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Cosentino, Oberhauser, Abate - Caratheodory Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent


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This Repository contains the Algorithms explained in
Cosentino, Oberhauser, Abate
"Caratheodory Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent"

The files are divided in the following way:

  • The ipython notebooks contain the experiments to be run;
  • The files *.py are the libraries with all the necessary functions.

Some general notes:

  • The names of the ipynb files refer directly to the experiments in the cited work.
  • The last cells of the notebooks produce the pictures of the pdf, except for plots_rules.ipynb.
  • To reduce the running time the parameters can be easily changed, e.g. decreasing N, n or sample.

Libraries -,

They contain the algorithms relative to the acceleration of the GD-based methods via the
Caratheodory's Theorem. The first is specialised in the logistic regression, while the second in
the least-squares case. The second contains also functions which replicate the behaviour of ADAM and SAG.
Only the functions in are parallelized.

Libraries -, Create_dataset_A.m, src folder

These are the files necessary for the experiments done using the rules of [Nutini et al.].

  • Create_dataset_A.m creates the Dataset A of [Nutini et al.] using Matlab.
  • contains the functions which are the skeleton of the optimization procedure.
    It corresponds to in [Nutini URL]. We have :
    • removed dependencies not relevant for our experiments;
    • added the skeleton for the optimization procedure using the Caratheodory Sampling Procedure.
  • src/ follows the same logic as from [Nutini URL].
    We have kept only the least-squares object and we have modified it because the Cartheodory
    Sampling procedure requires the gradient for any sample.
  • src/update_rules/ the same structure of the same file from [Nutini URL].
    The function update_Caratheodory(…) is the same as update(…) in the cited repository. We added the functions:
    update_Caratheodory, recomb_step, Caratheodory_Acceleration.
  • The rest of the files is the same as [Nutini URL].

[Nutini et al.] Julie Nutini, Issam Laradji, and Mark Schmidt - "Let’s make block coordinate
descent go fast: Faster greedy rules, message-passing, active-set complexity, and
superlinear convergence", arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.08859, 2017.
[Nutini URL]

Library -

It contains the algorithms relative to the reduction of the measure presented in
COSENTINO, OBERHAUSER, ABATE - "A randomized algorithm to reduce the support of discrete measures",
NeurIPS 2020, Available at

Special notes to run the experiments

The notebooks "CaGD_paths.ipynb" and "Comparison_GD_vs_CaGD.ipynb" contain multiple experiments.
You have to comment/uncomment the respective parts of the code as indicated to reproduce the
wanted experiments.

To Run the Experiments - Datasets

To run the experiments, the following dataset need to be donwloaded and saved in the /Datasets folder:


The authors want to thank The Alan Turing Institute and the University of Oxford
for the financial support given. FC is supported by The Alan Turing Institute, TU/C/000021,
under the EPSRC Grant No. EP/N510129/1. HO is supported by the EPSRC grant Datasig
[EP/S026347/1], The Alan Turing Institute, and the Oxford-Man Institute.


Cosentino, Oberhauser, Abate - Caratheodory Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent








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