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  • Ubuntu
    • Install gfortran, g++, make
    • Download mfold, gs src

Howto build

  • Ubuntu
    • mfold
      • chmod 744 ./configure
      • FFLAGS="-static-libgfortran -static-libgcc -static" LDFLAGS="-static" ./configure --prefix=/root/mfold/mfold-3.6 --disable-dependency-tracking
      • Rename src/UGENEefn.f and src/UGENEnewtemp.f to src/efn.f and src/newtemp.f consequently (yes, rewrite files generated by configure) (cp src/UGENEefn.f src/efn.f, cp src/UGENEnewtemp.f src/newtemp.f)
      • Run make, then make install
      • After make install there is a folder /root/mfold/mfold-3.6/bin with scripts and binaries. Replace /root/mfold/mfold-3.6/bin/mfold with ./UGENEmfold (rename it to mfold) (cp UGENEmfold /root/mfold/mfold-3.6/bin/mfold)
      • Finally copy UGENE proxy et-like script for calling mfold: cp /root/mfold/
    • gs
      • CXXFLAGS="-std=c++98" LDFLAGS=-static ./configure --prefix=/root/mfold/gs10.02.0 --with-libiconv=no --without-libtiff --without-ijs --without-urf --without-so --without-cal --with-drivers=PNG,PS --without-gnu-make --with-fontpath --without-tesseract --disable-fontconfig
      • make && make install
      • (Optionally) Remove doc and man folders from gs prefix folder.
    • (Optionally) Check correctness:
      • echo TAGTTATTAATAGTA > inp.txt
      • chmod 744 /root/mfold/
      • /root/mfold/ SEQ=inp.txt NA=DNA
      • Expected: script finished successfully, a lot of files started with "inp.txt" generated, there are 11 ps files and 11 png files.
      • ldd /root/mfold/mfold-3.6/bin/auxgen shouldn't print shared/dinamic libraries.
      • ldd /root/mfold/gs10.02.0/bin/gs shouldn't print shared/dinamic libraries.

Note that this check isn't enough.

  • Add chmod for scripts in git
  • -std=c++98 or -static? Why is this enough? Where is the difference?
  • Spaces in path don't work