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Event-Driven Development of the ESPressio Development Platform


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ESPressio Event

Event-Driven Observer Pattern Components of the Flowduino ESPressio Development Platform

Provides a foundation for designing, structuring, and implementing your embedded programs using Event Pattern (Event-Driven Development or "EDD").

Latest Stable Version

The latest Stable Version is 1.0.0.

ESPressio Development Platform

The ESPressio Development Platform is a collection of discrete (sometimes intra-connected) Component Libraries developed with a particular development ethos in mind.

The key objectives of the ESPressio Development Platform are:

  • Light-weight - The Components should always strive to optimize memory consumption and operational overhead as much as possible, but not to the detriment of...
  • Ease of Use - Many of our components serve as Developer-Friendly Abstractions of existing procedural code libraries.
  • Object-Oriented - A type for everything, and everything in a type!
  • SOLID:
    • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) Break your code into smaller, focused components.

    • Open/Closed Principle (OCP) Be open for extension but closed for modification.

    • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) Be substitutable for the base type without altering correctness.

    • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) Break interfaces into specific, client-focused ones.

    • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) Be dependent on abstractions, not concretions.

To the maximum extent possible within the limitations/restrictons/constraints of the C++ langauge, the Arduino platform, and Microcontroller Programming itself, all Component Libraries of the ESPressio Development Platform must strive to honour the SOLID principles.


ESPressio (and its component libraries, including this one) are subject to the Apache License 2.0 Please see the License accompanying this library for full details.


Every type/variable/constant/etc. related to ESPressio Event are located within the Event sub-namespace of the ESPressio parent namespace.

The namespace provides the following (click on any declaration to navigate to more info):


The ESPressio Event library has an internal dependency, which is the ESPressio Threads library.

This library for Event-Driven Development (EDD) builds upon the Threading library directly, so please pay attention to include both libraries in your projects.


You can quickly and easily add this library to your project in PlatformIO by simply including the following in your platformio.ini file:

lib_deps =

Alternatively, if you want to use the bleeding-edge (effectively "Developer Integration Testing" or "DIT") sources, you can instead use:

lib_deps =

Please note that this will use the very latest commits pushed into the repository, so volatility is possible.

RTTI is required for this library!

This library leverages fundamnetal C++ language features that in turn necessitate the use of RTTI (RunTime Type Information).

If you are developing with the Arduino framework but with the ESPressif platform, as of Febraury 22nd 2024, you may need to modify your Platformio.ini configuration as shown below to use a newer (pre-release) version of the packages where RTTI does not break any functionality when using #include <FS.h> in your code:

platform =
platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif32 @

Note that we have been informed that the next major release of the platform will resolve this issue, eliminating this requirement. However, as of February 22nd 2024, the above lines included in your Platformio.ini file is required.

Additionally, you should always define the following in your Platformio.ini file's build configurations:

build_unflags =

Where the above explicitly enables RTTI in your build configuration.

What is "Event-Driven" Observer Pattern?

Event-Driven Observer Pattern is a means of fully (and truly) decoupling your code from each distinct functionality.

By Dispatching Events (through a Queue or a Stack, see later) containing context-specific "payload" information, and having separate code Listen for those Events, we are able to ensure that no direct relationship need exist between either distinct functionality.

In this way, distinct functionalities can be developed in total indepdenence of each other, and all that need be agreed are the Events that will be Dispatched and Received.

Effectively, an Event is an Interface (a "data contract"), containing payload information populated by the origin of the Event, and consumed by any and all EventListeners of that Event.

A central EventManager acts as a Dispatch Manager, coordinating the transit of Events to all relevant EventListeners.

This ESPressio Event library ensures that each EventListener only receives Events of the relevant type, so any Event type can be dispatched trivially from anywhere in your codebase.

Ultimately, Event-Driven Observer Pattern is a logical evolution of the more conventional Observer Pattern (as implemented in ESPressio-Observable), where the only "coupling" within your codebase is between each discrete object implementation and the central EventManager.

Order Of Execution

It is important to understand that Event-Driven Observer Pattern does not enforce any specific Order of Execution.

When an Event is Dispatched (via a Queue or a Stack), that Event is passed along to each EventListener in no specific order.

Keep this in mind when designing your program, because - should you require an enforced Order of Execution, you may need to mix Event-Driven Observer Pattern with conventional Observer Pattern implementations... whatever is most appropriate for each specific use-case.

Events are Asynchronous

Whenever an Event is dispatched, the execution chain from whence it was dispatched shall continue to the next instruction without waiting for the Event to be processed by all EventListeners.

This is fundamnetal to the concept of Event-Driven Observer Pattern, as the dispatching code for any given Event must never need to know about what EventListeners (indeed if any at all) are interested in that Event.

In essence, Events are fire and forget.

This is a favourable concept of Event-Driven Observer Pattern, and one you should take full advantage of when it comes to logicially separating distinct processes within your execution chains.

Reciprocal Events

In order to reconcile the previously-stated fact that Events are processed entirely Asynchronously, your design can (and should) take advantage of the fact that any EventListener for an Event can dispatch a Reciprocal Event, effectively containing payload data consisting of the processed results of the initially-received Event.

This may sound more complicated than it really is, so please read the rest of this document (particularly the illustrative examples herein) which make the design concept extremely clear.

The key to note at this point is that any EventListener can dispatch any number of Events of its own (as necessary) at any time... and that this provides a fully-decoupled solution for what might otherwise need to be a "circular reference".

Once you go Event-Driven, you won't go back!

Event-Driven Observer Pattern, once you've learned the necessary design concepts to leverage it properly in your own code, is an impressively clean way of satisfying the SOLID principles of development.

It is particularly powerful when it comes to developing Modular Code, which can be quickly and easily extended without the need to modify previously-implemented "Modules" within your codebase.

With that said, it is important to understand that no single design pattern is correct for every requirement, and this document shall strive to teach you when it's best to use Event-Driven Observer Pattern, and when it's better to use a Synchronous Observer Pattern instead.

Understanding the Components of ESPressio Event

Before we begin looking at code samples, it's useful to understand the Components of this Library... what they are and what they do.


An Event is simply an object containing information.

With this ESPressio Event library, every Event is a class inheriting from Event

Events must be idempotent, meaning that the values of the members contained within an Event must not be editable once the Event has been dispatched. This is because the same Event will be handed off to all EventListeners for that Event Type, and it is imperative that no EventListener modify any values (particularly as there is no way to know the order in which the EventListeners will receive - and process - the Event)

Additionally, every EventListener will process the same Event on its own EventThread, so idempotence of Events eliminates the need to worry about Thread-Safety.

TL;DR: No member of an Event may be modified once the Event has been dispatched (Queue() or Stack()).

Events are also reference counted once dispatched. This means that you should not retain a reference or pointer to an Event once it has been dispatched, because the Event will be automatically destroyed once all EventListeners have processed it.

Remember: Events are "fire and forget."


EventThread is the heart and soul of the library, and is the class from which your distinct modules of code should inherit.

It is built on top of Thread, from the ESPressio-Threads library, but functions quite differently.

Where a conventional Thread object provides a Loop within which your case-specific implementation is contained, an EventThread does not execute on a loop at all.

Instead, the EventThread sits, patiently and efficiently, in a suspended state until any Event for which an EventListener is registered within your EventThread is dispatched through the EventManager.

When a relevant Event is passed from the EventManager to your EventThread, the Event-specific method you defined for the corresponding EventListener is invoked.

Once all Events relevant to your EventThread have been processed, the EventThread returns to the suspended state, waiting (without consuming cycles) for the next Event of relevance to arrive.

You will see examples of EventThread in action later in this document.

Remember: While only EventThread descendants may receive and process Events, an Event may be created and dispatched from anywhere in your code at any time.


An EventListener is analogous of an Event Processor.

You register EventListeners inside each of your EventThread descendants, and each EventListener is type-specialized to a specific Event type (a class inheriting from Event).

Whenever an Event of that corresponding type is dispatched, it is handed off to the individual Queue or Stack of your EventListeners parent EventThread.

When your EventListener's parent EventThread then processes its internal Event Queue and Stack it will invoke the processing method (typically a Lambda Function) associated with your EventListener, with the Event itself passed into the processing method as a Parameter.

You can invoke RegisterListener and UnregisterListener against any EventListener at any time. This means that you can, in effect, deactivate a specific EventListener when the execution state of your program would benefit from doing so, and no Event will be passed along to it.

This is more efficient than managing a flag (e.g. a bool) and interrogating its state each time an EventListener is processing an Event to determine whether to process it or not.


The EventManager is a singular, central Event Dispatch Handler for all Event types in your implementation.

Each time an EventListener is registered with its parent EventThread, the EventThread notifies the EventManager (automatically, you do not need to write any code to achieve this) that your specific EventThread instance is interested in Events of the corresponding type.

Whenever an Event of a relevant type is Dispatched (through the Queue or Stack), the EventManager knows exactly which EventThread(s) to pass that Event along to for processing.

Remember: You never need to create an instance of EventManager, it is a self-managed "singleton" instance that will be automatically created when the first Event is dispatched, from which point it will exist for the remainder of your program's execution.

Aside from a small amount of allocated active memory (only what is strictly necessary), the EventManager does not consume any resources when it is inactive (it waits in a suspended state until there is work to be done).

Other Internal Components

There are a number of other Interfaces and Concrete Implementations within this library, however they are all intended strictly for internal consumption, therefore are beyond the scope of this document.

Usage Examples

Now we get to the fun part of this document, where we learn how to actually use the ESPressio Event library in your own code.

Before we get to the code, let's conceive of a scenario and define some basic specification.

Let's presume that we have a sensor attached to our microcontroller, capable of reading temperature.

Whenever the temperature changes, we want to dispatch an Event so that any number of EventListeners can process that information for their own purposes.

Meanwhile, we require an EventListener to output a line to the Serial monitor informing that the temperature has changed.

Our microcontroller hardware has a display module, so we also want an EventListener to render the temperature information on that display module.

For the moment, that completes the terse requirements for our code examples to satisfy.

Let's begin by defining an Event for whenever the temperature changes.


We'll create a header file named TemperatureChangeEvent.hpp:

#pragma once

#include <ESPressio_Event.hpp>

using namespace ESPressio::Event;

class TemperatureChangeEvent : public Event {
        int _temperature;
        TemperatureChangeEvent(int temperature) : _temperature(temperature) { }

        int GetTemperature() { return _temperature; }

The above shows how easy it is to define an Event type.

There are a few things to note here:

  • We need to include ESPressio_Event.hpp as this contains the Event base class.
  • We need to ensure we're using the namespace ESPressio::Event because the Event class is a member of this namespace.
  • Note that the only way to set the _temperature value is via the constructor, and we do not provide a SetTemperature method. This is to ensure idemopotence, which is critical for Event types.

With the Event type now defined, it is possible to concurrently implement both the module of code taking temperature readings from the sensor, as well as the module that will display temperature changes in the Serial monitor and the module that will display temperature information on your device's physical display.

This is particularly useful if you are part of a development team, as it becomes trivial to distribute the tasks to separate team members (making your overall development more efficient).

Okay, the Event is ready, let's move on to the Serial monitor outputting module.


We'll create another header file named TemperatureSerialLogger.hpp:

#pragma once

#include <Arduino.h> // You may want to change this depending on your Platform/Framework

#include <ESPressio_EventThread.hpp>
#include <ESPressio_EventEnums.hpp>
#include "TemperatureChangeEvent.hpp" // < contains our Event

using namespace ESPressio::Event;

class TemperatureSerialLogger : public EventThread {
        IEventListenerHandle* _temperatureChangeEventListener = RegisterListener<TemperatureChangeEvent>(
            [&](TemperatureChangeEvent* event, EventDispatchMethod dispatchMethod, EventPriority priority) {
                Serial.printf("Temperature changed to %d.", event->GetTemperature());
        ~TemperatureSerialLogger() {
            delete _temperatureChangeEventListener;

The above shows how trivial it can be to implement an EventThread and define an EventListener for our TemperatureChangeEvent Event type.

Again, there are a few things to note here:

  • We need to include ESPressio_EventThread.hpp to access the EventThread base class.
  • We also need to include ESPressio_EventEnums because this contains the declarations of EventDispatchMethod and EventPriority, both of which are explicitly passed along to EventListeners' respective Event Processing Lambda Functions.
  • Of course, we must include any and all headers containing the declarations of the relevant Event types, in this example, TemperatureChangeEvent.hpp.
  • Any class intent on listening for and processing Events must inherit from EventThread.
  • We can implement our EventListener in-place within the class declaration (as shown above), but we can also implement the same EventListener explicitly in a constructor if we prefer.
  • The Event type for the EventListener is specified by way of the template type specialization (<TemperatureChangeEvent> in this example)
  • Invoking the internal (protected) method of EventThread called RegisterListener will return a pointer to an IEventListenerHandle. This handle should be retained for the lifetime of the _temperatureChangeEventListener member. In this example, that lifetime is that of its parent (encapsulating) TemperatureSerialLogger class instance.
  • It is necessary to manage the lifetime of the IEventListenerHandle pointer, which we suitable handle in this example by declaring the destructor and instructing it to delete _temperatureChangeEventListener;. Failure to do this would result in a memory leak each time an instance of TemperatureSerialLogger is destroyed.

Now we can move on to the module responsible for drawing the temperature on the hardware device's physical display unit.


We'll create another header file named TemperatureDisplay.hpp:

#pragma once

#include <ESPressio_EventThread.hpp>
#include <ESPressio_EventEnums.hpp>
#include "TemperatureChangeEvent.hpp" // < contains our Event

using namespace ESPressio::Event;

class TemperatureDisplay : public EventThread {
        IEventListenerHandle* _temperatureChangeEventListener = RegisterListener<TemperatureChangeEvent>(
            [&](TemperatureChangeEvent* event, EventDispatchMethod dispatchMethod, EventPriority priority) {
                // Code here to render the value of `event->GetTemperature()` on the phsyical display unit for this hardware device.
        ~TemperatureDisplay() {
            delete _temperatureChangeEventListener;

You will notice that the code is almost 100% identical for TemperatureDisplay and TemperatureSerialLogger. The only difference is the contents of the Lambda Function executed when the TemperatureChangeEvent is being processed by this EventListener.

Given that there are a vast number of different physical display units available, we have decided not to include actual rendering code in this example because it is beyond the scope of this document. However, you can see clearly in the above code example where you would add the specific code to render the temperature on your physical display unit.

So, the Event is defined, both of our EventListeners (and their encapsulating EventThreads) have been defined... all that remains is to implement the Thermometer module itself.


We'll create another header file named Thermometer.hpp:

#pragma once

#include "TemperatureChangeEvent.hpp" // < contains our Event

class Thermometer {
        int _temperature = 0;
        void UpdateTemperature() {
            // Code here to read the temperature value from the sensor into an `int` variable named `temperature`
            if (_temperature == temperature) { return; } // If the temperature hasn't changed, we can simply return.

            // If we made it here, the temperature has changed.

            _temperature = temperature; // Update the stored temperature to compare next time

            (new TemperatureChangeEvent(temperature))->Queue(); // Dispatch our `TemperatureChangeEvent`

The above code example defines a simple class named Thermometer, whose UpdateTemperature() method can be called in the loop() method of the .ino or main.cpp file.

This is the most simplistic example possible, but we want to illustrate the point that you can dispatch an Event from literally anywhere in your code.

A couple of things to note:

  • We've ommitted code from this example that would be specific to any one sensor unit, since there are a vast number of them with different methods to read their data.
  • The only real line of significance is (new TemperatureChangeEvent(temperature))->Queue();.
  • The above line not only instanciates a TemperatureChangeEvent, it dispatches it through the Queue with a Normal priority (where no parameter values are given, the Normal priority Queue or Stack will be used).
  • This example dispatches the Event instance via a Queue (first in, first out), but you can substitute Queue() for Stack() to dispatch the Event instance via a Stack (last in, first out) instead.

Okay, the modules are all defined and implemented, so all that remains is to implement our .ino or main.cpp file (depending on what IDE you're using for your development work)

.ino file or main.cpp

Let's just dive right in here:

#include "TemperatureSerialLogger.hpp"
#include "TemperatureDisplay.hpp"
#include "Thermometer.hpp"

TemperatureSerialLogger temperatureSerialLogger;
TemperatureDisplay temperatureDisplay;
Thermometer thermometer;

setup() {
    delay(500); // Small delay just to ensure the Serial monitor is ready

loop() {

Simple, right?


Did you notice something?

TemperatureSerialLogger has no relationship with TemperatureDisplay or Thermometer.

TemperatureDisplay has no relationship with TemperatureSerialLogger or Thermometer

Thermometer has no relationship with TemperatureSerialLogger or TemperatureDisplay

Yet, despite that, whenever the temperature changes in Thermometer, both TemperatureSerialLogger and TemperatureDisplay will act on that Event perfectly.

All of our modules are completely decoupled, and the only common Interface between them (at least, in terms of your program implementation) is the TemperatureChangeEvent itself.

Better still, we can as many EventListeners for TemperatureChangeEvent as the program requires, and they can each be introduced entirely independently, without the need to modify any existing implementation in any way.

Can a single EventThread have more than one EventListener?

Yes! You can register as many EventListeners for as many Event types as each EventThread necessitates.

TODO List:

  • Expand this README.MD with more information and examples
    • Demonstrate EventPriority in more detail
    • Demonstrate examples where conventional Observer Pattern is a better option than Event-Driven Observer Pattern.
    • Add example projects to the "examples" folder

Extensions for ESPressio Event

The following Extensions are available for the ESPressio Event library:

  • ESPressio Event Exchange (currently unavailable) - Components facilitating the exchange of Events between devices (even across different architectures).


Event-Driven Development of the ESPressio Development Platform






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