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James edited this page Jul 7, 2019 · 4 revisions


bricklife and mirai-iro, who started reverse-engineering the .ppm format almost as soon as the app was released. We'd also like to thank other members of the Japanese Flipnote community, such as harimau_tigris, and the ugohammer blog (no longer online).

steven and yellows8 from DSiBrew for extending documentation of the .ppm format.

JSA for performing captures of Flipnote Hatena on the DSi before it was shut down, and for beginning to work on the web client.

PBSDS for more .ppm and web client work, as well as reverse-engineering the .ntft and .nbf formats. He also wrote Hatena-tools

Nick Swarr for reverse-engineering some .ugo format features.

Midmad (no link available) and WDLMaster for pinpointing Flipnote's sound codec.

Sudofox from Sudomemo for reverse-engineering chunks of Flipnote Studio's web client features.

Jaames for most of this documentation and reverse-engineering meta tags, command search and keyboard input, and completing work on the .ugo, .nbf, .npf and .ppm formats.

Shutterbug2000 for doing more research into Flipnote's internals; and in the process discovering the nds-constrain't exploit which allows unmodified consoles to connect to replacement Flipnote Hatena servers even after Hatena's auth server went offline. They also found the ugopwn exploit and the channel menu .ugo layout.

Khangaroo for solving certain issued with the .ppm format related to the byte alignment of audio.

GBATEK for their comprehensive documentation of the Nintendo DSi internals.

JoshuaDoes for grammar checks and acting as a voice of reason.

PokeAcer For creating a "No SSL" patch for Flipnote Studio and using it to perform dumps of the auth process. The NAS auth documentation by Pokémon Ierukana and Mario Kart Wiiki helped when decoding the headers.

The Sudomemo, Kaeru Team, and extended Flipnote communities for continuing to support us throughout our efforts. Thank you.

A huge thank you to Nintendo for creating Flipnote Studio. The fact that thousands of people continue to use it despite the DSi being "outdated" hardware is testament to just how special it is.

And Hatena, for creating Flipnote Hatena; a fun and enjoyable community for aspiring artists from all around the globe.