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A web application developed in Javascript, that implements a polyrhythmic drum machine, based on the Web Audio Api. It provides a physical based sound generation system that lets the user play with gravity, to create unusual percussive and melodic patterns.


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Gravity Drum Machine

Jacopo Piccirillo

Federico Di Marzo

February 2020


Linearity is not the most enjoyed parameterization when it comes to perception of sound. Complex is -somehow- a more enjoyed and natural behavior.

Even if modern drum-machines offer many different and inspiring tools devoted to rhythm, they seldom allow to explore sound generation in a chaotic fashion. To create interesting and everchanging percussive textures, we thought it could be particularly useful to superimpose different chaotic rhythmic elements to simpler patterns.

The concept of unpredictability has already been covered from hardware and software drum-machine manufactures in terms of conditional step triggering or geometrical pseudo randomization. Anyway, we wandered more and thought about: what if we could develop a system that automates sound morphing and generation according to the laws of nature?

From these main ideas the gravity drum machine concept was born.

  • Main features

    Gravity field

    • The basic concept of this software is to simulate a universe in which motion is determined by a gravity field. The universe has a signature associated (e.g. 3/4:5/8) which can be determined by the user. Every step in the signature is associated to a different system which starts its motion when tempo triggers the associated step. In every system there is a black ball which generates a gravity field and, when not muted, gets triggered emitting a sound every time the simulation starts. User can put other (randomly coloured) balls inside which will move according to the laws of gravitational motion and sound when they'll collide with the black ball.

    Physical motion

    • Every kind of (complex esponential, solution of a second order differential equation, ..) physical motion can be simulated with this software, from circular motion to damped oscillation, as better specified later.


    • The software can simulate more than a galaxy at the same time, each associated with his own time signature. This will result in the capability of generating a universe sounding as every kind of polyrhythm, whith the possibility of the superposition of linear and non-linear behaviours with the addition of moving balls by the user.

    Positional panning

    • Sound emitted by moving objects are panned as their position in the simulation, resulting in a dynamic stereo pan effect, improving audio/video perception.

    Motion modulation

    • Behaviours can be automated following gravity-motion equations patterns, resulting in complex exponential behaviours. There will be damped behaviours in colliding balls, which will go subject also to a friction force. Non-colliding balls will not be subject to friction.

    Double view

    • There are two views in this drum machine, the first called Galaxy view which has a standard -sequencer fashioned- architecture. Inside the Galaxy view there will be one or more systems (e.g. three for a 3/4 galaxy, one for every step of the sequence), and all of them will be accessible via the System view. Inside the System view gravity motion happens. Systems get triggered, starting and ending their sound and motion, by the metronome.

    Dynamic forces

    • Amplitude of gravitational and frictional forces can be changed (via force constants scaling), resulting in a dynamic physical model.
  • Limits and future features

    Along with the physical impossibility of subdividing time under certain orders, the "tone.js" library we used does not support infinitely dense time subdivisions. Supporting polyrhythms leads to frequencies of the order from pow(2,n) to pow(n,n), n being how many prime numbers are divisors of at least one denominator, which tone magnifies 127 times by the "tone.js" library object used to handle tempo. Frequencies can become very high especially when metric measure subdivisions (i.e. denominator of metric signatures) are (or are divided by) lots of different prime numbers, leading to very small time subdivisions and possible errors.

    Hardware limits warning: if one implements particularly complex sound patterns using this software having a not very powerful hardware on his machine, application can lag, especially if Operating System implements GPU audio processing. If so, try reducing size of the window in which application is loaded to avoid lagging. If one has powerful hardware this is not an issue.

    We are currently focused on doppler-effect features, enhancement of modulation possibilities, harmonic and melodic sound pattern generation and overall interface improvement.

    More will come


-->Figure 1: New project<--

When loaded the software will display a black screen in which the universe will be composed of a single galaxy associated with a 1/4 signature. Therefore the newborn universe will be started containing one single galaxy which will itself contain one single system, this represented by the single green-margined central square shown in the center of Figure 1. We will call in this text what is shown in Figure 1 and 2 "Galaxy view" to distinguish it from the "System view", which usage will become clear later in this overview.

On the top right corner we find an icon that will show a menu when clicked, giving the option of saving the current project or loading a previously saved one, along with the option of creating or destroying sequences (i.e. galaxies).

Under that icon we find the rhythmic metric associated with the newborn galaxy, which can be modified by clicking on it: a popup will appear in which the metric can be reset. By doing that new systems will be spawned (or canceled if the numerator of the metric gets decreased), all of them composed in the beginning just by a central, gravity attracting, black ball.

-->Figure 2: 3/4 galaxy<--

Moving towards the bottom right corner we find play and stop buttons, which can be toggled also by pressing the spacebar. BPMs are located left of them; a pop-up will spawn when clicking giving the possibility of changing them. On the bottom left we find the galaxy name, which can be reset by clicking on it and typing the desired name in the pop-up that will appear.

On the top-left we find just the name of the software and under that -i.e. center left- a thin bar. Usage of aforementioned bar will be clear when how to generate polyrhythms will be discussed.

We have so covered the galaxy view and move now forward towards the system view.

-->Figure 3: System view<--

Clicking on one of the systems user will be projected into the system view which will appear as a blank space populated initially only by the central gravity ball.

We here find the same already described features of the galaxy view, with no thin bar displayed and with the software name substituted by a left-pointing arrow, which gives the possibility of going back to galaxy view when clicked on.

The central ball will emit a sound when the metronome triggers its system. Central balls can also be muted: when in pause, clicking on the central ball will cause it to go empty, representing the fact that the ball is now muted (but still attracting other balls). Clicking on it again will unmute it.

-->Figure 5: Muted gravity ball<--

Always when in pause, clicking everywhere in the blank space will generate other balls, that will be attracted by the central ball, emitting a sound when colliding. Clicking on them again will remove them, clicking and holding will give the possibility of dragging them around.

Right clicking on a ball generates a pop-up menu which gives, among the other options, possibilities of choosing from a wide range of possible motions, choosing between a sampler and a monosynth and choosing triggered note. This menu will be better explained later in the Sound Module section.

-->Figure 4: Adding balls<--

You are now Up&Going! Open your software, set your rhythmic signature, place balls inside the system and hit play to watch them sound as systems evolve, or enjoy a more broad view stepping in the galaxy. Have fun!

Advanced usage

-->Figure 6: Menu<--

We until now have understood how to initiate and make a single galaxy sound. Now we will focus on a deeper usage.

Multiple galaxies and polyrhythms

We already talked about the possibility of simulating more than one galaxy in order to obtain a more-complex, polyrhythmical behaviour. To do so, all we have to do is to add other galaxies, set all of them as we already discussed previously for a single one and hit play.

-->Figure 7: 3/4 galaxy in a 3/4:5/8 universe<--

To create a new galaxy we have to click on "New Sequence" from the menu (Fig.6). This will generate an entire new galaxy, superimposed with the previous one. We will see the white bar in the middle left now having the possibility of moving through 2 different states, indexing the two currently existing galaxies. Every time we want to create a galaxy we have to iterate the process. States will increase by one every time a new galaxy gets created in the universe and decrease by one when destroyed. Currently there is no limit for the number of states.

To remove a galaxy scroll to it and click "Delete Sequence" from the menu.

-->Figure 8: 5/8 galaxy in a 3/4:5/8 universe<--

Hitting up and down arrow will scroll through the index, currispondent galaxy showing on the screen.

Sound FX settings

Selecting "Sound FX settings" from the main menu will spawn a pop-up containing three sliders:

  • Delay time

  • Delay feedback

  • Reverb size

These will be parameters of a shared FX Channel Bus to which sound signal can be sent from every Sound module, as described in next section. The Fx Channel is connected to master channel and user will perceive the superposition of the two signals. The send gain will be controlled via reverb and delay send sliders from the Sound Module's setting menu.

Sound modules and their menu

Either attracting and moving balls contain a sound module. This will contain a sound source along with the possibilities of changing some of its parameters and automating them over time. Attack of sources will be triggered by collisions or metronome.

Right clicking on a ball will pop-up a menu which will give the possibility of changing ball's size (we remind here that an increased size will not affect acceleration of the object), triggered note, audio module contained (sample or monosynth right now). Along with the size slider there will be another two, one regulating delay send and the other reverb send.

Finally we find two drop-down menus: one for selecting desired trajectory and one for choosing between different sources.

  • Every audio module will have some other options inside this menu:


    • Selectable sample via drop-down menu.

    • Release slider.

    • Randomize checkbox: selecting will trigger every time a random note.

    • Dynamic pitch checkbox: selecting will shift pitch according to distance from the gravity ball.

    Mono Synth

    • Amp attack slider.

    • Amp release slider.

    • Filter attack slider.

    • Filter release slider.

    • Filter cutoff slider.

    • Filter envelope amount slider.

    • Detune slider.

    • Dynamic filter checkbox: selecting will change the cutoff frequency according to distance from the gravity ball.


Hitting left and right arrow in the galaxy view will scroll through galaxy's systems, the selected one being surrounded by a green margin. Pressing cmd(ctrl) + c will copy the selected system, which can be pasted in another one by moving over it and pressing cmd(ctrl) + v.

Saving and loading universes

It is possible to save the configuration obtained for future usages, by clicking on "Save Universe" from the menu. Doing so will spawn a pop-up containing a link which will download a ".galaxy" object. Name of the object will be the same as the universe.

To reload the configuration, it is sufficient to click on "Load Universe" from the menu and load the object back from where it was stored through the pop-up that will appear.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Press "u" to switch from system to galaxy view and vice-versa.
  • Press "spacebar" to toggle play and stop.
  • Press "cmd(ctrl) + c" to copy a system and "cmd(ctrl) + v" to paste it.
  • Select System with left and right arrow.
  • Select Galaxy with up and down arrow.

Motion parameters

Selecting "Motion Parameters" from main menu will make appear a pop-up menu containing two sliders, giving the possibility to modify gravity and friction's intensity.

"G constant" will modify gravity, while "friction" will modify friction.

Physics' insights

Everything here works under rigorous physical laws. For a deeper understanding of the automation possibility of this software it is worth having a look at its physics. We will enumerate the different possible types of motion and what kind of automation one can get from it.

Automations can be taken in this software as the temporal evolution of coordinates and velocities of the objects. The graph coordinate(velocity)-time will correspond to the envelope obtained.

  • Colliding Motions

    This motion will be an harmonic damped oscillator. An exact harmonic damped envelope can be found in the time-evolution of the radius of a colliding ball.

    We currently implemented three options for collisions:

    Free fall

    • Ball will have zero initial velocity and simply fall towards the gravity ball.

    Collision hard (coll-hard in sound module menu)

    • Energy will be above zero in this case and ball will be shooted with high velocity pointing to gravity ball, colliding only one time and then moving away without falling again (since Energy > 0).

    Collision soft (coll-soft in sound module menu)

    • Energy will be below amount needed to orbit, so ball will collide more than one time. Initial velocity will have a random-generated angle between (-PI, PI) with respect to radius direction, since Energy balance allows us to be sure that shooting in every direction will make the ball collide, if it has enough time to do that (if tempo is too fast it could happen that system resets its motion before ball actually falls). This will result in lots of possibilities of trajectories and peculiar automations.

All aforementioned trajectories will resent of friction and result in a damped oscillation behaviour; belove non-colliding orbits are described, which will not resent of friction.

  • Circular motion

    Both x and y coordinates follow a periodic sine-cosine behaviour. From x and y coordinates we can get a sine wave behaviour (y) and a cosine wave one (x), so the second one having PI/2 phase shift from the first one. Frequency will be the frequency of the motion.

    More, from the angle we can get a linear behaviour, wich will result in a sawtooth-wave modulation. Frequency of the wave will be proportional directly to velocity and inversely to radius of the ball, slope inverting according to clockwise/conuter-clockwise motion.

  • Elliptical motion

    Elliptical motion can be decomposed over the superposition of two perpendicular harmonic motions at different frequencies. This means that in general one will get linear combinations of two different sine-fashioned waves in the time evolution of x and y, and so an automatization following a pattern of the sum (or difference) of two sine oscillators with a different gain.

    Radius and angle will follow more complex (and worth exploring) periodic patterns. Same can be said about the slope of the angular evolution as in the circular case.

  • Hyperbolic motion

    The ball will describe a parabola with one focus situated where the gravity ball is. Radius will be equivalent to the distance of the ball by the focus. From this case can be computed a non.linear hyperbolic behaviour.

  • Parabolic motion

    In this case balls follow the pattern of a parabola in which the radius represents the distance from its focus. From this case can be computed a non-linear pow(x,2) behaviour.

Excepting collision hard, initial velocities are computed with inverse proportionality with respect to the radius, so velocity will be higher when near and slower when far. The opposite stands for collision hard.

In future we will implement the possibility for the user to decide velocity magnitude himself.

Dynamic forces notes:

Initial velocity when selecting peculiar trajectory will be computed at the time one clicks on the desired one from the drop-down menu. When scaling through the menu gravity and friction it is suggestable first to scale forces and then select desired trajectory. Doing otherwise will compute the trajectory using old data which will result in an unpredictable motion.

Selectable trajectories notes:

Every aforementioned trajectory can be selected fom the drop-down trajectory menu. These will all have a random component, either in the angle or in initial velocity or both. We used a trick in order not to have collisions from every point in which a ball can be dropped: under certain radiuses elliptic orbit will decade in a circular one. This because motion's computations are made considering every ball as a single point in space. When placing a ball too near the gravity one, elliptic orbits will be computed going through the portion of space occupied by the gravity ball and this will result in a collision.

This is not entirely resolvable if not by widening more the minor axis and compriming more the major one of the ellipsis, so in the end selecting elliptical motion being too close to the gravity center will make the trajectory collapse in a circular one, in order to avoid collisions.

The possibility of collision when not desired is minimum but there is a tight area in which this could still happen, under very unfortunate conditions. If so, try reducing ball's size in order to avoid it.

Code architecture

Our Gravity Drum Machine has been developed as a dynamic web application, based on the Web Audio API. The application is delivered to the user from the server as an index html page, connected to many styles and javascript modules.

In this section the code architecture is depicted broadly, to introduce the main interrelated components that form the final product.

  • MVC structure

Scalability was one of our main concern during development; we aimed to gradually add new components and options to our drum machine, avoiding unnecessary complexity in the code structure.

To pursue this intention, we arranged our code in a MVC fashion, exploiting many useful tools and proper schemes of web apps.

Our view is defined in many html pages, that can be composed in a modular way, allowing us to create a single isolated file for every component of the product.
The graphical style has been enhanced with css style files.

The model comprises many javascript modules, each one containing information about physical properties or audio parameters.

All the logic in the application, that connects the user interaction in the view, with model updating, is delegated to two controller modules. To allow an automatic update of model properties, most html input tags have an auto-update class, used inside the controller to send input's values to a model object, that updates independently. This design choice offers a clean and easy way to add functionalities to the application without worrying about updating the controller's code every time.

  • Graphical rendering

The drum machine was designed to be fun to interact with and graphically appealing; to support these principles, we needed as much freedom as a web environment could offer. We used an html canvas component to draw our evolving universes, all the rendering process delegated to the GraphicRenderer class.

This class takes all the information needed for showing the evolution of the universe directly from the model. The rendering is completely independent from the rate at which the model is updated.

The standard window.requestAnimationFrame function is used to exploit GPU acceleration, allowing for smooth animations even on high CPU load.

  • Physical modeling

Our project started from a physical modeling of gravity motion, to which we added the possibility of frictional forces.

We hand-coded all the logic behind the simulation, without using external libraries, because we felt the need to design our model over our very specific needs, allowing for a better integration and performance optimization.

  • Step sequencing

Aside from the GraphicRenderer, many other components needed some mechanism to handle regular time updates. To accomplish the task, we developed the Metronome class, that internally uses Tone.Transport (a Tone.js component) with a custom event handling system.

Every drum-machine is based on the concept of rhythmic step triggering; a clock system designed in order to synchronize sequencing correctly. For our Gravity Drum Machine we took advantage of the clever design of the Tone.Transport utility to implement a polyrhythmic step sequencer.

Tone.Transport contains an event handling system based on a single time signature and bpm. In order to allow this component to fire step events, considering the possible presence of polyrhythms, our Metronome class performs a computation of a common time signature in a recursive fashion:

N3/D3 = mcm(N1xK1, N2xK2)/mcm(N1, N2)

K1 = mcm(N1, N2) / D1

K2 = mcm(N1, N2) / D2

where N1/D1 and N2/D2 are two different time divisions, N3/D3 is the new subdivision to be compared to the next one.

The resulting quarter note (ie. "4n" in Tone.js alphabet), becomes the tatum of the step sequencer. For every independent sequence than, the Metronome calculate a multiplier Mi, that indicates the number of tatum needed to continue to the next step.

Mi = D / Di

  • State update

The state evolution of the model, is performed through the class GridStateUpdater. The metronome fires a state update event every 5ms, calling a method inside GridStateUpdater, that updates the model according to the physical simulation.

Before every cycle, collisions checks between orbiting balls and the gravity center are performed, triggering a ball's sound module in case of impact.

  • Saving and loading

The application offers the possibility to save the current universe's configuration locally in a file with a .galaxy extension. These files can be loaded later, allowing the users to recall a previous state for further editing, or just to enjoy again their complex creations.

All the process is handled by the Screenshot module. Every model's class, has a method to perform a deep copy of the object, used by the Screenshot module to create a JSON file, that can be downloaded by the user.
This file, is used in the loading phase, to reconstruct all the objects that compose the model.

The Screenshot module is also used to perform a copy/paste operation between systems.

  • Sound modules

We chose to use Tone.js to develop all the audio features of our application. In order to adapt the library to our codebase, we designed the interface SoundModule. Through this interface, we handled the problem of maintaining all the references between the connections of all audio nodes.

Every SoundModule is associated with a ball and it's directly connected to the master output. In addiction, each of them is also connected with an fx-bus that contains a delay and a reverb module through two gain nodes (acting as a send gain).

-->Figure 9: Audio flux scheme<--

Authors' notes

This project started as an examination and ended up in something we will further develop and expand; believing its potential much bigger than the amount this first version is exploiting, and being a perfect playground for sound/gravity-motion experiments.

Jacopo Piccirillo

Federico Di Marzo


A web application developed in Javascript, that implements a polyrhythmic drum machine, based on the Web Audio Api. It provides a physical based sound generation system that lets the user play with gravity, to create unusual percussive and melodic patterns.








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