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TYPO3 extensions to generate new random data or replace existing data with random data


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TYPO3 Extension randomdata

TYPO3 extensions to generate new random data or replace existing data with random data

This extensions uses and was inspired by Thanks go out to the builders, contributors and maintainers of those projects.


  • TYPO3 CMS 9.5, 10.4 or 11.5
  • PHP 7.2+
  • Licence: GPL 3.0


After installing randomdata in TYPO3 you can run it using the following command:

vendor/bin/typo3 randomdata:generate configuration.yaml

For more information about the command line options, use the following command:

vendor/bin/typo3 help randomdata:generate

The location of the configuration yaml file needs to be inside the site root.

For each record type you want to add to a PID you have to add configuration to the yaml file. The configuration for a single record type in a single pid looks like this:

  table: recordTable
  pid: recordPid
  action: action
  count: numberOfRecordsToCreate
      provider: Provider
  • recordTypeName is just a label. It can be anything you want. For example news
  • table is the database table for the record. This table has to be known in TCA. For example tx_news_domain_model_news
  • pid is the UID of the page for the record. For example 4
  • action is the action to perform. By default only 2 actions are possible: insert to create new records and replace to replace all existing records of this type for that pid. It is also possible to create custom actions.
  • count is the number of records to create. This is only needed for the action insert. For example 10
  • fields contains the configuration for the fields of the records.
  • field1 is the name of a field of the record. For example title
  • provider is the name of the Provider to use when generating the random data. For example Words.

A lot of Providers also require additional configuration. These can be placed on the same level as the Provider.


The following providers are available by default:

  • Barcode
    • type: The type of barcode [aen13 (default), aen8, isbn10, isbn13]
  • Boolean
  • City
  • Color
    • type: The type of color [hexColor (default), rgbColor, rgbCssColor, colorName, safeColorName]
  • Company
  • CountryCode
  • Country
  • CreditcardExpirationDate
  • CreditcardNumber
  • CreditcardType
  • CurrencyCode
  • DateTime
    • minimum: The minimum date in any valid date/time format
    • maximum: The maximum date in any valid date/time format
    • timezone: The timezone
    • format: The format as set for the PHP date() function
  • Domain
    • type: The type of domain [domainName (default), safeEmailDomain, freeEmailDomain, tld]
  • Email
    • type: The type of e-mail address [email (default), safeEmail, freeEmail, companyEmail]
  • Emoji
  • FieldDateTime
    • field: The DateTime field to base this date/time on
    • fieldFormat: The format as set for the DateTime field
    • interval: The interval in any valid date/time format
    • timezone: The timezone
    • format: The format as set for the PHP date() function
  • FileExtension
  • File
    • minimum: Minimum number
    • maximum: Maximum number
    • source: Source directory containing files
    • referenceFields: Fields in the file reference
  • FirstName
    • gender: Gender of the name [null (default), male, female]
  • FixedValue
    • value: The value
  • Float
    • minimum: Minimum number
    • maximum: Maximum number
    • decimals: Maximum number of decimals
  • FullAddress
  • Hash
    • type: Type of the hash [sha1 (default), sha256, md5]
  • Iban
    • country: Country for the Iban
  • Integer
    • minimum: Minimum number
    • maximum: Maximum number
  • Ip
    • type: The type of IP address [ipv4 (default), ipv6, localIpv4]
  • JobTitle
  • LanguageCode
  • LastName
  • Locale
  • MimeType
  • Name
    • gender: The gender of the name [null (default), male, female]
    • addTitle: Add a title to the name [false (default), true]
  • Paragraphs
    • minimum: The minimum number of paragraphs
    • maximum: The maximum number of paragraphs
    • sentences: The approximate number of sentences (could be a few more or less randomly)
    • html: Run through htmlSpecialChars and add <p> and </p> tags [false (default), true]
  • PhoneNumber
    • e164: The phone number should be in e164 format [false (default), true]
  • Postcode
  • RandomValue
    • values: Array of values
  • Relation
    • table: The table to select the relation from
    • pid: The pid to select the relation from
    • minimum: The minumum number
    • maximum: The maximum number
  • Sentences
    • minimum: The minimum number
    • maximum: The maximum number
  • State
  • StreetAddress
  • Street
  • SwiftBic
  • Text
    • maximum: The maximum number
  • Title
    • gender [null (default), male, female]
  • Url
  • UserAgent
    • type: The browser type [null (default), chrome, firefox, safari, opera]
  • Uuid
  • Words
    • minimum: The minimum number
    • maximum: The maximum number

Example configuration yaml

  table: sys_category
  pid: 4
  action: insert
  count: 10
      provider: Words
      minimum: 1
      maximum: 3

  table: tx_news_domain_model_news
  pid: 4
  action: insert
  count: 20
      provider: Sentences
      minimum: 1
      maximum: 1
      provider: Sentences
      minimum: 1
      maximum: 30
      provider: Paragraphs
      minimum: 1
      maximum: 10
      html: true
      provider: DateTime
      minimum: -1 year
      maximum: now
      format: U
      provider: Relation
      table: sys_category
      minimum: 0
      maximum: 5
      provider: File
      minimum: 0
      maximum: 1
      source: fileadmin/randomimages/
          provider: FixedValue
          value: 1
      provider: FixedValue

Custom Provider

You can create a custom provider from your own extension by adding a class which implements \WIND\Randomdata\Provider\ProviderInterface. It should have at least a static generate method.

You can set your custom provider in the configuration yaml file by setting the full class name in the provider option. For example provider: \My\Custom\Provider

Custom action

If you need anything other than insert or replace as action, you can use the generateItemCustomAction signal slot. You also need to set your action in the $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['randomdata']['allowedActions'] array.