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Identity Server 4 Docker Container Image

This container image contains IdentityServer 4 plus the in memory quickstart UI. The intended use is for integration testing your authentication pipeline.

Getting started

docker pull eventstore/idsrv4

docker run \
    --rm -it \
    -p 5000:5000 \                                            # HTTP port
    -p 5001:5001 \                                            # HTTPS port
    --volume $PWD/users.conf.json:/etc/idsrv4/users.conf \    # mount users file; required
    --volume $PWD/idsrv4.conf.json:/etc/idsrv4/idsrv4.conf \  # mount configuration file

Example users.conf

The users.conf file must contain json array matching the schema of a TestUser and must be mounted to /etc/idsrv4/users.conf:

  "subjectId": "818727",
  "username": "alice",
  "password": "alice",
  "claims": [{
    "type": "name",
    "value": "Alice Smith"  
  }, {
    "type": "email",
    "value": ""

Example idsrv4.conf

The idsrv4.conf file should contain configuration for IdentityResources, ApiResources, and Clients, and must be mounted to /etc/idsrv4/idsrv4.conf. There are many ways to set these up, please refer to the IdentityServer4 documentation or this example for more information.