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CAS FEE // Project 2

🔥 What's hot

Progressive Web App

Wettemer🄬 was developed mobile first with a fluid design. It updates real-time without you having to reload the site even once. Most features that Wettemer🄬 offers are also available offline.

Latest and newest front end technology

  • The latest and fastest ReactJS 16.2
  • MaterialUI next
  • Not a single line of CSS. It's pure JS.
  • Using latest JavaScript features thanks to Babel

☔ What's not

  • Using beta software (Firestore, Firebase Functions, Material UI, Puppeteer) took a lot of time and effort. Even though we learned a lot :)
  • React is awesome and fun, but there are too many add-on libraries to choose from. That takes a lot of time just for research.
  • During the CAS FEE only little practical knowledge on how to build real react apps (not counters) was given.
  • Real-time and offline is awesome. But there's no such thing as a free lunch -> devtime++
  • We are no designers

🤓 Demo

💻 Browser Support

Wettemer was tested on all major browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer

👩‍💻 User Testing


  • Head of Test: Dennis Briner
  • Date of Tests: 13.04.2018 - 16.04.2018
  • Test Object: as a platform
  • Business Case: We want to see if the app is intuitive, user friend and fun
  • Main Objectives: Test persons have to be able to use the app as intended without any instructions
  • Tester: Choosen were people from our private environment. Three testers were recruited, two female one male.
  • Equipment: The testers mobile phone (two iOS, one Android Device)
  • Task: On purpouse, no specific task was given. Just the URL with the words "go ahead and check it out". user testing

Positive Results

  • the app is almost self explaining and very intuitive
  • they liked the app and thought it's fun
  • offline and real time features impressed

Room for Improvement

  • more features were requested
  • the determination who has won a bet should be improved
  • adding users is hart, cause the exact email has to be entered
  • add button not always perfectly visible on mobile browser
  • make it an app (by adding site to home screen) should be more advertised

🚀 Setup





yarn <script> explanation
test run all tests.
test:components start component tests.
test:e2e start e2e tests.
test:e2eDebug start e2e tests in debug mode (opens browser window and dev console).
test:pixel start screenshot tests.
test:redux test redux actions.



  • Wettemer Authorized Google Account
  • firebase-tools > 3.18 npm i firebase-tools -g

deploy firebase functions

  • cd functions
  • npm i


  • yarn deploy to build and deploy

🗄 Documents


No description, website, or topics provided.






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