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Georgia Tech's CS 1332 - Data Structures & Algorithms (Fall 2021)

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Georgia Tech's CS 1332 - Data Structures & Algorithms (Fall 2021)

Course Description

CS1332 provides an overview of basic data structures and algorithms on those structures. Searching, Sorting, linear, non-linear and randomized structures are covered. Students are expected to understand these structures and algorithms, to implement them in a programming language – but not to prove properties about them.

Overview & Objectives

  • Develop more skills in individual Java programming
  • Work with common data structures used in software development by coding their low-level implementation
    • Arrays, ArrayLists,
    • LinkedLists (Singular, Doubly, Circular)
    • Stacks, Queues, Deques, Priority Queues
    • Various Trees: Binary, Binary Search, AVL, Splay, Heaps, 2-4 Trees, etc…
    • Hash Maps/Tables; External Chaining and Various Probing Techniques
    • Graphs and their Associated Algorithms
  • Become familiar with common algorithms on these data structures
    • Sorting Algorithms: Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Cocktail Shaker, Merge, Quick, Radix etc...
    • Pattern Matching Algorithms: Brute force, Boyer-Moore, KMP, Rabin-Karp
    • Graph Algorithms: Dijkstra’s Shortest Path and multiple MSTs
    • Memoization & Dynamic Programming Approaches
  • Work with Big-O notation, allowing good choices about the appropriate data structure and algorithm to use for a particular programming problem
  • Improve one's ability to test and debug programs

Table of Contents


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Georgia Tech's CS 1332 - Data Structures & Algorithms (Fall 2021)







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