In order to get the data in game's side, use customValues parameter of SpecialOffer class.

       String str = specialOffer.customValues.get("your_str").toString();
       Integer number = Integer.valueOf(specialOffer.customValues.get("your_int").toString());
       Boolean bool = Boolean.valueOf(specialOffer.customValues.get("your_bool").toString());

Push notifications

Step 9

Add a receiver to send information about notifications to your manifest and specify your Android Bundle Identifier instead APP_BUNDLE.

               <action android:name="" />
               <category android:name="APP_BUNDLE"/>

Step 10

Add the next permissions to your manifest and specify your Android Bundle Identifier instead APP_BUNDLE.

<uses-permission android:name="" />
<permission android:name="APP_BUNDLE.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="APP_BUNDLE.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />

If you haven't had an android manifest in your project yet, you can use GOWAndroidManifest.xml from SDK, but you need renaming of it to AndroidManifest.xml and replace APP_BUNDLE to your Android Bundle Identifier wherever it is defined.

Step 11

Register your project in the Firebase console.

If you use Google Cloud Messaging:

Call the following method:

	GameOfWhales.SetAndroidProjectID(PROJECT_NUMBER);//or SenderID

Check that the following library have been added to your Android project in gradle file:

	compile ''

If you use Firebase Cloud Messaging:

Add Firebase to your project.

Call the following method during the starting of your game when Firebase has already been initialized:

	GameOfWhales.UpdateToken(FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken(), GameOfWhales.PROVIDER_FCM);

Step 12 (only if push notifications are shown inside your app by using the game's code)

In order to send the information to Game of Whales regarding a player's reaction on a push notification (to increase push campaign's Reacted field) of an already started app call the following method:

      public void onPushDelivered(SpecialOffer offer, String campID, String title, String message) 
      		//Show the notification to a player and then call the following method

Step 13

In order to enable or disable push notifications, use the following method:


In order to check notifications implementation send a test notification.


Step 14

You can send additional data about your players by using the Profile method. Profile method should be called if key parameters of your app or a player have changed.

If you send more than 3000 properties, Game of Whales will sort all properties alphabetically and will save only the first 3000.

If the length of a string-type property is more than 64 characters, Game of Whales will save only the first 64 characters.

For example:

	HashMap<String, Object> changes = new HashMap<>();
        changes.put("class", getUserClass());
        changes.put("gender", Boolean.valueOf(getGender()));
        changes.put("location", getLocation());
        changes.put("level", getLevel());


Step 15

If you are going to use AI offers functionality you need to send to Game of Whales information about players' game activity by using Converting method. Converting method should be called to show what exactly the player spent and what he got instead of spent resources. Read more...

For example: Someone bought one bike_1 for 1000 coins and 50 gas. You should call the following method to reflect this operation in Game of Whales:

	Map<String, Long> resources = new HashMap<>();
        resources.put("bike_1", 1);
	resources.put("gas", -50);
        resources.put("coins", -1000);
        GameOfWhales.Converting(resources, place);

Another sample: someone bought a main pack for $5. It was in-app purchase with mainPack SKU. The pack included 100 coins and 1 bike. In order to send the data that the player got 100 coins and 1 bike after the purchase of mainPack to Game of Whales, the following Converting method should be called:

	Map<String, Long> resources = new HashMap<>();
        resources.put("bike", 1);
	resources.put("coin", 100);
        resources.put("mainPack", -1);
        GameOfWhales.Converting(resources, place);

There are 2 additional methods that can be used instead of Converting method:

Consume - to show that a player spends a certain amount of one resource for the purchase of a quantity of another resource.

For example:

	GameOfWhales.Consume("coins", 1000, "gas", 50, "shop");

It means that someone spent 1000 "coins" for 50 "gas" in "shop".

Acquire - to show that a player acquires a certain amount of one resource and spends a quantity of another resource. The method can be used for in-app and in game items. It's important to call Acquire method after InAppPurchased.

For example:

	GameOfWhales.Acquire("coins", 1000, sku, 1, "bank");

It means that someone has acquired 10000 "coins" for 1 "sku" in "bank".

Consume and Acquire methods can be called when one resource is changed to another resource. In more complicated cases (for example, when one resource is spent for several types of resources) Converting method should be called.

Cross promotion ads

It's supported since version 2.0.20 of SDK for Android.

To handle the ads set in Game of Whales, you need to do some actions:

Step 16

Subscribe to the following events to get the information about the current state of the ads by using GameOfWhalesListener class:

private GameOfWhalesListener gowListener = new GameOfWhalesListener() {

        public void onAdLoaded() {

        public void onAdLoadFailed() {

        public void onAdClosed() {

Step 17

Start to load the ads at any place of your code (for example, during the launch of the game):


Step 18

Add the following code to the part of your game where you want to show the ads:

    if (GameOfWhales.IsAdLoaded())

Profile's properties

Step 19

You can get some profile's properties defined on Game of Whales side via the SDK.

For example, you can get the profile's property group by using the following code:

JSONObject properties = GameOfWhales.GetProperties();
String id = "group";
if (properties.has(id))
		String group = properties.getString(id);

You can also receive the profile's group by using the special method:

	String group = GameOfWhales.getUserGroup();

A/B testing (experiments)

It's supported since version 2.0.29 of SDK for Android.

Step 20

In order to start working with experiments, it's needed to add some methods by using GameOfWhalesListener class:

In order to confirm that the experiment payload settings have been applied and the player should take part in the experiment, it's needed to return true:

    public boolean CanStartExperiment(Experiment experiment)
       //Read experiment.payload, apply changes for experiment and return True if changes were applied
       return true;

In order to check if there is an experiment at the start of the application, subscribe to OnConnected callback (see Step 4). If the experiment exists, CanStartExperiment will be called before OnConnected.

OnConnected callback is supported since 2.0.32 version of SDK.

When the experiment is finished, OnExperimentEnded method will be called. You are able to remove all experiment changes or keep them for further work regardless of the experiment:

    public void OnExperimentEnded(Experiment experiment)
       //Disable experiment changes or keep them

You can find an example of using the SDK here.

Run your game. The information about it began to be collected and displayed on the dashboard. In a few days, you will get data for analyzing.

This article includes the documentation for Game of Whales Android Native SDK. You can find information about another SDK in documentation about Game of Whales.